View Full Version : Barbara's Birthday!

05-14-2013, 09:24 AM
Happy Birthday, Barbara! I hope Orion and Kiri are giving you tons of birthday purrs and head-bumps!

Felicia's Mom
05-14-2013, 09:39 AM
Happy Birthday Barbara! Have a great day!:D

05-14-2013, 11:22 AM
Happy Hoppy Birthday, Barbara! Hope everyone is extra good to you today!

Pinot's Mom
05-14-2013, 11:47 AM
Happiest of Birthdays!

05-14-2013, 12:41 PM
Happy birthday, BARBARA!!!!!



05-14-2013, 03:09 PM
This is so sweet of all of you to think of me:)
We are going through a hard time due to Siegmar's health and I am not half as much on PT as I should;)
Kiri and Orion however will purr and play which is very festive;)

05-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Happy Birthday Barbara :)

Sorry to here about Siegmar's bad health, but hope happier times are on the horizion.

05-14-2013, 06:28 PM
Happy birthday, Barbara.

I hope Siegmar's health is restored soon.

05-14-2013, 06:31 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barbara------hope you had a wonderful day.

05-14-2013, 07:06 PM
Happy Birthday!!!:D

05-14-2013, 11:41 PM
Dear Barbara,

We wish you the happiest of birthdays and know those furbabies will help with all that is necessary to make your day special:love:. So sorry to hear that Siegmar is having difficulties; I hope he gets sorted out and feels better soon.

Lots of hugs and kitty kisses to you dear lady:love::love::love:.

05-14-2013, 11:55 PM
Barbara, I send you large warm hugs and huge Happy Birthday greetings. I hope that all will soon be well with Seigmar - my heart goes out to you.

05-15-2013, 02:06 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA!!! I hope you had a great one.:) I'm sorry to hear about Seigmar's health.:( I hope he'll feel better soon.

05-15-2013, 06:27 AM
Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes- it means a lot to me. Some of you know Siegmar has Parkinson's for 9 years now. It was easy to control in the first years but it became really bad in the last year. I am sure he appreciates your health wishes but unfortunately it will never get better and this is a very sad thing.

05-15-2013, 10:32 AM
Dear Barbara, I am so sorry to hear about Siegmar's health troubles. Sending along warm thoughts and loving energies to him and you both.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: