View Full Version : my thoughts go to everyone in Boston right now..

04-15-2013, 04:50 PM
I was devastated to read the news of the bombs at the Boston Marathon, i pray none of our PT people were there, and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Boston right now, i had just read the post Karen wrote about it and then this, it is simply horrific and i just cannot understand how anyone human could do such a barbaric thing.

Just want to give my support and our love from NEW ZEALAND to everyone over there right now.:love::love:

david p
04-15-2013, 05:04 PM
I certainly agree, Carole. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. There was a contingent of Pittsburgh runners participating, but I believe they were far enough behind not to be involved. Again, a terrible tragedy.

04-15-2013, 05:42 PM
Thank you, Carole. Paul and I are fine. I don't know how much the global news is reporting, but this is Patriot's Day in Massachusetts, a day honoring those who fought at the very first battle in the American Revolution, which began just a few miles from where we live. So it's not just Marathon Day and Tax Day for us, and will forever mark this day, already a somber one, with a darker stain.

04-15-2013, 06:41 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with and for those affected by the tragic events in Boston today.

04-15-2013, 07:45 PM
wow so sad

Queen of Poop
04-15-2013, 08:28 PM
Glued to CNN. Heart is breaking for those hurt and killed. Prayers for everyone. :(

04-16-2013, 12:58 AM
As many people posted on Facebook today, there is a Mr. Roger's quote about what is mother told him when tragedies happen.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
― Fred Rogers

And here, to prove that the good people truly outnumber the bad: a simple story of people in my home state, near and not-so-near to Boston, making an effort outpouring of help. (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/spt--boston-marathon-explosions-attract-an-outpouring-of-help-from-city-s-residents-022321905.html)

They also report that enough people have donated blood today so they have enough to treat the victims.

04-16-2013, 01:21 PM
I've been watching CNN last night and saw the horrible events, and this morning, I learned that one of the victims is an 8-year-old boy who was waiting for his father at the finishing line. And so many people are severely injured! Horrible! :(

04-16-2013, 01:32 PM
It is horrible, but I am wondering when we will know who did this, and why. I am hoping all those in the hospital are on their way to recovery.

There is a great Abigail Adams quote I saw in an article about Boston; Boston Never Surrenders (http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/16/opinion/gergen-boston-marathon/?hpt=po_c1)

"It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. Great necessities call out great virtues ... qualities which would otherwise lay dormant wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman."

04-16-2013, 06:32 PM
If I could, I'd light a candle
And place it the window to let the world know
We are holding the victims in our prayers
I'd stand on a hilltop and shout,
If anyone could hear,
That we will not be bowed,
We will not be afraid,
We will not give in.
This is my home state, and where
The Revolution began all those years ago
And we do not forget.
We cried in anguish that September 11th
So many lives on the planes that left from here
Extinguished in an instant
And we do not forget.
Our sons and daughters fight wars around the world
Give their lives and limbs for liberty
Risk everything to defend our nation
And we do not forget.
I'd light a candle, I'd shout on a hilltop,
I'd sing out in the darkness if I thought
Those who needed it most could hear,
Not only like the tree that's planted by the water
But like the granite foundations under our fields
We shall not be overcome, we shall not be moved
We will persevere and no bomb
Designed to slay innocents and families
Will make us afraid, make us give in,
Or make us turn on each other in fear.

We are Massachusetts, we are Boston, we are New Englanders and Americans
Strangers and friends, visitors and natives, weak and stronger than you imagine,
And we shall overcome

04-16-2013, 07:12 PM
That's a wonderful poem, Karen. Thank you.

04-17-2013, 12:11 AM
That's a wonderful poem, Karen. Thank you.

That certainly was a nice writing. I surely hope they find who did this. We shall rebound once again from terrorism.

04-17-2013, 02:30 PM
There are conflicting reports about the status of the investigation, but they do now have a suspect.

04-17-2013, 02:36 PM
There are conflicting reports about the status of the investigation, but they do now have a suspect.

I just heard that they don't, contrary to what was reported earlier. :confused::confused::confused:

Lady's Human
04-17-2013, 03:25 PM
They've ID'd a suspect, no one's in custody.

ON a side note, how'd you like to be part of the media scrum that rushed over to the federal court house in Boston.........while the were cordoning off the area over a bomb threat?

Yet more proof that you don't have to have common sense to be in the media.

04-17-2013, 04:09 PM
No arrest - a press conference was scheduled for 5 pm but postponed.

The arrest speculation began not long after the release of surveillance video taken from outside the Lord and Taylor department store that appeared to show a man placing a package on the sidewalk outside the store, then walking away. The second explosion occurred just outside the store.
According to numerous U.S. media outlets, the man is seen clearly in the footage, which has been enhanced by video forensics experts. The video may have been recorded by the department store's security cameras.

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/fbi-boston-police-deny-reports-of-arrest-in-bombing-1.1241687#ixzz2Ql0UQnpM

04-17-2013, 06:49 PM
I wouldn't blame them for not revealing everything they know the instant they know it, and at this point, if it means lying to the media in the interest of preserving any chance at justice and a good, solid case, I do not blame them.

I am curious as to who did it, but not so curious as to believe every report as soon as it hits the airwaves, no matter how breathless!

Lady's Human
04-19-2013, 03:32 AM
One dead suspect, one on the run.


04-19-2013, 09:16 AM
We are fine, and are ordered to stay inside. I do have a dentist appointment in Wellesley, which is not closed, so will go to that, but otherwise will stick close to home.

We were up glued to the TV in the wee hours of the morning, as of course this is all very close to us, all the scenes you see on the TV screen are places we know well, and have frequently been.

04-19-2013, 11:14 AM
Back home and safe, will stay in now. All the rest of my errands for the day of course involved other towns, including Watertown, that are also essentially closed.

04-19-2013, 12:51 PM
I hope they don't have to shoot that younger suspect or that he does himself and others in. We need answers!

04-19-2013, 12:59 PM
I hope they don't have to shoot that younger suspect or that he does himself and others in. We need answers!

I don't think he'll ever be taken alive, and the world will never have answers.

04-19-2013, 02:31 PM
They already know much more than they did before they identified the suspects, and with their electronic footprints we will learn more, but I do hope he is taken alive, as unlikely as that seems.

04-19-2013, 05:59 PM
They have lifted the "shelter in place" order, but of course are still advising folks to stay away from Watertown.

04-19-2013, 09:26 PM
Thank goodness the man is alive, and getting treatment at Mass General, hopefully he can heal well enough to answer the many questions we all will have, and to feel the weight of the full force of justice descend upon him.

04-19-2013, 10:00 PM
Thank goodness the man is alive, and getting treatment at Mass General, hopefully he can heal well enough to answer the many questions we all will have, and to feel the weight of the full force of justice descend upon him.

Wow, Karen and Paul - I am breathing a huuuuuuuge sigh of relief for you and all of Boston tonight! Thank goodness for Lord & Taylor's video cameras and for a very alert boat owner.

04-20-2013, 08:07 AM
Glad you and Paul are safe, Karen! As is everyone else. I am so glad no one else wound up dead at the hands of this nutjob.:) It seemed like New Years Eve yesterday as people were out celebrating.

04-20-2013, 09:17 AM
Now, we get to prosecute and defend this fellow. Yes, we, the taxpayers get to foot the bills for both. I am sure he will not be able to afford a defense. So, according to The Criminal Justice Act of 1964, an attorney will be provided for him at taxpayers expense. Millions of dollars will be spent by the government unless of course, he pleads guilty. I suspect he won't plead guilty and will say that he was brainwashed by his older brother. In a way, I feel sorry for the kids, as it does sound as though he was brought into the process by his older brother. Even so, he was involved and should pay the price.

So, after all the millions of dollars are spent through lost business income, law suits (and you just know there will be some) investigation and protection expenses, we will be no wiser or safer. This kind of crap happens in some countries, every day and they move on..... as will all of us...just not so quickly and easily.

Ugh. Glad it is over for the most part. I feel really sorry for the injured and the families of the deceased.

04-20-2013, 04:42 PM
The newscaster made a comment about how he didn't fit the profile of a "terrorist" but honestly, I don't see how they can make a profile of one after this week!

He does seem to have been dragged into it by his brother, but he doesn't have the mentality of a terrorist. He could have easily killed himself while he was on the run, 'cause if you notice they seem to not care about things like that. He didn't, I don't think he wanted to. I think after his brother died he sort of woke up to what he had done. Granted, no I don't know but according to everyone he wasn't the one to worry about. I feel awful for everyone who lost their family members, lives, and those who got injured. I feel sort of bad for the family of these two boys as well. They are obviously distraught.

It's kind of digusting to think someone a year younger than me could already have killed 4 people and injured over 170 :(

04-20-2013, 09:38 PM
I don't think he'll get any less time because of his relative age. We allow and accept people at age 18 to enter the military, and they are considered full adults, trained in the use of lethal weaponry, etc. He may have been influenced by his brother, but he was an adult.

I also do not "get" the huge debate over whether he should be read his Miranda rights or not, as he graduated high school and was in college, so I am sure, having spent much of his life in America, watching TV and going through school, he could probably recite his Miranda rights in his sleep. That groups are battling about this is, in my opinion, just dumb. If he survives, he will have to face the consequences of what he has done.

04-21-2013, 06:03 AM
If I was in this boy's shoes (or in his case, hospital bed) right now, I'd be praying to die. He has a living hell in front of him. And with the "media" speculating and arguing over his Miranda rights and the death penalty, it's only the beginning. MA might not have the death penalty, but he'll be charged as a terrorist and fall under the Federal laws - which will get him the death sentence. Only one real problem with that tho - we the tax payers will continue to foot the bill until he is executed - and I have no doubt that he will be. As more info about this boy comes out (from social media posts he made, etc), it appears he wasn't quite the innocent little brother afterall, and had a side to him that he kept hidden from most.

04-21-2013, 07:19 AM
I was just wondering if the guy who called 911 and reported "someone" in his boat, will get the reward for finding him. I had heard that there was a $50,000 (not that much when you consider it tho) reward being offered to whoever found him and turned him in, but I haven't heard any more about that. He deserves 10X that!!!

I've seen one GOOD thing that the media is reporting tho.....someone has set up a site for donations to "buy Dave a new boat", since his was destroyed by all the gunfire, and would have been confiscated for evidence anyway. Now that was worth reporting. :) I imagine it will get him enough to buy a much bigger and better boat than he had to start with! :D

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2013, 07:36 AM
Ellie, I hope the guy does at least get his boat replaced; he did the right thing - no heroics, no attention to himself, just called 911 and let the pros handle it.

I don't understand the whole Miranda debate either. Why not read them and be done at the time? Makes no sense.

As far as this kid being dragged in by his brother? I'm sure he was; so? His brother was undoubtedly duped as well by some fanatic; it doesn't make the horror go away. Being gullible is not a criminal defense.

04-21-2013, 07:48 AM
I am sure the government is looking for or has already assigned him a court appointed attorney. Once he "lawyers up" he does not have to speak at all. In fact, he doesn't have to talk ever, but once he requests a lawyer, the questioning ends. If he is smart, the first words he should say is "I want to speak to an attorney"........

I don't think he will be executed. I suspect you will see many people supporting him and the pressure will be to give him life. He doesn't have an evil look about him...and had lots of American friends. His brother is being painted as the bad guy.

I would like to see him be put to death but I am not sure you could get a jury to agree.

Remember, we can't believe all we hear and see that is coming out about any of this event. The newscasters have a way of spinning this information to draw attention to themselves....

There are several funds set up to aid the survivors of the bombing and also for the guy who's boat was "Swiss Cheesed" during the final stage of the capture.

This has been such a nightmare.