View Full Version : I Quit Smoking - FOR GOOD!!!

04-08-2013, 11:34 AM
Yes - I am (WAS) a smoker for many years- since the early 60's when I was in my late teens. A few of you are aware that I smoked, but it wasn't something I advertized, as I was not proud of it. Was I stupid to start in the first place??? - yes of course - but back then no one thought of it that way - and it was the cool thing to do! By the time all of the health hazards were known, then I was hooked. There was a time for quite a while, where I could quit at will, but those times of "being quit" got shorter, and the episodes fewer and farther apart. And in times of stress, of course I smoked even more.

I knew I should quit - but that is easier said than done, as anyone who has smoked and kicked the habit (or tried to) knows. I tried just about everything ~~~~~

Cold turkey - not for this turkey! I turned into a raging wounded bull after about the 2nd day, and wasn't fit to be around. I didn't even like myself!!!

Prescription meds - big time bad news. These are nothing more than anti-depressants, and I have very adverse reactions to them. I seriously thought I was having a nervous breakdown after being on Zyban for a few weeks. Luckily I put the pieces of the puzzle together and figured out what was going on. A very scary time - something I would never want to go thru again. I would rather die from smoking!!!

Nicotine gum or lozenges - YUK! The taste is so disgusting that it would just about make me barf.

Nicotine patches - nope. I can't do medicated patches of any kind. After the first day or two, I break out in red itchy welts where the patch is applied.

Hypnosis. Yup - tried that too. Didn't work.

And frankly, I enjoyed smoking and really didn't have much desire to quit, even tho I knew it was taking it's toll on me. Smoking is one of the worst things to be doing when you have osteoporisis and GI issues - and I have both - big time.

So I started reading about the electronic cigarette craze. Yeah - all the hype sounded good - but what's the catch????? The more I read, the more interested in the idea that I became, yet I was very skeptical. Then one day my son brought up the subject - said he had done a ton of research and was going to try it. I'm still skeptical. As it was, I had a couple of doctor appointments soon after he had been talking about them, and I brought the subject up with both my PCP and Cardiologist. Much to my surprise, both doctors highly endorsed the idea! I thought they were joking - but not so.

So I had my son order for me when he placed his order - it was worth a try - tho I wasn't all that positive that they would work. Guess what????? - THEY WORK! I haven't had a real cigarette in over 2 months - and don't want one either. I have my e-cig - water vapor that looks like smoke, and I'm getting nicotine only - not all the tar and who knows how many other carcinogens in the real smoke. And I really don't even smoke the e-cig much either. A disposable cartridge is equal to about one pack of cigarettes, and one lasts me 3 or 4 days - and I was smoking the real ones at about a pack per day. Big difference - and in the price too. I was smoking a generic brand of cigarettes at about $3.75 per pack, and the cartridges that I buy figure out to $1.30 per pack. My final goal is to be smoking nothing - not even the fakes. I think I'm well on my way to that goal even after this short time. And if I do continue smoking the e-cigs, then I'm not doing any more harm to my health. My son's is a success story too - he's been real smoke free for a few weeks longer than I have!

So the moral of this rather long and drawn out story????????? Well the first of course would be - don't start smoking in the first place!! And if you are a smoker, or know someone who is, and would genuinely like to be an ex-smoker and have tried various methods and failed, then give the e-cigs a try. If they work for me - a smoker of 50 years - then they will work for just about anyone.

Good luck...........:D

04-08-2013, 11:48 AM
Good for you (and your son)!! I have a friend that uses the e-cig. I haven't talked to him in a while to know how he's doing with it. I'll have to check up on him.

I do have a dear friend that is in her early 70's and has been smoking since she was about 12. She has tried Chantix, the patch and recently she did the hypnosis. If the hypnosis does not work for her I am definitely going to suggest the e-cig to her.

Good luck!!! :)

04-08-2013, 11:49 AM

Congrats, It's a tough habit to crack and I am proud of you.

04-08-2013, 12:44 PM
Good for you, Ellie. And a pat on the back to your son, as well. Feel free to deliver that!

04-08-2013, 12:58 PM
Well done! :) I've tried patches, and they do work for me, at least half the day. Just annoying they cost almost as much as cigarettes! I've been smoking around 15 a day for a long time, but in the last few days, I've been down to 6. I want to quit mainly to get healthier, but also to save money. A friend of mine is using the e-cigarettes and I'm considering it, too. There are so many different ones, aren't there? Which ones to choose? I normally smoke Marlboro light. Hmm!

04-08-2013, 01:03 PM
Congratulations, Ellie, we are so proud of you! You are doing yourself, and the world, a lot of good by quitting! Have you begun to notice your sense of smell returning yet? That was one big thing Dad noticed when he quit, years ago.

04-08-2013, 01:28 PM
Well done! :) I've tried patches, and they do work for me, at least half the day. Just annoying they cost almost as much as cigarettes! I've been smoking around 15 a day for a long time, but in the last few days, I've been down to 6. I want to quit mainly to get healthier, but also to save money. A friend of mine is using the e-cigarettes and I'm considering it, too. There are so many different ones, aren't there? Which ones to choose? I normally smoke Marlboro light. Hmm!

You would probably do good with the e-cigs Randi, and it would be a whole lot cheaper too. There are a lot of different brands, and tons of different flavors too. I smoked menthol, so was just looking for a good menthol flavor. I use the V2 brand, but you can find many different ones just by checking on line. I tried a sample pack of some different flavors too - grape, cola, mint tea, vanilla, etc. The only one I liked in the specialty flavors was coffee - really quite good - and a break from the menthol all the time. There is even a store near where my son works that sells all different brands and custom flavors - some are really ridiculous. I'll stick with the basic since it's doing the job that I want it to.

Congratulations, Ellie, we are so proud of you! You are doing yourself, and the world, a lot of good by quitting! Have you begun to notice your sense of smell returning yet? That was one big thing Dad noticed when he quit, years ago.

It has definitely improved my sense of taste. I'm eating so good again that I've gained back almost all of the 10+ pounds that I lost last summer and couldn't put back on. I've broken the 100 pound barrier again! :D

04-08-2013, 01:55 PM
Congratulations, Ellie! Well done!!!


Steve Arnold
04-08-2013, 07:44 PM
Great job! Congratulations!

04-08-2013, 08:01 PM
Good job! That is a major accomplishment! My husband quite 19 years ago between our two kids, his brother still smokes I will have to tell him to try the e cigarette, I didn't realize there is steam to inhale that is interesting.

04-08-2013, 09:18 PM
Good for you Ellie!!! ;) You should be very proud of yourself!:cool:

04-08-2013, 10:40 PM
Congrats to YOU! I am an x-smoker and it is a hard habit to break. I have been seeing the ads on TV about this. What a great invention! Now you will save money and breathe easier!

04-08-2013, 11:58 PM
Congratulations - from one former smoker to another!!

I quit 15 years ago when I had pneumonia. I was so sick for about a week that I never thought about smoking. By the time I did, I was over the worst of the physical cravings.

It gets easier as the days go by :)

04-09-2013, 05:22 AM
Thanks everyone. It definitely is a major accomplishment - one I wish that could have come about many years ago. It's really sad to think of the money I burned for all of those years. :eek:

The odd thing about these e-cigs tho, is that they are NOT advertised as a cessation tool. Why on earth would anyone want to smoke them otherwise??? To each his own, I suppose. :rolleyes::p:D

04-09-2013, 12:19 PM
Congrats!!!:D I've never been a smoker but I've seen many people at work try to quit and then relapse several times before they were finally able to quit for good. I hope that your health will continue to improve. Good luck.:)

04-09-2013, 08:57 PM
Congratulations Pom-- and I had no idea you smoked... For your sake I'm real happy you kicked the habit, I know it will help some of those health problems. I'd never heard of the e-cigs so I looked them up...intereting. I don't know if we have them here but I found a place where we can order on line-----not that I need them, I was just curious. I never smoked because I was so allergic to cigarette smoke and the smell that I had to avoid it completely or get sick to my stomach and live in the bathroom if I got a whiff from someone. I must say I don't mind that they've made every eating place smoke free, it gives me the chance to eat out at any place I choose now. Must say I do feel sorry for those who do smoke and would enjoy a cigarette after a meal though.

Congrats to your son for also quitting but for being instrumental in helping his mom quit too-- give the guy a hug. :D
I know you won't decide to start over, when you decide something you see it all the way.

04-09-2013, 09:02 PM
Fantastic, pom! The e-cigs seem to work so well - it could be a new freedom for so many. You rock, girl! :D:love:

04-10-2013, 07:48 AM
Way to go!!! We all have our vices, and its always amazing to overcome them.

04-10-2013, 04:02 PM
Way to go!!! We all have our vices, and its always amazing to overcome them.

Yeah - I always said I needed one vice, since I don't drink, do drugs, or run around with with married (or single :p ) men! Am I dull and boring - or what????????????? :D

04-10-2013, 04:13 PM
Yeah - I always said I needed one vice, since I don't drink, do drugs, or run around with with married (or single :p ) men! Am I dull and boring - or what????????????? :D

Nah - spoiling furry ones can still be your "vice"!

04-10-2013, 05:40 PM
Nah - spoiling furry ones can still be your "vice"!

A nice vice.......:D

04-10-2013, 05:44 PM
Am I dull and boring - or what????????????? :D
You dull and boring??? NEVER!!!:p:D

04-13-2013, 03:24 PM
Good for you, Ellie! I know someone who was on cocaine and he said that it was easier for him to kick that habit than it was to stop smoking. As of this writing, he's still smoking and has been for over 40 years. Ya dun good. :p

04-13-2013, 07:43 PM
A nice vice.......:D

As nice as that ice cream you love so much :D:D:D

03-23-2014, 01:32 AM
I havent had any tobacco since Jan 9 of this year. Thats something I havent been able to say since mid Nov 1995, that was the longest I quit in 25 years of smoking.

So far I havent saved any money , but Im am feeling better, breathing better, and sleeping better, so its money well spent.

Im also in a better mood and have a better attitude.

I worked with someone who kicked smoking and Heroine, he said smoking was harder to kick.

03-23-2014, 02:40 AM
I havent had any tobacco since Jan 9 of this year. Thats something I havent been able to say since mid Nov 1995, that was the longest I quit in 25 years of smoking.

So far I havent saved any money , but Im am feeling better, breathing better, and sleeping better, so its money well spent.

Im also in a better mood and have a better attitude.

I worked with someone who kicked smoking and Heroine, he said smoking was harder to kick.

That's good! Keep it up, Blue, and I bet the critters appreciate it, too! :)

03-23-2014, 03:18 AM
Good for you:)

03-23-2014, 07:53 AM
Good for you blue!:cool:

03-23-2014, 02:25 PM
I havent had any tobacco since Jan 9 of this year. Thats something I havent been able to say since mid Nov 1995, that was the longest I quit in 25 years of smoking.

So far I havent saved any money , but Im am feeling better, breathing better, and sleeping better, so its money well spent.

Im also in a better mood and have a better attitude.

I worked with someone who kicked smoking and Heroine, he said smoking was harder to kick.

Congrats, blue. Keep up the good work - it really is worth the effort. It was 1 year for me on March 15th. I have no desire for a cigarette, and I can't even stand the smell of them now. It has been one of the best things I ever did for myself - only regret that I couldn't accomplish it many years ago.

03-24-2014, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Congrats, blue. Keep up the good work - it really is worth the effort. It was 1 year for me on March 15th. I have no desire for a cigarette, and I can't even stand the smell of them now. It has been one of the best things I ever did for myself - only regret that I couldn't accomplish it many years ago.

I have no urge to go back to tobacco. Are you still vaping, or are you completely off it? I tried quiting many times as well, this worked.

I like the tinkering aspect of vaping as well. I have some rebuildable atomizers coming, and ive customized 2 of my 3 mods and may buy a fourth.

03-24-2014, 07:58 AM
Thanks for the words of encouragement.

I have no urge to go back to tobacco. Are you still vaping, or are you completely off it? I tried quiting many times as well, this worked.

I like the tinkering aspect of vaping as well. I have some rebuildable atomizers coming, and ive customized 2 of my 3 mods and may buy a fourth.

I'm still vaping - not all that much tho. My son is really into the mega batteries and tanks, and custom/unusual flavors galore. There is a specialty shop near here that he goes to also - they carry everything imaginable and custom mix flavors. I like the rootbeer that he got - it's like sucking on a piece of rootbeer barrel candy. I've seen some weird flavors on some of the websites too - did you notice that bacon is available? :cool: I'm just not into all that my son does tho, and I stick with the menthol prefilled carts and the long manual batteries from V2. Plain and simple works for me! :D Just to give you an idea of how little I vape - I bought a box of 40 carts last September, and they lasted thru mid-March. :) I've saved a ton of $$$$, and I vape most when I'm driving, since I find driving very boring.

04-25-2014, 01:10 AM
Pom I found a good Root Beer by Two Peas In A Pod.

Closing in on my longest time without smoking in 25 years, May 9th is that date. No tobacco since 01/09/14.

I havent saved any money switching to e-cigs, but I dont care as I am off tobacco. If I hadnt hand rolled pipe tobacco for so long I would actualy be saving money over buying packs of cigs.

I have 5 mods, several bottom coil tanks, and 3 rebuildables, so I am good on gear or kit. I can build my own coils for the RBAs and RDA, my cotton wicking is hit and miss on the RBAs but getting better. Im also looking at a better dripper and a mechanical mod, but thats after I upgrade my servers hard drives.

I am breathing better, sleeping better, drinking less, and actually loosing weight.

04-25-2014, 02:42 AM
Good to hear, Blue! Breathing better is always a very good thing! :) And I bet the critters like it, too!

04-25-2014, 12:21 PM
blue, I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! Great stuff! :D

04-25-2014, 12:39 PM
Pom I found a good Root Beer by Two Peas In A Pod.

Closing in on my longest time without smoking in 25 years, May 9th is that date. No tobacco since 01/09/14.

I havent saved any money switching to e-cigs, but I dont care as I am off tobacco. If I hadnt hand rolled pipe tobacco for so long I would actualy be saving money over buying packs of cigs.

I have 5 mods, several bottom coil tanks, and 3 rebuildables, so I am good on gear or kit. I can build my own coils for the RBAs and RDA, my cotton wicking is hit and miss on the RBAs but getting better. Im also looking at a better dripper and a mechanical mod, but thats after I upgrade my servers hard drives.

I am breathing better, sleeping better, drinking less, and actually loosing weight.

Glad to hear that you're still doing so well, blue. It's really pretty simple to do. If I can - then anyone can. SERIOUSLY!!!!

I was telling my son about how you jumped on the bandwagon and how you are really "into" it with all of the "over the top" supplies/equipment - just the same as he is. And no - he really hasn't saved any money either, but he's saving his health and increasing the odds of living to be a grouchy old man some day! :eek::D That's what matters most. He said to tell you, that if you haven't already, that you should join an e-cig forum - lots of info and bargains and interesting things in general. He participates in ECF.

What do you think of all the government interference and proposed regulations on the e-cig. Such crap. They're jumping all over trying to make it difficult to buy, yet they can approve powdered alcoholic beverages. What's wrong with that picture????

04-26-2014, 01:31 AM
Thanks for the good thoughts everyone.

Glad to hear that you're still doing so well, blue. It's really pretty simple to do. If I can - then anyone can. SERIOUSLY!!!!

I was telling my son about how you jumped on the bandwagon and how you are really "into" it with all of the "over the top" supplies/equipment - just the same as he is. And no - he really hasn't saved any money either, but he's saving his health and increasing the odds of living to be a grouchy old man some day! :eek::D That's what matters most. He said to tell you, that if you haven't already, that you should join an e-cig forum - lots of info and bargains and interesting things in general. He participates in ECF.

What do you think of all the government interference and proposed regulations on the e-cig. Such crap. They're jumping all over trying to make it difficult to buy, yet they can approve powdered alcoholic beverages. What's wrong with that picture????

Im on ECF, username is akpostal. Ive learned a lot on coil building there and youtube.

I may not be saving money but I am breathing better and also have something to do with my head and my hands other then rolling my next smoke. Im wrapping new coils as I type this response.

Im looking forward to May 9th and even more so to June 9th.