View Full Version : 1 week left till i get mickey...

12-07-2002, 11:56 AM
there's only one more week until i can pick up mickey but i was wondering, what kind of things should we have ready before bringing him home. and how do you puppy-proof your home? as you can see, i'm a little lost so please help me out :rolleyes:

12-07-2002, 12:08 PM
First you need to make sure that all wires are out of the puppy's reach. Whatever you don't want Mickey to get into, just make sure he can't. Of course you need toys, leash, collar and dishes.
I can't wait to get pics, and...

12-07-2002, 12:19 PM
thanks a lot dogz!
we went shopping and bought him a cage (got a free bag of food with it ;)) a kong, some tennis balls and chew toys and a brush and bowls. we also picked up a leash and collar.
(because a sheltie puppy has such a small neck, we had to buy a cat collar *lol* it even has a bell on it :p)

12-07-2002, 12:24 PM
Also, better watch out for food!! Make sure Mickey is out of the way when eating!! Actually, make sure anything hazardous is away and out of reach. And since Christmas is coming, watch out, if you're getting a tree, for those bulbs and lights!! Geez it is sooo annoying when Lady takes away the bulbs from the tree! But anyway, I can't really think of anything else at the moment, but congratulations!!! Can't wait to see pictures !!:D Hope you have a great time with Mickey next week!!;) Good luck puppy-proofing!

12-07-2002, 12:31 PM
You can also get baby gates to keep him out of rooms you don't want him in. I just wanted to say good luck getting Mickey next week. Can't wait to see pictures and hear stories about Mickey.:)

12-07-2002, 12:37 PM
Don't forget a dog bed too. I remember getting Sox and how excited I was. I really happy for you.

12-07-2002, 02:04 PM
Shelties also like garbage - especially from the bathroom. We have had that problem with every sheltie we had. You might want to put cans in the cupboard or get some lids :)

He's so adorable.. I'm very happy for you! :D

12-07-2002, 02:12 PM
sounds like all is in readiness for the new puppy ......let us know when he gets to you!

12-07-2002, 02:58 PM
thanks a lot guys! :D:D
i'm really excited too. at least i know there's a place i can go on and on talking about him and posting pictures without anyone getting fed up..unless you do ;)
i'll keep you updated :p

12-07-2002, 05:04 PM
Hi prima!

I guess I have a different view on this. I didn't rearrange
anything in my house, when Oz came. I did have a crate
and if I couldn't watch him, he went in the crate. When
he wasn't in the crate, I watched him like a hawk. If he
tried to chew on a wire or furniture or anything I didn't
want him chewing on, I'd say "no" and give him a toy
to play with. Within about a week, he was just chewing
on his toys or bones.

I also had him housebroken in less than 2 weeks with only
2 mistakes in the house. Now at 5 mos, I don't use the
crate for Oz at all and he's so good. I think less freedom,
when you first get a puppy and really working with them
to get across what you want vs what you don't want
will pay off in the long run. So I'd expose'em to everything,
like wires and x-mas trees, etc. But only when you're there
to teach him to leave them alone.


edited to add: I can't wait to see tons of pictures of the lil'
guy. gotta love those shelties and collies.:)

12-07-2002, 05:08 PM
Make sure you find out what kind of food he ate at the breeder's, so you can make a smooth change for him. If you make an abrupt change, there can be small problems, but we don't want that to happen 'cause we want it to be a happy day on Pet Talk! :D :D

12-08-2002, 12:53 AM
Yay! I'm excited for you! I hope we get to see many more pics of cute little Mickey! :)

Here's a thing that I thought of...dental care. Get a toothbrush package, and it'd be good if you got one that came with the little fingerbrushes. It's good to get a dog used to having it's teeth and gums touched at an early age! Also get some nail clippers and puppy shampoo (I think you already mentioned you had a brush). Dogs need to get used to grooming, or I (personally) know the consequences, lol.

Make sure you get some good puppy sized treats, and maybe even pick up a book on training. We're always here to ask, but it's nice to have a book to turn to also. I enjoy the "Dummies" books, as they have good information, easy to follow, and have a bit of humor. :D Check around and see what places offer a puppy kindergarten type of class. He won't be old enough to go soon, but it'd be good to find out for future reference.

Also some Bitter Apple and Puppy training spray would be a good idea! You spray the bitter apple on things you don't want the puppy to chew...the taste of it is supposed to deter them. And use the puppy training spray to put in spot in the yard. It's supposed to make them want to "go" in that spot which helps with potty training. You will need a pooper-scooper!

And here's an extra tip just from me, heh, lol. There's these pads that are for babies (human) that soak up the mess. I think they are changing table pads. You can get them at Wal-mart in a package of 2 for around $6. They fit perfectly in a medium sized crate. They are made of cloth, and they really do completely absorb any potty accidents....then you can just wash or spray them off and use them again and again! Ok well, you can use them until the puppy decides to destroy them..heh. They worked wonders for Mckinney (was really bad at going in his crate) but Nebo soon started ripping his apart. I actually put them down in the car and other places he would be laying too.

And, as Dogz said, find out what kind of food the breeder used, and either keep him on that or transition him slowly to your own preference of puppy food. Puppies have weak stomachs (and small bladders lol)!

I was like ParNone also.....I didn't change anything in my house but I watched Nebo like no other! Of course, there's nothing like a puppy to teach you to not leave things on or near the floor. :D

12-08-2002, 09:17 AM
thanks for all the advice guys! i think we'll just be placing, ex. the TV wires in the back or the playstation wires high up. i don't think its necessary to tie them back like some websites mention.
i will probably get him a toothbrush but how old should he be until i brush his teeth? :D
thanks, i will check out wal-mart for those pads. when i went to the pet store, they had something that sounds similar and we were about to buy it, but the clerk said they don't work. lol, at least he's being honest :rolleyes:

also, my cousin said she'll lend me her digital camera the day we pick him up and her boyfriend will send them to me, so there will a lot of pics for you to enjoy ;)

and i apologize in advance because as soon as i get this dog, i'm gonna have questions, one after another...:p

Aspen and Misty
12-08-2002, 04:19 PM
O Me Chewy Teddy and Hunny are so exited for you! I can't wait to see him again! I bet he is extremly cute by now! Aalthough Shelties always are cute! Hee hee hee. I can't wait to see pictures and I can't wait to hear about al the adventures you two will have. Rember though, do not ever let him chew on you. My sister let chewy chew on her when he chewed nice and to this day he still chews on people because he was taught it was ok. And we have been spending weeks trying to break him of that habit now that she isn't around any more.


12-08-2002, 04:20 PM
lol, thanks for the advice :) you can see a new pic of him in my sig :p

12-08-2002, 07:43 PM
Primabella, Mickey is the cutest pup! I have enjoyed watching your signature change as he grows week by week! :cool: I know you are going to be the best puppy Mom ever. All the tips here are excellent. Counting to ten always helps when he decides to be whiney & bratty in the middle of the night! :D And love him to pieces...and cookies...lots of cookies and kisses!! :D

12-08-2002, 07:58 PM
I'm so excited for you!! I bet you can't wait until you get to bring Mickey home. I remember when I was waiting to get Tibby I was so nervous and excited. Good luck with Mickey and I hope the next few days fly by fast so you can get your dog soon.

12-09-2002, 03:16 PM
thanks guys! :)
*sniff* oh, i love this place ;);););)

12-09-2002, 03:27 PM
WOW!! Mickey really has changed in the last couple of weeks!! He is so adorable!!

12-09-2002, 03:28 PM
:D thanks :D

12-09-2002, 03:50 PM
I'm so excited for you!! :) I remember marking my
calendar and counting the days until I get Missy...
I only saw her in picture and I already feel so attached to her
... I got her from a breeder in California and we had a lot of problems shipping her because of the Sept. 11 tragedy...
I didn't give up and even considered travelling to California
just to pick her up... It was an ordeal but it's worth
all the hassle when I got her... Everytime I look at her, I can't believe how much she has grown and how much she has changed.. I swear, the first time I got her, she looks like a bear!

This is the picture that I got from the breeder when I was choosing from the litter.. Missy is the 1st puppy w/ NO collar in the 1st row (L-R), the one with the lightest color... The rest of the puppies are her sisters.... :D


12-09-2002, 04:17 PM
omg!! puppies!! :D:D
she's is such a cutie and kinda does look like a bear ;) oh, and i love her in her lil' bows in your sig pic.:D
is she a lab or a retriever? for some reason, i have a hard time telling those two apart! :p

12-09-2002, 04:53 PM
Thank you ! ;) Missy is a Golden Retriever :) Can't wait to see more pictures of Mickey :)

Missy will soon meet Mickey :D :D :D

12-11-2002, 04:01 PM
sorry to have to bring this to the top but thought i'd give a little update:

mickey has had his shots and has been tattoed. apparently, he didn't like the tatooing thing too much. hehe...:D

and i'm very sure missy and mickey will have some interested convos online..:p :)

12-11-2002, 04:03 PM
How many days left until you get Mickey?

12-11-2002, 04:51 PM
too many :p
i'm getting him saturday, so it will be 3 days...*pulling out hair* ;)
i think its time for a countdown...:D JK

12-11-2002, 05:12 PM
I'm so excited for you :D :D I can't wait to see TONS of Mickey's pictures :D :D When is his exact b-day?

12-11-2002, 06:41 PM
he was born oct.21 :D

i will share as many pictures as possible :)

12-11-2002, 09:01 PM
Well, then, that seals it. He's a great dog because he's a libra!! lol

How many hours now? ;)

12-12-2002, 10:09 AM
I was just going to say the same thing.....I'm not a Libra but I've never met I didn't love....
Anyhoo....*heart pounding* 2 more days til Mickey....... :)
I can tell you for a fact, that when I got Cody, my life changed (for the better) forever. I wouldn't trade those puppy years for anything cause he just kept getting better and better. 11 years of pure unconditional love, devotion, kisses, hugs..and that's from ME!! LOL :D
Enjoy!!! I can still remember the feeling of tearful joy and excitement!!!!!

12-12-2002, 03:30 PM
Wow, only two more nights of sleep until you get Mickey!!!!! I can't wait until your first few days! You already love him to pieces, don't you?

12-12-2002, 03:34 PM
lol, yep! :) i was actually going to choose his brother over him, but when the breeder held them up and said, "which do you prefer" and he stuck out his tongue...that was it! :D hehe :p