View Full Version : I have neuropothy in my feet and soon my hands.

04-06-2013, 09:20 AM
Has anyone had this and send helpful tips to an old Cat Man?
Thank You so much:love:

04-06-2013, 09:23 AM
Sorry to hear this, Gary.

My Dad is a diabetic and does NOT follow the rules. He has neuropathy in his feet, has lost over 35% of feeling. This puts him at great risk for sores and infections as he just can't feel much. He 'could' have a small pebble in his shoe and not know it, until he has a big issue.

Put a mirror on the floor and check the bottoms of your feet DAILY to be sure you do not have anything starting. Watch for red spots on your feet, if your shoes are rubbing.

Dad doesn't have much pain with the neuropathy, because he has lost pain sensation too. So he is mostly not bothered and not aware of the problem.

04-06-2013, 10:34 AM
I have had neuropathy in my feet for years and am currently taking 600 mg of lyrica per day and it really helps with the pain. All the docs are not sure why I have it but suspect it's because I was pre-diabetic for so many years before becoming diabetic. Through weight loss I have now managed to reverse the diabetes but the neuropathy still remains and will remain for the rest of my life.

...and yes, check your feet daily.

04-06-2013, 11:37 AM
I have had to deal with this for 7 years now, tho it was brought on by spinal cord trauma and not diabetes. I have it mostly in my hands and arms, and in my right foot to a lesser degree. It is more annoying than painful, and I have lost over 50% of the feeling in my hands, and have difficulty with coordination and balance also to some degree. My hands feel "fuzzy" - like I always have gloves on, and they are almost always cold too, and feel like a couple of blocks of ice hanging off the ends of my arms! :eek: They also are extremely sensitive to temperature changes of only a few degrees. The doctors tried me on both Neurontin and Lyrica, but neither helped, so now I take nothing. And since it isn't really painful - just uncomfortable - then I have learned just to deal with it - grin and bear it I guess I could say.

Hopefully your doctors will find something that you can take to ease the symptoms.

04-07-2013, 12:13 PM
I have no feeling in my feet and have to visit the wound clinic on a daily basis.:confused::confused:
I wash my feet and look at them at least twice daily and am careful of Joey as he likes to swipe at them.:eek::eek:
The trouble is going up and down stairs avoiding the Found Hotel Cats who just love to race past me.:love::love:
I thought these were our Golden Years!!:love::love::love:

04-07-2013, 12:44 PM
Gary, I have neuropathy in the weirdest place, my right hip. It's from a bout w/shingles. My dr. gave me Tramadol and it really helps w/the pain and I've had no side effects whatsoever. It doesn't eliminate the neuropathy but it does take the pain away. Talk to your dr. and she what s/he says.