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View Full Version : Proud to announce New Zealand been named the second...

04-04-2013, 05:52 PM
FRIENDLIEST country in the world, ICELAND was first, how about that, so come on down people's and see for yourself.:D:D;):)

04-04-2013, 07:44 PM
carole ~ Haven't been to Iceland (yet), but I'd have to agree that Zealanders are very friendly. Bobcat and loved our trip in 1987. Can't believe it's been so long....

The Aussies were nice to us too, though one guy yelled "War Monger!" at Bobcat. We never really figured it out. Bobcat was wearing a Banana Republic t-shirt. Maybe the guy didn't know that was the name of a store.....:confused:

Anyway ~Congrats to New Zealand!

04-04-2013, 07:57 PM
yes well i cannot figure that one out either Lisa, glad you had a great time down under, yes well aussie did not fair near as well, they were quite a way down on the list :D sorry but you know how we have this sort of friendly rivarly thing going with oz, lol.

Yep was nice to read that about us, always positive things are better than the negative.:)

04-04-2013, 08:16 PM
I would love to visit NZ if I could ever get a good deal on airfare I'd go.

04-04-2013, 08:24 PM
well i do hope you get your wish to come down here, and see our little piece of paradise.:)

04-04-2013, 11:03 PM
I watch house hunters international and they show New Zealand and it looks beatiful.

I traveled to Europe in the 80's and lots of people in Italy were opinionated about american politics I bet that is where that comment came from Kuhio.

04-04-2013, 11:18 PM
yes it is a lovely little country, not to say there are just as many beautiful other parts in the world as well, canada looks gorgeous as does switzerland and austria ,and the land of my birth Scotland ,just to name a few,but we do have some unspoilt beauty, but for how long who knows

04-04-2013, 11:29 PM
FRIENDLIEST country in the world, ICELAND was first, how about that, so come on down people's and see for yourself.:D:D;):)

A trip to New Zealand and Australia is high on my "bucket" list! I had an opportunity that I should have pounced on, but I let it get away. Maybe 10 years ago, the band from my college was going to Sydney, Australia as part of an international music festival. The director contacted me and a few other band alumni because they needed a few chaperones. It was an 18-day tour and I couldn't get that much time off work. I should have insisted. Stupid me.

04-04-2013, 11:42 PM
Congratulations, Carole and all your fellow Kiwis!

If people in general down there are as nice as you are, no wonder you won!


04-05-2013, 01:20 AM
Aww thanks Pat you are so nice to me,just glad us kiwis are seen as friendly people in general.oh I know the one I also had a chance to go to the uk,and I did not take it,now my chances of ever getting back to the land of my birth Scotland are not good,we all have regrets don't we.

Lady's Human
04-05-2013, 05:31 AM
I'm not surprised Iceland made the top of the list, even the anti-military protesters were polite.

Show up at 0800, protest from 0900-1200, lunch (frequently with the soldiers they were protesting against) from 1200-1330, protest some more from 1330-1600, then go home and come back in the morning.

04-05-2013, 06:43 AM
Lived in Iceland back in the early 80's. The natives were a bit standoffish back then. Haven't made it to the Southern Hemisphere yet, but I've always been interested in Australia and NZ.

smokey the elder
04-05-2013, 09:08 AM
One advantage for you Kiwis in terms of keeping your country nice: a person has to really WANT to go there. Whoever said "you can't get there from here" had New Zealand in mind!:D:p

04-05-2013, 01:44 PM
The pictures that I've seen of New Zealand are awesome. Of course I'm also aware that the tourism industry puts forth only the best of the best. I'd still love to visit there, but unfortunately that will never happen. I'll just have to be content seeing all of the great pictures of that beautiful land so far away. :)

04-05-2013, 04:40 PM
We love the photos and films of New Zealand, the views are spectacular and of course, we know you are so nice! A friend of mine made the New Zealand newspaper many years ago when she and her boyfriend (now husband) were hiking in the mountains, and he slipped and was badly injured and needed rescue.

04-05-2013, 05:48 PM
It's on our list for the Wandering Spirits World Tour in 2017-18! Stuart spent 9 months in Australia in the mid-90's and a bit of time in New Zealand then too. He wants to spend more time in NZ. I've never been to either. We're planning 3-4 months in that area of the world. Our closest neighbour is originally from Tazmania...I'd love to get there too!