View Full Version : Long Shot here...but Figured I Should Ask Anyway

03-18-2013, 10:49 AM
Hi All-

I know I haven't been posting on here at much as I have been posting on Facebook but I'm here because I need to find a temporary foster home for a grey tiger cat.

Back in Sept. 2006 I trapped and released a female kitten. She was never seen again. I kept food out for her and her brother but she never showed back up but he did.

I've continued to put food out because her brother comes by and last October we had a new stray show up. I trapped him and had him fixed and released him.

About 2 weeks ago Stormy (the cat I caught in Oct.) showed up limping. I had to trap him to get him to a vet. Well he was smart about the trap and didn't want to go into it. However, this newer stray that showed up about a month ago was not that smart. It went into my trap while I was outside and I actually didn't know there was something in it till it rattled and then the door slammed shut on the trap. Well Stormy saw this and wasn't too happy about the noise and left.

I took the cat into our bathroom and wanted to check the sex of the cat and sure enough it was a girl. I took a picture of her and realized that this is the female cat I released back in 2006. She hasn't been seen since I released her. I don't know where she's been but she looked very healthy.

I called all my local cat friends to see if they could take her in till I got her to a vet and to see if we can rehome her and I was luckly enough to find 1 person who had a cage open so I took her over to his place.

I took her to the vets last Thursday night and she was so well behaved. I couldn't believe it. Plus she is a big girl for being a stray cat. She wasn't all friendly friendly but she allowed the vet to pet her from the top of the cat carrier and then she picked her up and we were able to get her blood drawn without any hissing or anything.

I was surpised because if she was out for that many years I figured she would have been going crazy but she didn't.

Anyway, we got her blood done and her combo tested is negative!

Right now she has spent the past 2 weeks in a cage and it's not doing her any good. She needs to be with someone that can take the time and work with her in order for her to be rehomed.

I'd like to find someone semi-local or further away to help out with this.

I know you all probably are overbooked with cats like we are but I just didn't know if someone knew of someone.



03-18-2013, 12:17 PM
I wonder if she already has a home, if she was healthy? Is there any way to find out if a family is missing her?