View Full Version : Hi fellow kitties!

03-17-2013, 10:55 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
I'm sorry it has been so long since I last checked in. Meowmie got all kinds of mad at computers again (she does that on a fairly regular basis) and put ours someplace where she didn't even have to look at it. She gave in when I told her how very much I miss my kitty pals here at PT.

I got a call from our penguin pal, Pete. He has a great idea and wants to know if we're interested. Winter has been pretty tough up there as it has been for many of us. Pete and our other penguin pals would like us to join them for a blow-out weekend to welcome the arrival of spring in grand style.

So, what do you think? We're about due for another getaway and the penguins are always so much fun to be with. Once those of you who are up for the trip check in, we can start working on the details and set a definite date. What do you say, fellow kitties, are you ready for a party?

Your friend,

03-17-2013, 11:35 PM
But it is turning to fall in the Antarctic where the penguins live - their seasons are opposite of ours! No penguins live at the North Pole, they just live at the South Pole, and a few other places!

03-18-2013, 04:59 AM
North, South.. wherever, count us in!!! Including our two foster girls Kitty and Kellie!


03-18-2013, 07:08 AM
Hey G-Man!!

Utchie here. Long time no speak! I'm with Phesina. Who CARES where we go!! Our Meowmie has been layed up from shoulder surgery and has been a real BIATCH!!! We need to get outta Dodge. The pain meds are helping but they make her SO cranky!

Let us know when the Catmobile will be passing through CT. I'll have all my pals here have their bags packed and ready to go. We'll need time to get a sitter for meowmie to help her around the house.



Utchie and Fur Crew

03-18-2013, 09:26 AM
WE Found Hotel Cats are getting our tents and blankets ready for a trip to the Antartic, we will bring extra blankets and dry Cat Food.
We know our Awesome Angel Friends do not mind the cold,but then again they are Angels.:love::love:

03-18-2013, 12:15 PM
Meowm said I can travel because I am healthy ... so I am ready! Meowm has a cold and is very crabby. She's not healthy right now, but I am!

03-18-2013, 07:14 PM
But it is turning to fall in the Antarctic where the penguins live - their seasons are opposite of ours! No penguins live at the North Pole, they just live at the South Pole, and a few other places!

Hi Mayor Karen,
As you know, we Catmobile kitties go on lots of trips and make friends everywhere we go. The penguin pals we'll be hanging out with live at the Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. We met them on one of our Catmobile trips and get together from time to time. Sorry if there's any misunderstanding about this.

Your friend,

03-18-2013, 07:37 PM
Hi Mayor Karen,
As you know, we Catmobile kitties go on lots of trips and make friends everywhere we go. The penguin pals we'll be hanging out with live at the Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. We met them on one of our Catmobile trips and get together from time to time. Sorry if there's any misunderstanding about this.

Your friend,

Oh, okay! Well, when you're done there, swing up north a bit (about an hour and 45 minutes), and you'll be in my area!

04-04-2013, 11:40 PM
Dear Groucho and kitties,

I have a problem. For more than a week now my meowm has been making this sound: "koff" "koff" a LOT. She has also been blowing her nose and sneezing a lot. She stayed home with me on Easter - she didn't go to church or even to grandmeowm's house for dinner with the family. She had to go to the white coat's and got some medicine. She isn't making the "koff" sound as much the past couple of days. She has been sleeping a lot more than usual, though. She is not herself. She has been making a funny sound when she breathes at night, too, almost like a hissing sound. She told grandmeowm on the phone on Easter that the doctor could hear her wheezing - whassis that? Anyway, she is not the meowm I know. I wonder if I need to get outta here for a few days until she stops the "koff" noise and is acting more like my meowm. She told grandmeowmie today that she feels a lot better, just waiting for the "koff" and sniffles to go away completely. I want her to feel better and not have to sleep so much, so she can snuggle and pet me. What should I do?


04-05-2013, 06:16 PM
Hi Cassie,
I'm sorry to hear that your Meowmie is sick. A few weeks ago my Meowmie was sick like that too, a respertory infection. She was koffing all the time and her throat was so sore she couldn't swallow anything. Her doctor gave her two kinds of medicine, one was some kind of pills and the other was koff syrup. I don't know what was in her medicine but she'd take the koff stuff then fall asleep for what seemed like a long time - yup, she slept a whole lot. It took about 2 weeks before she got better and was able to go back to work even though I liked it better when she was home and we could snuggle. All I can say is keep on doing the kitty nurse thing so she gets better quick and in a hurry.

Dear Auntie Elyse,
I'm so sorry to hear from Cassie that you're sick. Have you been to your whitecoat's? Please get better soon, Cassie is worried about you. Be sure to take your medicine so you can get better. I'm sending you lots of feel better headbumpies and kitty hugs :love:

Your friend,

04-13-2013, 12:02 PM
Hey Catmobile friends,
How are all of you doing? It has been quite awhile since we've all been able to get together. Things up here in penguinland are pretty good now that winter is finally gone.

All of us penguins up here in Mystic Seaport would love to have all of you come and spend a few days with us. We're planning a spring blow out and it will be a lot of fun. Lots of food, music, dancing, we guys can do some great fishing while the lady penguins take the lady kitties shopping at some wonderful new shops. And who knows - there may even be a few surprises along the way.

What do you say, kitties? Let's set a date and make some plans. We penguins all agree it just wouldn't be a party without you. It will be a real special treat for us to hear the new songs the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet has learned and see the new moves your lovely Scottish dancer has mastered.

Your penguin pal,

04-13-2013, 01:30 PM
OOOooooh!!! We're so excited, eagerly looking forward to to the Catmobile's arrival! We're tuning the bagpipes and practicing the Scottish dances!


04-14-2013, 11:01 AM
hey G Man,

Looks like our Meowmie grounded us from the trip. 2 weeks ago, we were getting our exercise while mama slept, one of us (I ain't no snitch) knocked over her 32" flat screen, cracking the screen. To add insult to injury, mama's car crapped out, not once but TWICE, and had to be towed. She was stuck home with no car and no TV to watch. She was pissed. When she saw the tv, she demanded to know who was responsible. Nobody owned up to it so now we're all grounded. Think of us on the trip and please send us a postcard. :(

04-14-2013, 11:14 AM
hey G Man,

Looks like our Meowmie grounded us from the trip. 2 weeks ago, we were getting our exercise while mama slept, one of us (I ain't no snitch) knocked over her 32" flat screen, cracking the screen. To add insult to injury, mama's car crapped out, not once but TWICE, and had to be towed. She was stuck home with no car and no TV to watch. She was pissed. When she saw the tv, she demanded to know who was responsible. Nobody owned up to it so now we're all grounded. Think of us on the trip and please send us a postcard. :(

Hey there, cuz! Hmm, sounds like you need some legal help on this one. I'll call you on your cell phone this afternoon because I'm going to need some details. My purralegal is standing by. Don't worry, we'll get this straightened out hopefully without having to go to Cat Court. Talk to you later.

Your cousin,
Groucho the Lawyer

04-21-2013, 05:53 AM
Dear Groucho,

My person saw this, and it made her think of you and your Momcat! --

My person is over her cold, and she doesn't have a koff anymore. She likes her new w-u-r-k very much; I heard her telling grandmeowmie on the phone that the people are very nice and one lady showed her all around- the ladies' room, the kitchen and water dispenser, and a quiet spot to enjoy a break and look out the window at a lovely garden. I would love to go visit the penguins!


p.s., I'm not being discriminated against here. My person bought me some new types of food. I tasted them, and she went back and bought more of the one I liked best. She also brought home some treats. She opened the window for me so I could look outside and hear the birdies chirping :)

04-21-2013, 02:36 PM
Oh Cassie - I LOVE this!!! I can't wait to show it to everyone at Cat Court tomorrow! I'd be very happy to help this kitty out with renegotiating his contract, he deserves treats too. His hoomins need to understand just who is in charge and it sure isn't the dog! As you and I both know, it's hard work being cute all the time.

Meowmie and I are happy to hear that your Meowmie likes her new wurk and is over her nasty cold. Please give her some purrs and headbumpies from me? :love: :love:

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

04-24-2013, 03:07 PM
Cassie here. Yesterday (April 23rd) was Franklin's fifth birthday and Princess Chelsea's fifth Gotcha Day! Their meowmie served them some tuna juice for their special day :D I will have my food lady make sure we have tuna for the Catmobile so Franklin and Chelsea can have tuna juice again with us. Happy Purr-thday, Franklin and happy Gotcha Day, Chelsea! :love:

It is almost time for the Kentucky Derby! I hope Lady Edwina will be on hand to advise us on the latest in hat fashions! :love:

04-25-2013, 07:33 PM
Hey fellow kitties! Meowmie just found out that today is Penguin Day!!!! She loves penguins and signed a petition to protect their natural homes. Now we definitely have to set a date for our trip to Mystic Seaport. What do you say? Let's set a date and start making plans.

04-26-2013, 12:28 AM
Ming here. Well, we could take in the Kentucky Derby, I've been practicing My Old Kentucky Home on my harp and bagpipes, and then head north to visit our penguin friends!

04-26-2013, 10:00 AM
Hey G-man, UtchieB here. Well, we're not going anywhere anytime soon. We are in BIG trouble this time. Meowmie came came home from pet sitting and noticed the carpet was wet. Dumb Jackson was trying to get a sippy from Meowmie's globe lamp humidifier and got his big fat head stuck in it. we tried to clean up all the glass hoping she wouldn't notice it. Now we are grounded indefinitely. So, that's the story, dude. If you guys wanna stop by, I'll be happy to give you some of special stash of nip for the ride.

04-26-2013, 01:34 PM
Where are Pinot and Eve? Groucho, should we make a visit to UtchieB and his kitty siblings, since they've been grounded? Kitties, could you please have your people give you some hugs, snuggles, and lovies from my fudz lady and me.


04-26-2013, 06:57 PM
Groucho, should we make a visit to UtchieB and his kitty siblings, since they've been grounded?

Hi Cassie, I'm in regular contact with UtchieB and his sibs about this. We'll be going into negotiations in an effort to resolve the situation without going to Cat Court. There were no witnesses and absolutely no clear and convincing evidence that any of them are guilty as charged. The case is purely circumstantial and I think we can get this cleared up by mediation - if all parties involved agree to cooperate. A visit would definitely be in order.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer

04-29-2013, 12:05 AM
Dear Groucho,

My meowm and I were watching the Amazing Race tonight and guess what? The teams were in Edinburgh, Scotland and they had to prepare haggis! We missed the beginning of the challenge, so we didn't see if they had to grind the, uhmm... ingredients. But they had to mix, stuff and tie them off, and then taste it! So we thought of the Haggis in a Hurry Shoppe and our Catmobile friends!

The Kentucky Derby is this coming Saturday! I wonder if we will be seeing our horsey friends?!

Purrs and head bumpies,

04-29-2013, 04:40 AM
Oh, yummy!!!!!

05-07-2013, 01:25 PM
Cassie wants to know... since this is nurses' week, and I'm a nurse, could I celebrate it by serving her tuna :confused:

I think I can do that for her!

05-07-2013, 02:20 PM
Dearest Cassie, what a wonderful idea for a special way to celebrate nurses' week! We think you should celebrate your own personal nurse this way all week long.

In fact, we hereby propose all of us celebrating ALL nurses this way, all week long!


05-09-2013, 12:40 PM
Cassie wants to know... since this is nurses' week, and I'm a nurse, could I celebrate it by serving her tuna :confused:

I think I can do that for her!

And Sunday is Mother's Day. She had kittens before I adopted her, so I should definitely serve her tuna. More than once if it is up to her. ;)

05-13-2013, 01:58 PM
Dear Groucho - My meowmie read that the baseball All-Star Game is in New York in July. Do you think we could go? Maybe we would see the horsies with their police officer riders in the city! Could we go to Central Park? Frankie kitty might even catch a ball - wouldn't that be neat! I hope UtchieB and his siblings are un-grounded by now too.


05-13-2013, 02:59 PM
Dear Groucho - My meowmie read that the baseball All-Star Game is in New York in July. Do you think we could go? Maybe we would see the horsies with their police officer riders in the city! Could we go to Central Park? Frankie kitty might even catch a ball - wouldn't that be neat! I hope UtchieB and his siblings are un-grounded by now too.


Hi Cassie,
That's a great idea!!! We Catmobile kitties are so overdue for an all out blast of a party. Tell you what, Soncat is the sports fan here and he knows about these things. I'll ask him to help me get started so we will be guaranteed a prime skybox with the purrfect view of the field and of course be close to all the refreshments. I'll also contact the barn kitties where the horsies for the policemen live about maybe making a visit. We'll plan several days so we don't miss a thing including Central Park, maybe even the Empire State building. Also, the Statue of Liberty is fixed from Hurricane Sandy and will reopen in July so a trip there on the ferry might be fun too. Let's contact Pinot so we can start making our plans. Maybe Frankie will be able to run the bases with the players before the game - he'll love that.

Your friend,

05-13-2013, 03:50 PM
Chip, Chuck, Winnie, Angel and Frankie are more than ready for some away from home time. Since we have not been able to get our windows fixed from the hail storm last month, it's like we a living in a cave. Their 3 favorite looking outside windows are boarded up. We are all going nuts!!! specially them. They can't even watch birdies now!!! They are packing right now. :love:

Pinot's Mom
05-14-2013, 11:56 AM
Was anybody going to call me???!!

...a rather frosted Pinot...


05-15-2013, 12:18 AM
Franklin is rarin' to go. He has been working on a tribute to Ming but he won't let me listen in so I have no idea what he's got planned. I just know he's really going to miss his bagpipe buddy.....
Chels wants to know if her BFFF Sophia is going. If so, she needs to know what sunglasses and tiaras to bring so they can match....

05-16-2013, 11:43 AM
Chels wants to know if her BFFF Sophia is going. If so, she needs to know what sunglasses and tiaras to bring so they can match....

Oh, absolutely honey! I need some days off, especially now with all the stress I have since "that cat" moved into MY house.
Call me!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

05-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Chels is so happy she will be seeing Sophie especially since it's time to shop for summer accessories!

05-16-2013, 02:27 PM
Hey guys, just a heads up. My sweet, little, Kimba has decided on his own to learn the bagpipes.:eek: Ming taught him just enough to get him started and he now plays fairly well, not as good as Ming was, but he's getting there. I was wondering if Franklin could continue the lessons. They ARE short a bagpipe player now, and Kimba is willing to step in.:)

05-16-2013, 03:44 PM
Oh, that is wonderful that Kimba is playing the bagpipes and now Frankie wants to learn!

Bob is piping away as always. After dear Sydney passed away last year, Elmer took up his pipes and has been working hard with them. Just like Kimba and Ming, Elmer's not quite up to Sydney's level yet, but he's getting there! Elmer and Bob are so glad the California piper group is keeping on, too.

Sparkler, the Celtic dancer extraordinaire, is so excited the bagpipe band is continuing and getting better and better all the time! She can't wait for the next gathering, and she practices every night. (Too bad for me wanting to sleep when she starts working on her tap-dancing and step-dancing routines in the bathtub..)


05-17-2013, 11:40 AM
Hi fellow kitties,
Wow!!! I'm so excited to hear of our new up and coming bagpipers. They're a dedicated group who will be masters in no time and I can't wait to hear them. Will anyone be following up with Ming's harp? Soncat is looking into the All Star game and it looks promising. He won't tell me what's up but something special is in the works for our own all-star Frankie.

Your friend,

05-17-2013, 12:46 PM
Franklin has already started working with Kimba via Skype, which is pretty weird to watch....lol

05-17-2013, 03:45 PM
Hey there, Pinot,
I've been trying to get hold of you but my calls won't go through. It says your voice mail is full. Please call me as soon as you can. If your Catberry is having problems, send me an email. We have plans to make.

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
05-17-2013, 05:11 PM
OK, I'm not frosted anymore; sorry, y'all, it seems my Catberry was having problems. :rolleyes: I think my Mom had something to do with it...

Anyway, I've talked to a bunch of you and whoever is available is on the way here this evening as the Preakness is tomorrow and we have our annual date with the horsies, our sunrise breakfast at Pimlico, our tour, and we get to meet this year's contenders. From there we'll move on to other activities - we'll see if we can spring Utchie B and friends.

Check in, kitties!! :)

05-17-2013, 08:56 PM
Hi Pinot,
I'm relieved to know your Catberry is working again. Cassie and I didn't forget to contact you, we just couldn't get through. Meowmie has been home sick this week and I've been so busy taking care of her I completely forgot about this weekend's events. I talked to Soncat, since he had his guys night out tonight with his friends, he said he'll stay home with Meowmie so I can join all of you. Where should I meet up with you? I can jump an early Amtrack to Ellicot City or hitch on with the Catmobile if it hasn't left yet. I just have to throw a few more things into my back pack then I'll be good to go. Can't wait to see everyone again!

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
05-18-2013, 06:23 AM
Picked up Groucho...Sunrise Breakfast doesn't have much sun, but it's OK...always a good time with the horsies! :) Preakness Day!

05-18-2013, 11:43 AM
The Catmobile picked up my gang, pipes and dancing shoes and all, early. They are just so excited about being together with all their friends, including the horsies, and making more beautiful music and choreography together again!

05-18-2013, 05:34 PM
Franklin has already started working with Kimba via Skype, which is pretty weird to watch....lol
I wondered how the Skype ap got loaded on my phone! Now I know. I sure hope Sydney and Ming were watching their proteges with pride.

05-19-2013, 02:17 AM
It's pretty quiet here now that Franklin and The Princess are gone on another Catmobile adventure. Nothing to do but pick up the mess left behind. Sheesh..who knew packing for the Preakness would create such chaos? Chels was on the phone with Sophie, for what seemed like hours, coordinating their accessories. She must have pulled out every single pair of sunglasses along with hats, boas, tiaras, kilts and dancing shoes she owns because all that stuff is in heaps throughout the house.
Franklin on the other hand just packed his fav pair of Foster Grants, a couple of kilts, one baseball cap and his bagpipes....:)

Pinot's Mom
05-19-2013, 11:41 AM
Oh what a day it was! We were pulling for our friend Orb but it wasn't his day. Oxbow was really on his game. Good race!

We had the traditional sunrise breakfast with the trainers where we heard all the gossip, then went back to the stables to make sure all the horsies were OK, then we had a tour of the facility with Orb - what a nice horsie! The police horsies made sure we were safe - so many people! Then there was the late party in the stable. Didn't get back to my house until after Mom and Dad came home from church! We're here now trying to think what our next move is....the journey continues.....

Purrs, Pinot

05-20-2013, 02:10 PM
Cassie here. Today is Victoria Day, which is a holiday for our kitty friends in Catada. Could we please zoom up to Ontario in the Catmobile, visit the Found Kitties and their dear Dad, and maybe we will see some horsies too. (The Mounted Police) Then next weekend is Memorial Day, similar three-day weekend :) My meowm keeps saying how thankful she is for all of our Pet Talk Friends! Sometimes her eyes leak when she says that, and I am not quite sure why. Our Pet Talk Friends make me happy! Meowm is funny that way though. I know sometimes she gets the leaky eyes.


05-21-2013, 02:54 AM
That's okay, Cassie. I get leaky eyes sometimes when I think of how wonderful all my PT friends are. It happens sometimes with meowmies.

05-28-2013, 03:45 PM
Does anyone know where are cat kids are? Last I heard they were heading to Canada to visit their friends at the Found Cats Motel. We are in for more severe storms here in Kansas so I hope they are still way up there or somewhere else safe. :love::love:

05-29-2013, 12:27 AM
Does anyone know where are cat kids are? Last I heard they were heading to Canada to visit their friends at the Found Cats Motel. We are in for more severe storms here in Kansas so I hope they are still way up there or somewhere else safe. :love::love:

They're here. I can see the Catmobile from my window. They had a great time at the Cubs-White Sox game yesterday. They got back from today's game early because of the rain and thunderstorms. I have the windows open because it's not raining right now. I hear music playing softly and purring. They know to come right inside if the storm siren sounds. I am going to check in the morning to be sure the litter pans are clean and they have enough water and food. I heard something about going to a meow-seum because the weather is supposed to be rainy and sticky again tomorrow. They just might have tickets for the Blackhawks game, too.

05-29-2013, 01:01 PM
Meowmies, I have the cat kids here. They have tickets for the Cubs-White Sox game today. Cassie hopes they will see some Chicago police on horsies on their way up to Wrigley Field. Frankie is getting his glove ready to catch a ball. Our pipers and dancer are performing for the 7th Inning Stretch, so they've been rehearsing! Litter pans are clean and they have plenty of fresh water. There was rain and thunder overnight, but the storm sirens didn't sound, so everyone was okay.

05-29-2013, 02:01 PM
Whew! That's a relief! Could I please get a report on how Kimba did on the 'pipes? It's his first public appearance and, like any caring meowmie, I hope he did okay.

05-29-2013, 11:53 PM
Whew! That's a relief! Could I please get a report on how Kimba did on the 'pipes? It's his first public appearance and, like any caring meowmie, I hope he did okay.

Kimba, the pipers and dancer did great! The fans loved them! The kitty ladies looked terrific in their caps and sunglasses! Frankie caught a ball - the kitties were so proud of him! Park management was so impressed with the pipers and dancer that they gave the entire group a tour of the park afterward. Cassie was disappointed that there is no catnip growing out by the ivy wall. The ensemble did an outstanding job. I am not sure if there is another adventure before the All-Star Game. Has anyone heard about the group's latest plans?

05-30-2013, 01:30 AM
My horse crazy Mac wants to know if anyone is up for a trip to The Big Apple and watching the Belmont Stakes?:D

05-30-2013, 07:53 AM
Hey cool cats!!

Utchie here. We are planning an impromptu get together this weeked, (okay it's a party BLOW OUT!!!)since meowmie is petsitting in New Haven (45 minutes away).We have her routine down to a science. She comes home to feed us and scoop the boxes in the morning (10:30 a.m.) and is gone by 2 pm for the night.

So here's the plan...party starts at 4 pm Saturday (to make sure meowmie is gone). Feel free to bring anyting you want, nip, treats. We'll have set ups and party favors and sleeping bags for anyone who wants to stay over. You guys have GOT to be outta here no later than 9 am. or we are dead meat. This will give us enough time to get rid of the evidence and clean up. Hey, we're already grounded so WHY NOT???

So fellow puddies, how about it??? It's been a long time! Let's PARTAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Utchie and crew

05-31-2013, 02:19 PM
Cassie would like to hang out with Elan and any other "senior" kitties while the young'uns are having fun :)

06-05-2013, 04:13 AM
A text from Cassie:

Hi Meowm
I am off to Moosmom's house
To visit Elan
Meet Silvester because I'm smitten
And watch all the young'uns at Moosmom's house
having a good time together...
You have to stay home
cos you w-u-r-k ha haa

06-05-2013, 10:30 PM
I sure wish Merlin could be with you all :(
Sent from Merlin's Catberry

06-05-2013, 11:01 PM
Maybe Merlin and Ming are having a party of their own with Mooshoo, Michael the Dream, JJJ3,
Fister, and all the other RB kitties!

06-06-2013, 07:57 PM
Maybe Merlin and Ming are having a party of their own with Mooshoo, Michael the Dream, JJJ3,
Fister, and all the other RB kitties!

I truly believe they're right in the midst of everything and all the kitties will welcome their beautiful spirits to the festivities. After all, Merlin and Ming will be there to guide their musical partners to another outstanding performance.

06-07-2013, 01:03 AM
Franklin and the kitty pipers have a new song that they are dedicating to all of their RB pals: Somewhere Over the Rainbow......

06-07-2013, 12:14 PM
Franklin and the kitty pipers have a new song that they are dedicating to all of their RB pals: Somewhere Over the Rainbow......

There's a lump in my throat reading this. What a perfect choice of music to honor all of their fellow kitties who are now at the Bridge and still greatly missed by all of us. :love: :(

06-07-2013, 12:53 PM
Darn it! Now my eyes are leaking! Sometimes I miss Ming so much!:(

06-07-2013, 04:50 PM
Darn it! Now my eyes are leaking! Sometimes I miss Ming so much!:(

Sending comforting [[[[[HUGS]]]]] to you :love:

06-07-2013, 11:13 PM
Thanks, momcat. I still have Mac and Kimba and I still love them both to bits...but something's missing in our house and in my heart. I suppose there will be for awhile..:(

06-08-2013, 05:40 AM
Ming and Sydney are making beautiful bagpipe and harp music by the Bridge, and they and all our RB friends are sending down love to us all. They love that the pipers and dancer down here are playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
