View Full Version : Pet-friendly housing

03-29-2001, 07:28 PM
Help! I'm moving to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and am having trouble finding a place to live for myself and my dog. My dog is a 2 year old blue heeler/Elkhound cross, and is very good-natured. If anyone has any hints, I'd very much appreciate them.

Jamaican 17
03-30-2001, 04:18 PM
My friend has a blue heeler, too, and they are very sweet-tempered dogs. Although I love that breed of dog, my house is too small to fit another doggie in. I hope you find a good family to give your dog away to because it seems that it should have a good home. Good luck! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-30-2001, 06:17 PM
Hi, Melissa, welcome. Jamaica - she's looking for a home for herself AND her dog! Thankfully she doesn't have to give it away! We have a lot of Canadians here, anyone have any ideas or know anyone who could help?