View Full Version : Bailey!!!

03-06-2013, 07:31 AM
You're a handsome boy Bailey!!!:love: It sounds like you're one very good big brother to Blake! The video of you two playing shows what a good dog you are.
Congrats on being DOTD! :cool: I hope you and Blake have a fun day!:D

btw, I love chocolate puppys!;)

03-06-2013, 08:35 AM
Oh, Bailey and Blake! I think you will both be the Dog of the Day for me, because you have such a special relationship! Blake, you are going to learn all kinds of neat things from your big brother Bailey :D and I'll bet you two will be having all kinds of fun! You are so handsome, Bailey and you are adorable, Blake! I hope you are both having a wonderful day :love: :love:! Happy Dog of the Day! Could you please have your people give you some extra petting from me.

03-06-2013, 09:39 AM
Hi Bailey....What a handsome fellow you are. I just love all your pictures. I bet you are a wonderful boy.
Congratulations on DOTD.:love::love::love:

Linda in SC

03-06-2013, 10:49 AM
Oh, be still my Labbie loving heart!:love: Today we have a twofer...woo hoo!:)
Good morning and happy Dog of the Day to you beautiful Bailey, and to your adorable little sidekick Blake, too!:D
Can't crown one and not the other! After all, you two are inseparable, a team...and for your family, double the Labbie love! What a wonderful big brother you are to wee, wittle Blake, Bailey! He is truly one lucky little guy, having a best friend, a mentor (to show him the ropes), a devoted protector and defender in you!:) What fun you two will be having over the many years to come...just check out your video!:D What a precious pair you are...simply irresistible!
Thanks for the BIG smiles, boys! Hope you're enjoying your much deserved "top dog" day, being treated to all your big, beautiful hearts desire and then some!
Lots of hugs and smoochies, woofs and happy wiggles to you beautiful Bailey and Blake, from me and Star the Lab!:love::love::love:

03-06-2013, 02:22 PM
Hello Bailey and Blake, You two boys are just adorable! I smiled as I read about you Bailey and how sweet and gentle you were/are with Blake when he came to your house. How wonderful that you accepted him right away. (My LilGirl has not totally accepted Sissy after nearly a year) Anyway back to you, I think it is just great that you were/are a teacher and good example for Blake. Your human family must be very proud of you two; I know I would be. I hope all of you have many years together. Congrats on being DOTD!

03-06-2013, 07:37 PM
What a wonderful Boy you are and a very special Big Brother !

Loved the video too !

03-07-2013, 05:17 PM
I loved him!

Such a handsome dog! :love: