View Full Version : New Glasses!

03-05-2013, 06:30 PM
Whew, saw an eye doc for real last Friday, and just sat and ordered a new pair of glasses. I know there is an old thread on Pet Talk about Zenni Optical, but I found a couple years ago my prescription is such that I cannot order from them any more. But because of that thread, I learned about Goggles4U.com (http://Goggles4U.com) and just ordered from them - and the frames I happened to chose are free right now! They actually are having a sale so there are lots of choice for free frames, although that wasn't my criteria ... I though I should let the rest of you know about the sale!

And Goggles4U now has a virtual try-on feature, which is so completely helpful for me! They didn't used to have it but now they do, which is great!

Scooter's Mom
03-05-2013, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the info, Karen!
I am actually heading to my eye-doc in the next couple of weeks, so maybe there will still be a sale!

03-05-2013, 10:00 PM
I've referred others to the zenni optical sight because of that thread. I don't wear corrective eye wear (glasses or contacts), but since I've turned 40, I've been thinking about going to see if I may need reading glasses. Thanks for the new site to check out if I do get a prescription.

03-06-2013, 05:31 AM
I've referred others to the zenni optical sight because of that thread. I don't wear corrective eye wear (glasses or contacts), but since I've turned 40, I've been thinking about going to see if I may need reading glasses. Thanks for the new site to check out if I do get a prescription.

If you do need reading glasses, then just get the strength from your optometrist and buy OTC ones and save yourself some money. When I had cataract surgery and no longer needed glasses, except for reading, even my ophthalmologist said to go this route, since buying from him (or any optical place) would be a whole lot more expensive!

smokey the elder
03-06-2013, 07:58 AM
There are some very nice OTC readers out there. I think mail-order glasses are a good idea, if you can get the scrip and fit right.

03-06-2013, 12:59 PM
There are some very nice OTC readers out there.

Absolutely - and with the OTC you can buy several pair without breaking the bank! I don't feel guilty about buying new ones when I get tired of a pair I've had for a while, and I usually have about 4 pair at any one time - in the car, my purse, on my desk, and in the kitchen. Foster Grant has very up to date stylish ones and I recently bought a new pair at Walmart for $12.88 - the exact same pair at Walgreen's was $29 plus change. :eek: I've even picked up some discontinued Foster Grants at the dollar store for $5. :D

03-07-2013, 08:38 AM
I am due for a visit to the eye doctor. I was one of the people that bought my glasses online, because of the thread. I have been very, very, very happy with them. All in all, I think it was $30-35 total. I will check out the other place, too.

My eye doctor treated me VERY shabbily once he learned I was going to get my glasses online. I mean VERY shabbily. I was pretty upset. I have been to the same guy since I was 17. Not to reveal my age, or anything, but suffice it to say that was a very long time to be a customer, and the money he/his practice received over the years was easily in the $5000 plus range.

I am not sure I would go back to him, though finding someone new is a PIA, IMO.

03-07-2013, 09:20 AM
I too need a new eye exam and have been scoping out both sites for new glasses as soon as I get my exam. All I need to do is MAKE the eye exam appointment!

03-07-2013, 09:52 AM
Thanks for the site, Karen!!

I also need to make an appointment with the eye doctor and I'd love to get some new glasses.

03-07-2013, 03:42 PM
There are so many fun styles now, and I, for one, so needed a new prescription - I look forward to getting them. My prescription is so strong I need the more expensive lenses, but it is worth it to see! And Robilee you have such pretty eyes anyway, must be fun trying different glasses to see what shows them off best!

03-09-2013, 08:37 PM
I havn't purchased any glasses online yet but my husband and I plant to do this in the next couple of months. We just have to get the current prescription for our eyes first. I think this is a grand idea! I am so excited that I am going to have more than one pair of glasses at a time. I won't be as worried about a pair of glasses getting broken.

03-20-2013, 10:21 AM
I need new screen glasses and I've been to 5 or 6 different opticians to look at frames. It seems that what's "in" now are the thick ugly plastic frames! I did find a few that might be alright, though. They are light "metal" frames, like I've always had.

Price wise they range from $35 - $574 for the frame. The expensive ones are Lindberg. Then there's the lenses, which are in between minus 4-5, since it's screen glasses, but I don't need those that change color, since I won't use them outside.

When it comes to glasses, I simply have to try them on! However, if I could find some online that I've tried on, then one of the opticians offered put the lenses in.

Argh, it's so hard to decide!

04-06-2013, 06:58 PM
I got my new glasses, and they are great! They didn't fit - kept falling down my nose, so I took them to a local optician. I explained I bought them online, as they let me upload a photo and try on frames that way, and he had no problem - he adjusted and tightened them, and when I asked how much I owed him, he said "no charge." They are the lightest pair I have had in a long time, and even slightly flexible!