View Full Version : I am picking Rocky up today

12-06-2002, 07:10 AM
I hope he remembers us! Today will be one month that we have had him in our home, and I sure hope he recognizes all of us when we go get him...I wanted to go see him yesterday after the surgery but they didn't recommend it and said they would rather me not...:( ohhw ell, at least he is coming home and we will be able to snuggle tonight!!:D :D

12-06-2002, 07:22 AM
I have missed the thread about why Rocky has had surgery and stuff but I will find and read later. Anyway, I am so glad he is okay and you are getting to take him home. I am a very new cat owner but I am pretty sure he will remember and be glad to be back with you. Good luck and give him a gentle kiss from me. :)

12-06-2002, 07:32 AM
Of course will he recognize you! Your are his home and he'll be very glad to see you again and snuggle more than ever.

With little boys, recovery is very easy after they've been fixed. Here it is not usual that they spend the night in the vet clinic, so mine had their surgery first thing in the morning, came back in the early afternoon (just after waking up) and were sleeping on the radiator until early evening.
I remember quite well little Filou, coming down, walking very shaky to the kitchen, having a huge bowl of food and then going to the highest level of the cat tree to have another extended nap -and that was it. In the night he cane to our bed and the next day he was his usual mischievous self!
(But he stopped singing operas in the night :D )

12-06-2002, 12:09 PM
He is sooo happy to be home!! at first when I first got to the clinic to pick him up we had to wait a few minutes and then they gave him a booster and he just immediately recognized me, Lizzy and Amber...the 2 older kids are in school, and my hubby is working..I hate to say it but he likes me the best!:D he started purring ferociously(sp?) and on the way home in his cage, i thought he was going to break the door off of it since he wanted out so bad!..he cried and wailed the whole way home...but as soon as i opened the door to let him out, he was out like lightening let me tell ya!he is soo happy to be home and he has just wanted me to hold him alot too...he came in and I am not sure if he had peed the wole time he was gone but he went to his litter box and peed for like 5 minutes it seemed...he did his job and it seemed to relieve him....ohh I am just so glad to have him back! he doesn't appear to be in any pain and where they did the surgery looks good, and he is a new kitty let me tell ya!!! Ok, I just wanted to let yall know he is home now and happy as can be!

12-06-2002, 12:57 PM
I am so happy that Rocky is back home and happy to be there :D :D :D

12-06-2002, 01:19 PM
I'm glad to hear that Rocky is home and he's doing well.

12-06-2002, 02:35 PM
Of course Rocky will remember you! He will know your voice, and the smells at your house!!! He needs just some special loves...

12-06-2002, 03:59 PM
Great news!

Please give your special boy a 'scritchie' from Aunt Amber, okay? What a relief for you to have him home.

12-06-2002, 04:54 PM
Great news!:)