View Full Version : Ay yi Yuck!

12-06-2002, 02:59 AM
Everytime Malone pukes, Mark rushes him from our bedroom into the hallway where it isn't carpeted. Mark is out of town on business, :( so I let Malone sleep on the bed with me :). A few minutes ago, he woke me up and went running for the door. I thought he had to go out, so in a daze I scrambled to find the leash opend the door, and he charged into the hallway, and got sick to his stomach. I thought it was funny that he knew where to go.

I was kind of glad that he got sick though because 2 nights ago, I gave him his Molecky ball (we threw it away so I don't have pictures). It's one of these plastic balls that has a hole the size of a quarter that you put a treat into. Anyway, I was up at the computer & gave it to him with a couple of cookies in the ball. I turned around and saw that he was gobbling the cookies with no effort. I looked closer, and about an inch of the plastic had come off in a perfect circle and was MIA. Uh oh! So now I can breathe easy that it isn't going to clog up his system or something. I have been watching him closely and the first sign of distress we were going to be off to the vet. So I'm not too impressed with the Molecky Ball corporation in producing a crappy product, and it's a good reminder to keep a check on chews & plaything to make sure that they are still whole and intact.

12-06-2002, 03:31 AM
as most products are out there in a commercial sense, guess we have to inspect our pets stuff just as we have to inspect our childrens stuff......too bad the companies do not do that in a major way as i thought they did.

Cisco's Mom
12-06-2002, 07:14 AM
WoW! I'm glad Malone is going to alright. Cisco has a ball like that. I don't if it is the same company or not. Was yours white with diff. colored paw prnts on it? I will have to make sure I keep an eye on it with Cisco. We have had it a while with no problems yet.

12-06-2002, 09:57 AM
I wish my dogs knew where to go, lol. Well, sometimes the will run for the backdoor...IF they can make it there fast enough.

I think I might know what toy you are talking about. I have a blue one for Nebo, and Lady has...errmmm HAD...a red one. It kind of looks like 3 ball shapes stuck together (like a molecule) and has a hole in one of the shapes.

I wouldn't say that the toy is unsafe....any toy can have parts chewed off and become a problem. It just depends on the dog. Nebo has had his for months now, and there's a few toothmarks, but that's it. I leave it out with him almost every day in his dog run. He doesn't really chew on it (surprisingly!) and he just knows if he noses it around on the ground he will get treats.

But Lady on the other hand.......Melissa left it with treats in her dog run ONCE. She chewed off one of the ball shapes ENTIRELY!! She even chewed it off in a nice little circle, lol. Of course, this dog has also chewed up kongs! We ordered a Black King Kong for her so I hope that one will actually be indestructable!

12-06-2002, 11:30 AM
It's amazing how smart dogs can be. My one dog is trained to jump into the bathtub whenever he has to throw up. It's much easier to clean up that way. Usually you just turn the water on and watch it go down the drain. My other dog just doesn't get it. I've always said she's about as smart as a box of rocks, but she has a heart of gold that makes up for it. I'm glad Malone is going to be okay and everything "came out" just fine.

12-06-2002, 12:40 PM
Sorry to hear Malone was sick, but hopefully he is feeling much better now:D

12-06-2002, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Stenograsaurus
It's amazing how smart dogs can be. My one dog is trained to jump into the bathtub whenever he has to throw up.

Hercules does the same thing, but I didn't train him to do it...he did it on his own!

12-06-2002, 08:34 PM
hope malone is feeling better. whatta cheap toy :mad: ;) ;)

do dogs throw up often? primo threw up on my twice on the car ride home but i think that was only cause he got car sick..:confused:

12-06-2002, 11:06 PM
Good to hear that Malone is okay! We have to be very careful what toys we give Deisel as well, he tears EVERYTHING apart! But then Phoebe can have a stuffed animal for months and months...