View Full Version : what is their secret?

12-06-2002, 01:58 AM
Whenever I bring a cat to the vet, they are always more calm than I expect. yesterday was Muffin's yearly vet visit, and she about clawed me to death before I could get her into the cage, then she yowled the whole time. after a week of a neighbor watching her one time, she still, a couple weeks later, ran from her, so frightened...she is scared witless of other people, so how come she , and the other cats, are calm when the vet walks in? I know they have some magic trick! I know its a spray or something, and I asked once, they said it's expensive. yesterday I mentioned again, and they looked at me (the vet and the tech) as if to say, you'll never know!

I think I have read posts from members that are or used to be, vet techs....will you tell me the secret?

12-06-2002, 06:58 PM
A lot of them are literally scared stiff. Most of the kitties we see are very good and do sit still for us, some of them you don't even need to hold down on the table.

12-06-2002, 09:47 PM
yes, but when my cats are scared, they run, and will claw anyone that gets in their way from flight! so, I know there is something that calms them, one vet even told me.

12-06-2002, 11:22 PM
Hmm, most cats I have seen come in are scared stiff and attack. I have been bit so many times it's ridiculous. One cat, a tuxedo got me really good on my finger and of course the doc made me go get a tetanus and antibiotics. Whenever I take Mystic in he is calm as can be.......

12-10-2002, 07:06 PM
my grown cats do not like vet visits.....now washy the kitten doesnt mind at all......maybe that will change "when he grows up".;)