View Full Version : How cold is it Thursday #517!

01-24-2013, 09:36 AM
Man, is it it ever cold.

(How cold is it?)

It's so cold the Edster spent most of the night under the blankets with me.

He's still there, so if I go into the room and sit on the bed...

Let's start off the day with a pot of hot water, some toast or a bagel and a cream cheese block.


I have been entertained with the weather reports and the frozen t-shirt stunts.

I guess it wouldn't work if you put a woman into one and wet it first?



01-24-2013, 10:12 AM
It's so cold that the icicles have icicles. Okay - that was pretty bad, so lets just say that it's bleepin cold! Another dusting of snow over night last night, and snow of questionable accumulation forecast for tomorrow. I do believe winter finally arrived.

Cold weather = I want to bake. Just finished a batch of peanutbutter cookies for Myndi for her birthday, and now I have 2 cranberry breads in baking for all the peeps. That and a nice big mug of steaming hot coffee will take away some of the chill.

Anyone care to join me? - after I clean up the mess in the kitchen that baking makes. :p

01-24-2013, 01:02 PM
It's so cold that the icicles have icicles. Okay - that was pretty bad, so lets just say that it's bleepin cold! Another dusting of snow over night last night, and snow of questionable accumulation forecast for tomorrow. I do believe winter finally arrived.

Cold weather = I want to bake. Just finished a batch of peanutbutter cookies for Myndi for her birthday, and now I have 2 cranberry breads in baking for all the peeps. That and a nice big mug of steaming hot coffee will take away some of the chill.

Anyone care to join me? - after I clean up the mess in the kitchen that baking makes. :p

I'll clean, it you pour me a cup?

I don't mind helping out. It's good for the soul.

There is something about a warm kitchen and baked goods that makes me feel happy.

01-24-2013, 01:35 PM
The cleanup was already done, but thanks for the offer.

I'll pour you that coffee - care to try the cranberry bread - with cream cheese, maybe??? If that's not to your liking, there's still a couple of slices left of the applesauce oatmeal bread.

And you're right - there's just something about the smell of goodies baking and a warm kitchen on a cold winter day. :D


01-24-2013, 07:09 PM
We warmed up to freezing today. It was chilly and gloomy with lots of moisture in the air making it feel even colder. Can you believe they say we will be in the 60s Monday? I hope they aren't just joshing with us.

Any hot chocolate and a few cookies? :love:

Pinot's Mom
01-24-2013, 09:29 PM
Sorry I've been a little MIA lately; nothing earthshattering, just work.

OK, yes, 17F is cold, as it is here. A little bit of snow - it's OK, it's January, it's supposed to be cold.

Cranberry bread sounds really good - and I have a new coffee maker - wanna try it out? We haven't yet, but I'm pretty excited, it's the first time we've actually spent real money instead of a $15 or so special.

Lady's Human
01-24-2013, 09:54 PM
Well, it's 1F up here in the great white north.

It's so cold Lady doesn't want to go outside to piddle without an escort. I'll join everyone for a cup of coffee, but only if I can use it to defrost the fingers!

01-24-2013, 11:14 PM
Its only cold if the urine freezes before it hits the ground.

Lady's Human
01-25-2013, 12:12 AM
Its only cold if the urine freezes before it hits the ground.

Which reminds me of a discussion I had with a platoon sergeant at Hood during a nasty cold snap...

PFC, why do you want the vehicles inside to work on them? You're from New England, you should be used to this!

Sergeant, Yep, I'm from New England. We're smart enough to stay the heck out of it unless necessary.

Queen of Poop
01-25-2013, 09:52 AM
We're having a bit of a warm up before the deep freeze resets next week. Currently -2oC, which I believe converts to about 28.4oF.

Got a pot of hot tea on for any takers. Still trying to calm myself after the kitties performance at the vet, bad, bad kitties.

smokey the elder
01-25-2013, 10:40 AM
Coffee and cranberry bread with cream cheese on it sounds great! It hasn't gotten above 20 F in a couple days. Brrr.

01-25-2013, 12:28 PM
Coffee and cranberry bread with cream cheese on it sounds great! It hasn't gotten above 20 F in a couple days. Brrr.

Coffee and cranberry bread coming right up! Any more takers out there on this chilly day? Right now it's 23 with a wind chill of 14 and looks like the snow will begin any time now. According to the weather map it's practically at our back door as I type!

01-25-2013, 05:56 PM
I got some nice ginger peach tea yesterday and have brewed some up - anyone want to share a pot? It's not only yummy task, but maybe be good for what ails ya with the ginger and peach combined with the tea itself!

Pinot's Mom
01-26-2013, 07:23 AM
Karen, it's funny you posted about that tea! My husband and I were at the mall a couple of days ago (a REAL rarity in itself), and this shop was giving out samples of iced ginger peach tea with honey. I loved it, and I don't drink a whole lot of tea. I'll have some of that, please, and I've got raspberry croissants to share!

01-27-2013, 07:06 PM
Tea and chocolate for everyone!

It's been pretty cold with a few days of strange weather in between...


01-28-2013, 03:40 PM
Can you believe it's in the 70s here today? I wouldn't either if I wasn't here. New record high for us. Never been this warm in January here before. I'm loving it but tomorrow we have storms moving in. They say maybe severe. I'd love a rootbeer float while it's still feeling like summer though. :love:

01-28-2013, 04:02 PM

Gently falling snow
Quietly covers the frozen ground
Highlighting every bump and protrusion
Of the old stone wall beyond my window
Every branch gets a coating of snow
Delicate and slight, no wind
And the world hushes into dusk
Snow still gently falling
In no rush, no hurry
Just drifting sweetly down


Tea in my mug, this time orange spice and plain black tea - it's a big mug, two teabags required!

01-28-2013, 06:51 PM

Gently falling snow
Quietly covers the frozen ground
Highlighting every bump and protrusion
Of the old stone wall beyond my window
Every branch gets a coating of snow
Delicate and slight, no wind
And the world hushes into dusk
Snow still gently falling
In no rush, no hurry
Just drifting sweetly down


Tea in my mug, this time orange spice and plain black tea - it's a big mug, two teabags required!

I have an old pickle jar that I make tea in. I just add teabags until I get to five.....;)


What is going on with this weather?

Last week it was the mid 30's. Tomorrow? Mid 60's!

I saw that is was in the mid 80's in Florida!!!

Lady's Human
01-29-2013, 01:15 PM
It's soo cold.....

I saw Beelzebub wearing a Parka.

That was right after I was sharing the couch with Trillian and Patch (both in my lap!!!) and Lady schmoozed the Vet Tech.

Those together in the same day have GOT to be one of the signs on the Apocalypse!!!

01-29-2013, 01:30 PM
It's soo cold.....

I saw Beelzebub wearing a Parka.

That was right after I was sharing the couch with Trillian and Patch (both in my lap!!!) and Lady schmoozed the Vet Tech.

Those together in the same day have GOT to be one of the signs on the Apocalypse!!!

Woah - Trill AND Patch in your lap at the same time????? Folks here might not know how rare that is, but I am duly impressed!

01-29-2013, 02:00 PM
It's soo cold.....

I saw Beelzebub wearing a Parka.

That was right after I was sharing the couch with Trillian and Patch (both in my lap!!!) and Lady schmoozed the Vet Tech.

Those together in the same day have GOT to be one of the signs on the Apocalypse!!!


Ed and Tuck were both on the couch yesterday.......That gave me pause.

And the Edster HAS to get into my lap while I am posting.

I think we all need a drink?!?!?

Lady's Human
01-29-2013, 02:12 PM
I'll pour. Anything in particular? I'm going to have a glass of wine.

01-29-2013, 02:47 PM
I'll pour. Anything in particular? I'm going to have a glass of wine.

1800, neat.


I think a bowl of spus-getti and Texas toast is called for.

I think I'll open up the doors to the patio, there is a nice breeze coming thru...

oh, oh.

I hear fun-der!:D

Lady's Human
01-29-2013, 03:00 PM
1800, neat.

1800 neat? That could get messy.....

(ba da bump!)

01-29-2013, 03:50 PM
1800 neat? That could get messy.....

(ba da bump!)

It's like couch basketball....a few drinks and I'll dribble all over myself.

01-30-2013, 03:04 PM
I came to raid the hot chocolate. What a difference a day makes. We are paying for our 70 degrees. It's in the 30s and windy and cold and spitting snow at us. yuck:love: