View Full Version : Oh My Goodness Joey walked into Now he's home!!!

01-23-2013, 09:31 AM
The Found Cat Hotel!!!
It has been very cold in Hamilton and that must have made Joey , Brother to the Empress Josephine want to come in out of the cold.
Emporer Joey got some growls and hisses at first , but was calm when I returned home. His majesty is in the cellar mouse catching and will be TNRED Friday.
That will take another intact Male off the street and maybe I have a New Found Hotel Cat.:love:
Another poofed Cat in from the cold:cool:

01-23-2013, 10:12 AM
Congratulations, Gary, welcome HOME, Joey, and God bless you both.


smokey the elder
01-23-2013, 10:39 AM
Joey is a smart cat to come in out of the cold!

Queen of Poop
01-23-2013, 11:24 AM
Welcome Home Joey!!!!! :D

01-23-2013, 11:42 AM
Yay, Joey! You will be a purr-fect Found Kitty! Empress Josephine needs an Emperor! Welcome home!

01-23-2013, 04:36 PM
And a candle http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=17757567

Edited to ask - Catmandu, if Joey's tests for the cat infectious diseases are negative, will he stay with you after he's neutered? I am so glad he decided to come in!

01-23-2013, 04:37 PM
Smart kitty - today is NOT the day to be out in the cold!

Scooter's Mom
01-23-2013, 11:45 PM
Bless you, Gary. You are so wonderful to every kitty you meet. ((Hugs)) to you and the Found Cats!

01-24-2013, 09:21 AM
Here Emporer Joey is eating!!!
He hisses at every one, especially My Little Empress.
He looks mild here but he has the paw speed of a Muhammad Ali!!!
This is yesterday Joey is in the cellar for safety concerns,\
There has been FIP in my neighborhood.
He I pray will not be as defensive, that he will calm down.
Gone but not forgotten My Pouncer Roccalno who wanted her freedom.
I would hate to see Joey have her short life.
Please pray for My Joey to get a clean bill of health.:love::love::love:

01-24-2013, 09:57 AM
Smart boy Joey to get in side out of the cold!

I wouldn't worry about the hissing just yet; he is new to the whole situation and not used to living in close proximity to other cats. Paws crossed he checks out well at the vet!

01-24-2013, 10:32 AM
I know your vet will get Joey all fixed up (no pun intended). His one eye looks a little weepy; prayers for a clean bill of health! Looks like his appetite is just fine! :D

01-24-2013, 12:23 PM
Prayers for good health and long life for dear Joey. So glad he has come in out of the cold!


01-24-2013, 10:34 PM
Prayers for good health and long life for dear Joey. So glad he has come in out of the cold!


Awwww, he is a grey boy! Prayers from here too that all the dreaded "F" tests will be negative. Sweet boy Joey, your poor ouchie eye. Stay in the cellar until you go to the doctor. Paws and fingers crossed that he will get a good report and be able to become a Found Kitty.

01-25-2013, 09:40 AM
Well Joey is on his way to the Vets now so we will see if he will be all right,
I hope so as he is a grouch now but I think that he will be a good Cat once he calms down.
He was certainly not a happy camper , he was giving the Vet assistant hell!!:mad:
I thought that that maybe was the last of the Males, but Malcolm's Big Brother Machiste is out there and there
as well as Scrappington and Sylvester the Tuxedoes.
Where do these Cats come from!!!

01-25-2013, 03:50 PM
Just checking in for an update. I still hope all his tests are negative and he can join the Found Cat Family!

01-26-2013, 09:29 AM
Well the good news is that Joey does not have FIP!!!:love:
But he does have a bad URI which has to be taken care of before he is neutered.:love:
My Vet will cover this cost , he will pretend that Joey was left at his clinic which happens several times a year.
He can bill the region to make these Pets adoptable so when I claim Joey , I will only pay an adoption fee.
I pray that he will eventually calm down and be a Good Found Hotel Cat.
Joey thanks you all for your prayers and good wishes:love::love::love:

01-26-2013, 09:35 AM
Did the vet say anything about his eye? I hope his UTI clears quickly. It is so nice of you to take such good care of the cats in your neighborhood.


01-26-2013, 09:42 AM
His bad eye is part of the URI and will take time to clear up especially as Joey had definite ideas about the taking of medicine.
In other words
But they know how to handle GRRRERS so he should be coming home Friday unless they can find a home where he can be the only Cat.
That would be ideal!!!:love:

01-26-2013, 12:50 PM
Oh, what fabulous news! I'm SO glad there's no FIP. And God bless your WONDERFUL vet for taking care of the URI and covering the cost and getting Joey ready for adoption.


01-27-2013, 12:09 PM
Joey is still feral so they have to give him his meds carefully .:)
They put the meds in his food and sometimes if he is against the cage bars they can inject him quickly.:eek:
Joey is looking a lot better and I know that My Juke Joint Joseph Angel is telling him that the best is yet to come!!!:love::love::love:

01-31-2013, 05:57 PM
Catmandu, have you heard anything more about Joey? Is he taking his medicine? Is his kitty URI resolving? Will he be able t o have his Sir-Jury tomorrow? I hope the URI will resolve, he will have successful surgery and become a precious, loved FOund Kitty! Hugs and loves to ALL the Found Kitties xoxoxo !!

02-01-2013, 09:12 AM
Joey is coming home tomorrow all cured and to his dismay altered so his Saturday nights are not going to be as shall we say romantic!!
But that will be another source of unwanted Kittens shut off.:love:
Joey was just getting used to my Vet and his assistants , now he has a long car ride home.
He will be in the spare bedroom , and I pray that he will eventually calm down , although he Terrance, Scrapster and Malcolm have some Porch Cat issues.
I pray that he will be a Good Found Hote Cat.
After all he has Juke Joint Joseph as a Guardian Angel:love:

02-01-2013, 12:39 PM
Prayers and good wishes for Joey in his new room/home with you. If he was getting used to the vet and staff so soon, he may come around.:)

02-01-2013, 03:49 PM
OHHHHHHH, what wonderful news!!! Welcome HOME, Joey! You're set for life now!


02-02-2013, 12:55 AM
Joey, you don't know it yet, but you are going to live in the best kitty home EVER! The Found Cat Hotel is the place to be if you're a cat.:)

02-02-2013, 10:22 AM
Although the Vet assistants could not touch him and had to put his food in with an attachment that gently dropped his plate.:eek:
After a scray ride home in snow where they had to brake a few times Joey was angry:mad: and scared:mad:
Hopefully we will have somewhat less Angry Joey photos soon.