View Full Version : Luckies4me...

12-05-2002, 06:50 PM
I just wanted to say...
ALL your rats are soooooo cute!!! I used to have a rat when I was a teen, his name was Oreo ;). I am sooo tempted to go get a pet rat now! but I dunno if my dog would try to eat him/her :(

Aspen and Misty
12-05-2002, 07:05 PM
I thought the same thing whe nI considered getting my two new babies, but Chewy loves them. I would definitly tell you to get a rat. I love them, I have 4, at the moment, trying to convince my dad to get me some more :D


12-05-2002, 07:17 PM
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!:D

As with rats and dogs there is much consideration that needs to happen before deciding. You must make sure that you can provide an escpare proof cage or tank, never leave them alone either. It can be done, my cats are scared of the rats! :rolleyes:

Even the most good ententioned dogs can kill a rat very fast. Not by attacking it, but by mouthing it. They pretty much lick it to death until it has a heart attack. My dog tess used to do that with possums all the time. :mad:

I would still suggest getting rats. Notice how I say RATS! Rats do much better in pairs. Just make introductions slow and it should work out. And make sure to keep the cage where the dog can't reach it. :)

12-05-2002, 07:33 PM
Awww I pretty much have my plate full just trying to keep a roof on me and Juneau, but maybe later (if I get a roomie) I will consider getting rats :)

12-06-2002, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Lalania
I just wanted to say...
ALL your rats are soooooo cute!!! I used to have a rat when I was a teen, his name was Oreo ;). I am sooo tempted to go get a pet rat now! but I dunno if my dog would try to eat him/her :(

I would be careful with Jeanu if you get a rat. Felice killed my second rat when I wasn't home:( She figured out how to open the cage. I would suggest getting a cage that has locks on the top if you get one.

12-06-2002, 02:27 AM
I've wanted a rat for awhile now too. But I don't think I can because of the cats. They are both so young and active that I am scared they would hurt it. I'm always worried about everything that is breakable in my room, so I could only imagine trying to have a small living creature in my room. Plus I think my roommate would have a fit if I had a rat, and seeing as how I live with her I don't want to upset her too much.