View Full Version : Vote for Nebo?

01-19-2013, 07:18 PM
Hi everyone, Nebo is in a photo competetion all about snow dogs and who better to win a snow dogs competition than a husky? A husky who loves snow more than pretty much anything besides food actually. If you could take a minute and vote for him, that would be awesome! You do have to register which is a pain but once you register you can link it to facebook and just login through facebook. You can vote once per day. The winner gets $250. Thanks in advance to anyone who votes!! :)

Here's the link http://fox13now.com/2012/12/11/win-a-250-visa-gift-card/ if that doesn't link directly to his photo you can just search for Nebo (only two entries come up - he's the red husky if you don't know him ;) ) or he's number 315. I think this link should take you directly actually but if it doesn't work click the other and just search for him. http://fox13now.upickem.net/engine/Details.aspx?p=V&c=78032&s=29257575&i=1