View Full Version : A smile for today

01-19-2013, 05:42 PM
Yesterday I was in a pet store getting bugs for my leopard gecko when I decided to stop into the "satellite center" of the local shelter. It's an extra wing at the rear of the pet store staffed by two shelter employees which houses a handful of adoptable dogs, cats, bunnies, and small animals. One senior kittylooked so much like my Sherpa that I was just captivated. She was beautiful!

This shelter has a program called "Homeward bound", where you can donate toward an animal's adoption fee so a prospective adopter would not have to pay as much (or anything) to adopt them. After thinking it over for about twelve seconds, I paid her entire adoption fee and left my phone number with the employee I talked to about her.

About two hours later I got a call back to tell me that she had been adopted!! The shelter employee sounded totally thrilled, and I am too! It made my day (week!) to think that I might have played a small role in getting a senior kitty into a new home. I'll definitely be doing that again!

01-19-2013, 06:37 PM
Awww, how wonderful, both for that kitty, and for you! I bet you gave Sherpa an extra hug when you found out her lookalike had a home!

01-19-2013, 06:55 PM
That is a nice idea, not heard of that before. Glad you donated for her! Well done!

01-20-2013, 12:19 PM
What a wonderful thing to do for an Older Cat as so many of our Senior Kittyzens are overlooked at adoption time.
God Bless You for caring:love:

01-20-2013, 04:11 PM
There should be more people like you in this world :D

01-20-2013, 10:29 PM
What a very nice thing to do and I'm thrilled to hear that the kitty also got adopted.:) The rescue group,FOSMAS, where I adopted Colby, Radar, Reece, & Rory, also does this. It's on the petfinder site and you just need to click the purple sponsor me tab in the upper right hand corner from the animals name. Then you can pay towards that animals adoption fee. I anonymously paid for most of the adoption fee towards a kitty that I knew that my co-worker and her daughter were interested in. I did tell the kitties foster mom but I didn't want to tell my co-worker or her daughter. They did end up adopting the kitten and were thrilled that he had already been sponsored.:)