View Full Version : Snow!

12-05-2002, 05:40 PM
I had to come home early today cause it was really snowing. No problem my animals love to see me home! I had to put the horses in which is difficult with the two youngsters who wanted to play and romp around! Abel adores the snow too so I let him out for a little run around while I got the horses in.

Abby and Aaron have seen snow. They can see it from the windows near their cages. I brought them outside last year just to show it to them and Aaron whimpered and Abby thought snow was food!

Well have a good night! I'm getting ready for this little get together I'm going to where all these monkey owners chat and bring their monkeys. We do this every two or three months and it's always fun. This year we were going to a women's house who owns a Capuchin also but change of plan so it's hosted at this couple's home who couldn't have children and have a Vervet Guenon. I can't wait!


P.S. Check out this pic of Abdul the parrot!

Cisco's Mom
12-05-2002, 06:42 PM
WoW! Snow. Well, to be honest I don't really misss the snow, but I would like my hubby and Cisco to see it at least once! We always go to the tropics for vac.. Maybe one yr. we should go north.:)

Have a ton of fun with your Monkey friends!;)

12-05-2002, 06:55 PM
Wow! That sounds like fun, a BYOM party! (bring your own monkey);)
It sounds like fun, a monkey playgroup, I bet the monkeys enjoy seeing their monkey friends too.:)

12-06-2002, 07:50 AM
What is snow? :0) We let Ricky walk on the snow in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado last summer and he didn't care for it. It was the first time my husband and son had seen snow also and it isn't quite the same as new snow. Pictures below will show you the only kind of "white stuff" Ricky & Lucy Tu understand.
http://community.webshots.com/storage/1/v5/3/99/13/45939913mQvkfg_th.jpg http://community.webshots.com/storage/1/v5/3/92/76/45939276xllNXD_th.jpg