View Full Version : For those of you who have never seen a double rex or hairless rat, look here!

12-05-2002, 04:27 PM
I am going to post some pics here, Imagestation is being crappy so I will just attach the files.

First here is a pic of my double rex rat Double the second, hehe. Contrary to what people believe they are not hairless, they do contain a small amount of fur which grows in and then falls out in patches, which is why some people refer to them a patchwork hairless. Double rex is the result of breeding Rex to Rex (curly haired rats with tight curly whiskers) and after breeding several generations of Double rex you eventually get hairless. There are also Double Velveteen rats as well. Velveteen being similar to Rex but much softer and missing more guard hairs.

Here is Double the second!:D

12-05-2002, 04:30 PM
Here is a pic of my first double rex rat, Double. As you can see he has quite a bit of fur here, when he was a baby he was completely blad. :p

12-05-2002, 04:31 PM
He's kind of weird looking yet cute. I don't think I've ever seen a hairless rat before. He's cuter then I would have thought. The second rat is cute too, he looks like he would be really soft.

12-05-2002, 04:32 PM
Here is Double and Wrinkles the second. :D

12-05-2002, 04:36 PM
Aren't they a cute couple! :p

12-05-2002, 04:37 PM
i don't like rats. ;\ they scare me.

12-05-2002, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
i don't like rats. ;\ they scare me.

Why do they scare you? They ae very intelligent, clean, and kissy little critters and DO NOT carry diseases!!!!!!!

12-05-2002, 04:40 PM
As you can see this is a hairless rat (no fur at all) and not a double rex. ;)

12-05-2002, 04:41 PM

12-05-2002, 04:41 PM
I never used to like rats until I worked at Petco. We had accidentally gotten in a female rat with the males so we needed to keep her seperate. So we put her in a large tank with a screen on the top. Everynight she would escape, then in the morning when we opened the store and turned on the lights we would see her run around the store and go back to her cage and wait to be fed. It was so cute, she was my first rat love. Someday I'd like to get a rat, they are sweet.

12-05-2002, 04:41 PM
I just think they look nasty.

12-05-2002, 04:44 PM

12-05-2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I just think they look nasty.

What's nasty about them?:confused:

Desert Arabian
12-05-2002, 04:46 PM

Hairless rats have also been on my lists of "rats I must have"! Ever since I saw one at the pet store being picked on by kids, I fell in love! They are so cute! I love their little punims (yiddish for face)! Give them a little kiss for me!

Did you see the Hairless that was Pet of the Day a couple of days ago? I loved its little sweater.

12-05-2002, 04:53 PM
He has a piece of leaf stuck to his nose, hehe.


12-05-2002, 04:56 PM
It wasn't actually a hairless, it was a Double rex. :p

Originally posted by YellowLabLover

Hairless rats have also been on my lists of "rats I must have"! Ever since I saw one at the pet store being picked on by kids, I fell in love! They are so cute! I love their little punims (yiddish for face)! Give them a little kiss for me!

Did you see the Hairless that was Pet of the Day a couple of days ago? I loved its little sweater.

12-05-2002, 05:06 PM

How adorable! I LOVE the wrinkles! Kinda reminds me of my hairless cat MooShoo :D.

Rats are nothing to be afraid of. That IS unless you see them near a dumpster or garbage and they're the size of a small dog. THOSE are the kinds that carry diseases.

Cute babies!

12-05-2002, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

How adorable! I LOVE the wrinkles! Kinda reminds me of my hairless cat MooShoo :D.

Rats are nothing to be afraid of. That IS unless you see them near a dumpster or garbage and they're the size of a small dog. THOSE are the kinds that carry diseases.

Cute babies!

I am absolutely terrified of wild rats!!!!!!! One got into my friends rattery once and ripped all her sweet tame ratties to shreds, she killed it with a shovel.

Popcornbird: My mouse is a wild mouse named Fred, my cat brought him to me as a present and he is the most friendly little fellow ever!;)

12-05-2002, 05:58 PM
Ok can someone tell me what makes them look so nasty???????:rolleyes:

12-05-2002, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

Everything! Heh! Well, since you're asking, I don't mean to offend you or anything...................I know you love your pets more than anything, but I'm not a rat person. What's so nasty looking about the hairless rats are the wrinkles, the pinkness of the skin, the naked tail (reminds me of a slug) and many more. I didn't want to say this, but you asked. :o Sorry!

Have you ever seen a tailess rat? maybe you would like them furry, with dumbo ears and no tail? Lots of people don't like the tail, which is why tailess ratties are becomming more popular. You should check out the thread on tailess rats I started. :)

Desert Arabian
12-06-2002, 04:42 PM
I love the tail....especaially when they grab my face with it to balance on my shoulder.

I "love" to hear stories of people saying rats are so nasty, when most likely they have never even held a rat to make a true judgement...they judge by looks and thats what kills me! My mom did this too. When I asked for a pet rat all she did was complain about how nasty they are and gross. After she saw a rat and bonded with it, she fell in love. Now-who is the one making weird nosises at the rats and showering them with affection (my mom). If a person looking in an orphange (sp?) and saw a kid with hiedous 3rd degree burns, I'm sure most people wouldn't adopt that kid, but if it were their own kid and it got burned, they most likely would still love the child to death, even tho they were horribly disfigured. Makes no sence to me...oh well. :rolleyes:

All Creatures Great And Small
12-06-2002, 05:13 PM
Yes, I am nutty about YLL's ratty-poos, almost as much as I am about the cat. However, (sorry to say this), I agree that the pink hairless ones are ugly. I still think the regular rat tails look somewhat like an armadillo's tail, and it's not real cute, but you grow to love the tail when you love the rest of them. I know a lot of people have rodent-phobia, and I understand that. I personally could NEVER have pet tarantulas or scorpions - I would throw up just looking at them, never mind touching them!

12-06-2002, 05:21 PM
If you think hairless rats are yucky, you should see my one eyed hairless rat, hehe. :p

I think tarantulas are cute, some of them anyway. As for holding one, the cloest I came to that was letting one on my shoulder. I think scorpians are discusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

12-06-2002, 07:53 PM
Rats are not dirty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are basing this off what you hear other people say and the medias image of rats. Rats are very clean animals, alot cleaner than mice and do not stink unless you don't clean the cage, which would make them stinky because of you not cleaning. They groom themselves more than cats!!!! And you don't know if you would like them or not if you have never held one. Most rat people hated rats until they held them. And to compare them to slugs is ridiculous!!! Slugs are slimy, rats are not. Slugs move about one inch every three hours, rats do not. Rats kiss, brux when happy, learn tricks like agility and tight rope etc.

You cannot make an assumption based on things you have heard. I think a little of your moms rat phobia rubbed off on you. :rolleyes:

12-06-2002, 07:56 PM
Do you know rat mothers are one of the most nuturing animal moms and will take in other rats babies? My Cocoa took in Roxys babies and her sisters babies and loved them as her own. She had 28 babies at once but she didn't care.

Would you dislike a cat if it didn't have fur on the tail? How about hairless cats? I also like those. Do you know that hamsters bite a lot but rats seldom bite. There is much you need to learn about this rodent.......

Aspen and Misty
12-06-2002, 07:58 PM
YLL I love when my rats do that to! Its the cutest thing.

Popcornbird- They are not dirty, and that un fare of you to say. I can see you saying they are ugly or they look nasty, but they are in no way shape or form dirty. Yes they go to the bathroom but don't you? And if you clean tehre cages properly they do not smell at all, infact my rats are in my kitchen becasue there cages are covered with Christmas stickers, so they are my christmas decorations, that way I don't have to decorate outside in freezing weather :D Also rats clean themselves so much I'm suprised all there fur does not fall out. :rolleyes:


Aspen and Misty
12-06-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Rats are not dirty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are basing this off what you hear other people say and the medias image of rats. Rats are very clean animals, alot cleaner than mice and do not stink unless you don't clean the cage, which would make them stinky because of you not cleaning. They groom themselves more than cats!!!! And you don't know if you would like them or not if you have never held one. Most rat people hated rats until they held them. And to compare them to slugs is ridiculous!!! Slugs are slimy, rats are not. Slugs move about one inch every three hours, rats do not. Rats kiss, brux when happy, learn tricks like agility and tight rope etc.

You cannot make an assumption based on things you have heard. I think a little of your moms rat phobia rubbed off on you. :rolleyes:

Should of just left it to you :D - Couldn't of said it better myself!

12-06-2002, 08:05 PM
A&M!!!! I so know what you mean. They clean themselves constantly. They are obscessive compulsive groomers, lol. Rats can actually over clean themselves, which is called barbering. ;)

They clean the scent of humans off of them when you touch them, when they itch themselves they have to clean their foot afterwards, they even cleanthe inside of their ears............hardly dirty. Plus mine get baths on a regular basis and most smell better than the average dog!

12-06-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
They may not be dirty. I meant to say they look dirty. Sorry!

Aren't hairless rats slimmy? I don't know but they look slimmy to me!

And I don't like hairless cats any more than hairless mice, I think they are just as ugly! :eek:

Nooooooo they are not slimey, why would they be slimey? Do you see ooze comming from their bodies? Hairless rats are very warm also and keep my neck cozy when it's freezing at night. :D

12-06-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
They may not be dirty. I meant to say they look dirty. Sorry!

Aren't hairless rats slimmy? I don't know but they look slimmy to me!

And I don't like hairless cats any more than hairless mice, I think they are just as ugly! :eek: \

You have no idea how insulting you are, do you? I am appauled at the things you are saying. I vote we just keep our opinions to ourselves. If you don't like them, then keep it to yourselves. How would you like it if someone told you that they thought birds were disgusting, filthy, ugly, and that you were "wrong" for having them? And not only that, but they went on and on and on about it. Ok, so you don't like them. It's your opinion and your opinion is just that...it's not a fact! I find you very insulting sometimes. You are just plain rude.

All Creatures Great And Small
12-06-2002, 09:10 PM
If I may interpret for YellowLabLover - she's still honing the fine art of expressing herself, and the analogy she was trying to make with the burned child is that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; that what may be frightening or visually unpleasant to one person can be dearly loved by another, especially if it is "their own child", like she feels about her ratties. I know she didn't mean anything about humans, burnt or otherwise. She's just explaining how some people can look at a hairless rat and see something adorable because the love is already there. And yes, there are people who couldn't deal with a special needs child, and if they had a choice would probably pick a cute, healthy one. YLL was just pointing that out, not saying that she would do the same if given the choice. (She actually only wants furkids, no skinkids.) Never having had a special needs child, I can't speculate on what kind of choice I would make or judge anyone else's choice.

Desert Arabian
12-06-2002, 11:41 PM
Cockatiels are *so* nasty. I can't stand them! EWWW! Just thinking about them makes me want to barf. Their feet and legs look like 4,000 year old mummy skin, and they smell like a landfill. Oh, and they are so loud and annyoing. There feathers fly everywhere, and they are so ugly and crusty. They never shut up, and all they do is bite, screech, bite, poop, and screech. THEY ARE DISGUSTING!. THEY ARE SO UGLY! I could use them as a shuttlecock for my badminton game in my physical education class. (Would you like this if someone said this about your birds? By the way...I don't have any offense against birds. Just doing it as an example. )

All I need to say....is I am EXTREMELY offended by your posts about rats, Popcornbird!!!!!!!!!!! I can see if you just noted a couple of reasons for your dis-likes, but you are going way to far! We get the point that you don't like them...so stop ranting on them!


Rats=slimy...you have got to be kidding me right? They are mammals, mammals don't secrete slime like insects- didn't you learn that in school?? Rubbery rats...yea....right. Dirty...oh, why yes extremely! That's why I have 5 flea, mite, rabies, typhoid, black plague infected vermin living in my house.

Please stop...thank you kindly!

12-07-2002, 12:04 AM
Just want to say that i love tiels and rats, but if I had to chose I would pick rats anyday. Much more cuddly critters you know? :)

Desert Arabian
12-07-2002, 12:49 PM
Okeedokee! Sounds good to me.

Luckies4Me, I also like birds. I think they are very interesting. My favorite would have to be the big Macaws. I don't think I would own one tho, because I think they are just a little to loud for me, and I'm afraid it would bite off my finger :rolleyes:.

12-07-2002, 03:33 PM
I also except your apology. ;)

YLL: My favorite bird of all time are lorikeets, they are beautiful!!!! I hope to have a pair some day, maybe whenI get my settlement I will buy a pair. I also like Ecelectus Parrots, actually I like all birds. My favorite wildbird though are crows. They used to call me the crow lady when was in highscholl because I had five and they lived in my room with me, and theyeven had a perch inthe corner. But I wouldn't advise to keep crows in your room, lol. they poop a lot. Once my bf, DYlan, Dans father and I were at the mall and driving to go home. I saw this lady walking really weird and chasing after something. Then I saw a crow. I told Dan to stop really fast (he didn't want to, knew I would take it home, hehe) and I jumped out. I asked thelady what happened and I guess a huge hawk swooped down and took two baby crows out of their nest. One was killed and was laying on the floor. She was trying to catch him but was tooa fraid. I walked right up to him and scopped him up. Bird birdie, he was so cute. My bf thought I was crazy for that until I got in the car and he saw the crow close up and touched it. Crows are very smart bird birds, not to mention pretty. Most people don't like them but I love them to pieces!!!!! Ok went on long enough, lol.

P.S. I took him to our wildlife center where I work and hemade a full recovery. ;)

12-07-2002, 10:47 PM
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm glad that everyone has made peace. There alot of great people here with varying opinions, which is their right.

I don't get insulted when people say MooShoo is ugly. To each his own. But how could you not love this boy??? There are two opinions I get. He's either ugly or so ugly he's cute. I say...whatever. Important thing is I love him. :D

12-07-2002, 11:15 PM
I don't think he's ugly or so ugly he's cute....I just think he is a fantasticly beautiful feline who I want to kill all over. I love sphynx cats, they are my dream cat, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also like devon rexes too. :)

12-07-2002, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I don't think he's ugly or so ugly he's cute....I just think he is a fantasticly beautiful feline who I want to kill all over. I love sphynx cats, they are my dream cat, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also like devon rexes too. :)

I'm gonna pray you meant "KISS" all over.. :eek: :eek: :eek:

That just struck my funny.. I know you don't mean anything mean by it but it really made me giggle.. hehehe :D :D

Moo is gorgeous.. I agree!!! :D

12-08-2002, 12:13 AM
I really like crows/Ravens too. I think they are gorgeous!

12-08-2002, 01:21 AM
Hey Popcornbird, picture this:

Tons of baby mice....white with pink eyes...crawling up your arms and in your hands. Not only are they mice, but they are WET mice! lol. I had to dry off a bunch of baby mice in the back of the grooming one day. They had to be washed because they came in with mites. I thought they were so cute!! I just kept picturing my family (they do not like rodents AT ALL like your family) freaking out at this!

The only rodent type we've had was a hampster. Actually, it was my sister's hampster. I thought it was cute, but man, I swear I've never seen a critter POOP so much! Geez! There was one of those loose in Petco on friday and it was a mean little bugger. Was hissing and biting at me when I tried to catch it!

I'd have to say, if I ever had a rodent pet (which will not be any time soon, as I mentioned, my family hates them) it'd be a rat! I think they are so cute! :D I guess it's just me, but the tail and the feet don't bother me. I'll have to admit, I don't think I'd go for a hairless one though...I like the furry critters!

Actually, the number one pet I'd get in the "small animals" catagory would be a ferret! I love ferrets! :D I love the big Macaw there is at Petco too, but he's waaaay out of my price range!

As far as wild rats and mice....no thanks. There's too big of a risk of hauntaviris (sp?) around here to even get NEAR them. Some girl my age just died from that recently.....in the same city I live in. Freaky! I think she was just in her garage and somehow was around the fumes from their waste...might have been sweeping.

12-08-2002, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Ok can someone tell me what makes them look so nasty???????:rolleyes:

They don't look nasty. I think they're cute :) People sort of make assumptions and generalizations of them before knowing them like they do with Pitbulls I think.

12-08-2002, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

I'm gonna pray you meant "KISS" all over.. :eek: :eek: :eek:

That just struck my funny.. I know you don't mean anything mean by it but it really made me giggle.. hehehe :D :D

Moo is gorgeous.. I agree!!! :D

OMG! I can't believe I wrote that!!!!!! WHy would I write two L's. that is bezarr (sp?). It also made me giggle too. And yes, I meant kiss all over, lol!:rolleyes:

12-08-2002, 10:06 AM
Please keep this thread on the original subject. I do not want to hear bout how rats/mice carry disease! It's that talk that makes people worried and confused!!!!!!!!!

12-08-2002, 10:13 AM
"Hantavirus is vectored (passed onto humans) by mice, although it is Deer Mice that spread the most dangerous form of Hantavirus, and we discuss this in a separate BugInfo article. The House Mouse currently is not incriminated in the spread of any virulent forms of Hantavirus. "

Please research first.

12-08-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
"Hantavirus is vectored (passed onto humans) by mice, although it is Deer Mice that spread the most dangerous form of Hantavirus, and we discuss this in a separate BugInfo article. The House Mouse currently is not incriminated in the spread of any virulent forms of Hantavirus. "

Please research first.

Sorry.....it really was not my intention to freak people out or something....and you may notice that I did say WILD mice, not pet mice that had it. No, I'm not a hantavirus expert, but I didn't feel there was any reason for me to "research" before I made one little comment...what I said was true anyway.

We have some property in the mountains and we left our 5th wheel up there. Somehow mice got in and the entire place was covered in mouse poop. It was under the beds...in the drawers...everywhere. We did manage to clean it up (wetting it down, wearing gloves/masks/etc.) without any problems. But it *is* something that people should know about, and they should be careful around WILD rodents.

I'm really not the one who completely changed the topic of the thread, it's been going on the entire time.

12-08-2002, 07:28 PM
I'm sorry, I just took offense because I have a wild mouse and rehab them often. Sorry. You are right, it is something people should know about. But again, only WILD mice. And not all wild mice either. Also only some parts of the US have outbreaks and animals that actually carry it.

12-09-2002, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I'm sorry, I just took offense because I have a wild mouse and rehab them often. Sorry. You are right, it is something people should know about. But again, only WILD mice. And not all wild mice either. Also only some parts of the US have outbreaks and animals that actually carry it.

Yeah well, the outbreaks have been in my area of the country, so I feel I have a reason to be concerned here. If hantavirus has occured at all in your state, I feel it is safe to assume you should be careful around any wild mice...at least the droppings. It's often hard to know you have hantavirus until it's too late.

Sorry, I would have never replied any more about this if there wasn't replies to my one comment. I really am not trying to say anything bad about mice or rats....wild or domestic.