View Full Version : Why does my cat ... enjoy boxes?

01-09-2013, 01:57 AM
(source: Whydoesmycat.com) There was a previous thread about why kitties do head-bumpies. http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?178508-Why-Does-My-Cat-Head-Butt-Me&highlight=why+does+cat Here's an article about kitties and boxes (if kitteh fits, kitteh sits)! Cassie is not a huge fan of boxes, but she loooooves paper grocery sacks!

Cats like to sit in boxes, lay in boxes, and play in boxes!

Cats like boxes for many many reasons! Do you remember building forts or hide-outs when your parents bought something that came in a big huge box? Well, cats get excited about boxes too. If a cat can fit in a box, the cat will sit in the box!

Cats are playful. Boxes provide a place for your cat to hide and, of course, play. If you sneak up on your cat while your cat is in a box, he will probably think that you are playing a game. Your cat will be willing to play many different games that involve a cardboard box — try it out!

Your cat probably loves any holiday that involves gifts. Gifts usually come in boxes, and boxes mean it's playtime! Your cat probably also loves when you come home after a shopping spree. Your cat is probably very curious about what you have in your bags. You cat may even try to get inside one of your bags, for the very same reasons that they like to jump inside a box.

Cats often chew the edges of boxes. This may be somewhat similar to cats chewing on plastic bags (which can actually be quite dangerous). If your cat is chewing on a box, you should make sure that he is not eating too much of the cardboard. Cats should eat cat food, not cardboard boxes!

Have you ever noticed that your cat likes to sit on the paper that you are reading, or the book that you are reading? It is quite common for cats to sit on paper and cardboard. When they sit on paper or cardboard, it is warmer than sitting on a tiled floor (or a granite kitchen countertop!).

If you’d like to provide a place for your cat to play and hide, you can buy cat trees and cat beds that are somewhat like boxes. They are usually made with carpet or fabric so your cat will be comfortable laying on them. Also, they can definitely look nicer in your home than a cardboard box!

01-09-2013, 09:24 AM
It must be in Our Cats DNA Elyse to like small enclosed places!!:love::love:
The Aniaml Welfare brought some food for My Porch Cats in a grapefruit box and both Malcolm the Mighty and My Empress HH Josephine love diving in it, and I knwo that wherever My Found Hotel Cat Angels are they have boxes all lined with faux fur!!:love::love:

01-09-2013, 10:13 AM
Fister has always loved boxes, I think it's a combination of various things... they are curious and want to smell what's been inside the box and when they jump in, they feel it's a safe place to hide, and there are corners to chew. :D

01-09-2013, 10:49 AM
A friend's cat preferred brown paper bags to boxes - after their weekly shopping trip, they would set out the bags on the kitchen floor, and Salem would leap from bag to bag with glee! But every cat seems to like boxes or sinks, maybe they feel protected, like a mountain lion lurking in a cave!

01-09-2013, 02:28 PM
Mac loves paper bags and boxes! Kimba just loves boxe of any size. Ming simply abstains from both. He prefers the closet or the bed for both naps and playtime (he's not the world's most playful cat, but sometimes the mood hits him).

01-09-2013, 03:12 PM
My mob LOVE boxes!!! Any size will fit or they will do their best to make it so. they have one fairly big box that I cut one side down for them to use as a bed. They flip it over and hide in it and grab me when I walk by. Reminds me of playing fort when I was a kid. :D

01-10-2013, 06:45 AM
My Lily is obsessed with boxes! Every time I'm receiving a package, she believes the box is for her and occupies it immediately. It's cute! :love:

01-18-2013, 12:20 AM


01-18-2013, 11:29 AM
Thanks for posting that. :)

My cats love boxes too.

I received a new 18 piece set of pots and pans from my kids for Christmas (much needed). I still have the big box sitting in the middle of my living room because the cats are not done with it yet. The flaps are very long and touch the floor so I folded them slightly and they like to hide under the fold. :D

01-18-2013, 07:37 PM
my angel cat has always loved boxes