View Full Version : Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

12-27-2012, 08:59 AM

Wowee, we are getting hit with a big one right now. It has been snowing since early last evening and it is supposed to continue throughout the day today. Wowee again! I have yet to take the dogster outside. I should. She is piddle pad trained, so that is not an issue until it's pooping time. She prefers the outside potty for pooping, thank goodness. Having her use to piddle pads saves on trips into the dark nights and icy day falls! Now that I am getting up there in years, I try not to venture out when it is going to put me at risk. Sad, but true. Wish I had a fenced in yard.

So, how about some photos of the snow? When I do go out today, soon, I will take a few photos. Anyone else willing to do this?

Let's see your piles of snow!


12-27-2012, 09:53 AM
I'm jealous - no snow here. Yesterday it started out as sleet and then changed over to a cold rain for most of the day. And windy!!!! Today the rain has stopped but it's gray and gloomy and now it's turning very cold and is still windy. I HATE the wind!!!

12-27-2012, 10:08 AM
Nice snow pics! Cute doggie too!! :D

I'm in California, so of course we don't get snow. We've had a couple rain storms, but that's all. I'm not even going to Tahoe until February so no snow for me for a while. I love seeing snow photos though! :)

12-27-2012, 10:28 AM
Love the photos!

We are getting 2inches of RAIN from this storm, bah.

12-27-2012, 10:37 AM
It was snowing all day yesterday from late morning on. I put my car in its carport space early yesterday afternoon and didn't go out of my apartment after.

I think we got maybe 5 or 6 inches. This morning I found that both the City of Ann Arbor and the apartment management had done a good job clearing it off enough to get around all right now, so that's fine with me!

I have some petsitting jobs this week, but fortunately none yesterday! I think that's why I couldn't be a full time petsitter.. you HAVE to go out in weather like that because these living creatures are totally dependent on you.

12-27-2012, 10:43 AM
We had a few minutes of snow, and it has been raining ever since. The back yard is now a pond, no snow in sight. I am completely jealous, Sas!

12-27-2012, 12:25 PM
Here in Quebec, Canada we are being hit really hard, haven't seen a storm like this in quite some time. Pretty in pics, but not when one is trying to walk in it and the drifts are almost hip deep and people are slipping, sliding and trying to avoid the snow plows. But I am in for the day finally, and have to say that I am happy that I do now own a doggie because I saw plenty of dogs out for "walkies" and wbile the dogs seemed to be thrilled jumping in the snow I did not envy the owners. As for my indoor-only kitty, he seems mystified by the blowing snow, trying to catch the flakes through the window, cute, very. ;)

12-27-2012, 01:10 PM
The 5 inches of snow we got overnight and today,some of it in big drifts.

12-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Well, finally. Prue decided she couldn't wait another minute. We spent about an hour outside, playing with the little girl next door. Of course, being the nice mama I am, I let Prue off leash. She ran around like a wild dog - in every neighbor's yard, porch, side door etc. AND was in the road. I made sure to be in the road to keep cars from speeding by. I know, it is silly of me to do that, but I wanted her to have fun and like I said, I was in the road, watching for cars. It worked this time. I also made sure that the snow plow had just been by - they won't stop for anyone!

Prue had a wonderful time jumping in the drifts of snow. I walked through a few up to my leg tops..... over the high boots I have.... its a really light snow so it was easy to plow through with the body. I did take a couple of "whoa" like steps but found out I was bumping into recycle bins covered by the drifts!

Prue found a neighbor's dog's bone, in the snow and ran home with it. It made my catching her rather easy. She is now licking all the snow off her wet snowy fur. It is melting faster than she can lick it off. Yes, I have a blanket and towel under her. What a mess. I guess she will want to go out one more time, but not off leash next time! I wasn't born yesterday.

Where are all the photos, you ask? I think one series from this storm will do. Another storm is on it's way for the weekend. Yikes.

Steve Arnold
12-27-2012, 03:20 PM
We had eleven inches a week ago, so I'm not up to any more for a while.

12-27-2012, 05:49 PM
Loved your pictures of Prue. She is adorable.:love: I'm glad you allowed her to run around a bit.
I'll bet she'll sleep good tonight. Indianapolis got about 12/13 inches of snow. Snowed all day Weds.
Just got snow off driveway today so I can get to the store tomorrow. My pups seemed shocked by the
depth of the snow in the back yard. Today they are finally getting used to it & will venture around a little
more than a few steps.:D

ps. I didn't take any outside pics but here are some taken by others from the newspaper.


12-27-2012, 06:20 PM
Pssst .... it's snowing now! Little teeny air snow, that will melt into the standing water on the ground, but at least it is snow!

12-27-2012, 07:37 PM
We have 6-8 inches of snow here, I measured.;) The dogs love it and so do I!

Prue is adorable!:)

Lady's Human
12-28-2012, 12:20 AM
We got about 6-8" out of the storm yesterday, and Lady loved it. She came in a very speckled pup after snoofing around in the snow.

12-28-2012, 05:47 AM
We only had a little snow 3 weeks ago, then it all went and Christmas day was 60 F!!! That's the warmest Christmas I have ever seen here. People were standing on the Christmas markets in TShirts. We will get snow but it may be February as it looks now.
I can imagine that Prue had fun... I think even the most adventurous Abyssinian would prefer to keep her dainty paws out. When we had snow, Orion made 2 or 3 little steps on the balcony then he declared snow being overrrated.;)

12-28-2012, 06:24 AM
We only had a little snow 3 weeks ago, then it all went and Christmas day was 60 F!!! That's the warmest Christmas I have ever seen here. (...)

Same here, the warmest Christmas we ever had! There was a lot of rain also, but now it has stopped and the temperatures dropped. But I don't think we will have any snow soon.

david p
12-28-2012, 08:15 AM
Here in Butler, Pa(about 40 miles north of Pittsburgh) we have about 7" of this white stuff on the ground with about 4" expected on saturday. Thank goodness I'm retired from SHOVELING it!

12-28-2012, 08:28 AM
We're supposed to get between one and three inches tomorrow - just enough to be a pain. Anything less then 6" isn't really worth talking about! I thought our back to back blizzards a couple of years ago were fun - well over 2 feet of snow with drifts taller than I am. Now that's what I call snow......:D:D

12-28-2012, 11:22 PM
I love the snow! Here's the background I made for Dasher's picture.
And here's my favorite barn

12-29-2012, 07:26 AM
Snowing more here in NE Ohio!:cool:

12-29-2012, 09:14 AM
Our forecast for a measly little 1-3", has now been changed to all rain. It's sleeting out right now, and it will soon change to all rain I suppose. :( Oh well - January and February are usually our snowiest months, so there's hope yet.

12-29-2012, 03:26 PM
The snow started just before 3 p.m. (when it was predicted! gasp!) with a few flakes, still not more than a dusting, but they have upped our prediction to 5-10 inches. There are still birds out eating the seed I threw down earlier, and it is dusk out - usually they are tucked away for the night by the time it gets this dark, so I believe we will actually get a shovel-able amount this time.

12-29-2012, 05:50 PM
We got another 4-6 inches last night & today. It could stop anytime now & I'd be happy.:)

Lady's Human
12-29-2012, 06:04 PM
Another 6 inches today, and flurries clear to Wednesday.

It's winter, we get it.

12-29-2012, 06:59 PM
It's snowing right now the prettiest snow
Big fat flakes from the night sky
Bunches of flakes at a time
Likes the worlds softest snowballs
Drift toward my car on the quiet street
And plop near silently on my heated windshield
They fall, unhurried
Like they will go on forever
No wind, no rush, just
Snow eternal, it implies,
Get home, hunker down
Set those mittens on a radiator and
Settle down indoors
Until spring

Bibette & Lulu
12-29-2012, 07:32 PM
Loved the poem, Karen. A poet AND the Mayor!!

Our snowfall started as big flakes around 3 and it's kept on going. I was noting how fluffy and light they were landing on the 8 or so inches from Thursday!!! I caught the latest addition to our cat house watching the snow as it came down Thursday - ah...if we could only read their little pea brains!!! Nutmeg (I'm working on adding her to my gallery) wandered into our yard earlier in November and was spotted by Bibette - I thought it was just another gray squirrel, until I spotted the kitty face. She was scraggly, skinny and, we discovered, loaded with fleas. Trip to the white coats, some flea stuff, and a few square meals, and she's perked right up and is giving everyone!!! a wild run (literally!!!). So her looking out the window at the accumuating snow was almost one of "I'd be out there freezing if not for my finding the right back yard."

12-29-2012, 07:47 PM
So her looking out the window at the accumuating snow was almost one of "I'd be out there freezing if not for my finding the right back yard."

Yes, I am happy knowing Tiger/Charlie is also safe and warm inside out in Stow, not begging at our door!

12-30-2012, 01:53 AM
Done shoveling, we got about 7 inches. The sky was clearing over head as I finished ...

2:45 a.m.
In the wee hours of the morning,
The world is quiet with only
The rumble and beep of the plow
And the scrape of my shovel against the pavement
And an occasional whump of snow
As it hit the growing snow pile
With just enough force to make a dent
As well as add a bit more heft to
The small mountain of snow
And I glance at the sky, the snow has stopped
Stars begin to appear
And the last few wisps of cloud
Race past the full moon, heading
Quickly out to sea
To add their snowy benediction to the waves

12-30-2012, 09:18 AM
Done shoveling, we got about 7 inches. The sky was clearing over head as I finished ...

2:45 a.m.
In the wee hours of the morning,
The world is quiet with only
The rumble and beep of the plow
And the scrape of my shovel against the pavement
And an occasional whump of snow
As it hit the growing snow pile
With just enough force to make a dent
As well as add a bit more heft to
The small mountain of snow
And I glance at the sky, the snow has stopped
Stars begin to appear
And the last few wisps of cloud
Race past the full moon, heading
Quickly out to sea
To add their snowy benediction to the waves

Beautiful.:) Your muse keeps very late hours.:D

12-30-2012, 08:37 PM
The snow itself kept late hours! ;)

Edwina's Secretary
12-30-2012, 10:11 PM
Nothing makes me more nostalgic and homesick than.................snow.

12-30-2012, 11:42 PM
Nothing makes me more nostalgic and homesick than.................snow.

Your from Chicago, so you miss cocaine? I thought California had lots of cocaine. I would have thought you would lean more towards opiates then cocaine, but I guess old habits.

12-30-2012, 11:44 PM
Aww how lucky don't ever get snow where I live ,have to go further south or back to the land of my birth bonny Scotland,,and it's summer here now,but I am just listening to rod Stewart singing that very song let it snow,one of my favourites.

12-31-2012, 05:59 AM
Your from Chicago, so you miss cocaine? I thought California had lots of cocaine. I would have thought you would lean more towards opiates then cocaine, but I guess old habits.

What a stupid comment - made only to stir the pot. What a shame that one has to twist an innocent post just to start a confrontation, and can't leave well enough alone! :mad: - but I suppose that one must consider the source, also!

And BTW blue - it's "you're" - not "your".

Lady's Human
12-31-2012, 07:31 AM
Well, no NEW snow, but the wind shifted overnight, so I didn't have to shovel quite as much as I thought I was going to have to to get LOH's van out of the driveway.

It's still fresh enough to drift the roads completely in, so going to the store last night was......amusing.

Downright fun if you like driving in it, which I do, as long as there's no one else on the roads, and it's rural enough so we have that luxury.

12-31-2012, 07:58 AM
We are to get a wee bit more over night, but the temperatures are dropping now! I hope the winds don't start up. My house turns into a barn when it is windy!

The ski areas are loving the snow and low temperatures. I hope they have a great year because it was a bad year last year, for them. They need a good year every so many! Vermont depends on tourism to a great degree.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Happy New Year to everyone. :)

david p
12-31-2012, 07:58 AM
Here in Butler, there's about a foot of snow on the ground with another 2" coming this afternoon. Oh, goodie!

12-31-2012, 08:36 AM
It's still fresh enough to drift the roads completely in, so going to the store last night was......amusing.

Downright fun if you like driving in it, which I do, as long as there's no one else on the roads, and it's rural enough so we have that luxury.

Yup - I hear ya. Being in a rural area and driving in it is much more to my "liking", than driving on more congested roads with a bunch of idiots that don't have a clue on how drive "safely" in it.

But rural + wind/snow = snowdrifts that can be quite a challenge in themselves. One year I was driving home from work when they finally decided to let us out a little early - the snow (blizzard!) was over but the wind was ferocious, and my car actually got blown across the road and into a huge drift. I was hopelessly stuck there, and had to wait for some kind soul to stop and push/pull me out! This was in the dark ages before I had a cell phone! :p

Lady's Human
12-31-2012, 08:42 AM
Yup - I hear ya. Being in a rural area and driving in it is much more to my "liking", than driving on more congested roads with a bunch of idiots that don't have a clue on how drive "safely" in it.

But rural + wind/snow = snowdrifts that can be quite a challenge in themselves. One year I was driving home from work when they finally decided to let us out a little early - the snow (blizzard!) was over but the wind was ferocious, and my car actually got blown across the road and into a huge drift. I was hopelessly stuck there, and had to wait for some kind soul to stop and push/pull me out! This was in the dark ages before I had a cell phone! :p

Those are the reasons I carry tow straps and other gear in the truck.

You never know when someone's going to need a hand. (though the person who managed to nose into the snowbank on the access road to the highway the other morning was waiting for the cops, I'm not pulling someone out when they're nose into a snow bank against traffic)

12-31-2012, 11:20 AM
Lots of snow here & great for getting out & snowshoeing.