View Full Version : Dreams/night terrors?

12-21-2012, 10:02 PM
Does anyone have a lot of bad dreams or night terrors? I have several a week some times. Most of them are ones where I'm in my own house, and usually someone is there or trying to break in. Or I'm in my room and someone comes in. They always feel real. Sometimes I don't even remember much of the dream. For example, the other night I guess I had a dream someone came beside my bed and tried to jump at me and I woke up screaming my lungs out. This wouldn't be the first or even second time this has happened. I wake up terrified and covered in sweat sometimes. It's very disturbing, especially since it happens often. (the screaming part is less frequently then just the bad dreams.) I also almost never remember/have good dreams.

I have talked to my doctor before, he was the one who suggested night terrors. But I still have them. My boyfriend recently moved out (we're still dating just not living together) and I find my house is dark and creepy when I'm alone. The nightmares happen much more frequently since then. I felt safe with him with me I guess.

Is there anything I can do to help nightmares?

12-21-2012, 10:57 PM
Are you taking any medications? Some meds can cause night terrors - I know from experience. I flushed them down the toilet the night I woke up hitting my husband.

12-21-2012, 11:17 PM
Do you feel like you have any control in your dreams? I know I am fortunate, I never have nightmares. Sometimes if a dream starts out kinda scary - I remember one that I was at a barn that caught fire (had this one when I was a kid) but I stayed calm and led all the horses out to safety, and we watched from a safe distance, and were all happy to be out. My dreams often involve rescuing animals or people, but I never feel as if I am in any danger myself.

If I could, I'd lend you that ability, but I know they have shown people can learn to control their dreams sometimes.

12-22-2012, 12:51 AM
Since I started taking antidepressants, my dreams are more like feature films - long, in color and I can recall them when I wake up. For example, riding a public transit bus to a Beach Boys concert while dressed in blue flannel PJ's with white clouds on them; a recurrent one is being back in the hospital where I had my first job, having a full patient assignment and being unable to do my work for some reason -- Pyxis doesn't recognize me; or my login for the computer doesn't work; or something like that. Popular ones like being out in public half-dressed or being at class on the day of the final exam after having missed half the lectures. ("Sorry, Elyse, but we have to take your degree back." "But I'm a nurse! I have proof! Here's my license! I passed the boards!") With that last one I always check to make sure my nursing license is still in its place when I wake up!

I was briefly on bupropion and my dreams became nightmares. In one I was driving a car and running people down, and in another I was shooting at people with a gun. I never saw who I was running down or shooting at. But those were very distressing. So I quit taking the bupropion very soon after I had started it. Now that I'm off of it, I don't have nightmares anymore but I still do have very vivid, detailed dreams.

I'm with Grace - some meds can cause night terrors.

12-22-2012, 06:30 AM
Yes, I agree it could be a med you might be taking, since I had a bad reaction with one years ago. I not only had terrible dreams, but even when I was awake I wasn't right - I thought I was having a nervous breakdown it got so bad. Once I realized what was causing the issues, I dumped those pills and flushed them! Once they were out of my system, I was fine.

See if perhaps you can get the thoughts out of your head of the house being a scary place now that you are alone. I'm sure with that on your mind, that it will carry over into your dreams. You could also try having a small glass of wine before bed, as this works for many people and will help you to relax.

12-22-2012, 07:22 AM
I suffer from both due to my PTSD. They are awful. I take Trazodone fo sleep.

12-22-2012, 09:36 AM
I do take meds but I have been taking them for years. This seems like it's happening more frequently just recently

12-22-2012, 09:53 AM
Maybe it's time to re-examine the meds and change one or two?

When your doctor said "night terrors" did he have any ways to treat it? Did you ask him?

Maybe some short-term counselling would help too. But ask your doc.

Found a few links that may give you some info. Sorry for the list - each section was on a different page!







And, of course, good old Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror

I hope you find an answer. :love:

12-22-2012, 09:53 PM
You say your house is dark and creepy.
Try plugging a few night lights in the darker rooms.
Do you like angels or stuffed animals or is here something else that makes
you feel safe and happy. Or is there a fragrance that relaxes you.
Put those things in your bedroom and around your house

Does your dog sleep in the room with you.
Your dog is your protector he is not going to let anyone in the house
let alone next to your bed without barking his head off.
Go to bed with positive thoughts that your dog is your superhero
he will keep you safe while you sleep.

If its always the same dream.
While your awake think of what you would do, go through
the whole thing in your head. EMPOWER YOURSELF.
then when the dream comes you have your own ending
Good Luck

12-24-2012, 10:27 PM
I've dealt with sleep paralysis and night terrors for years. Mine gets worse with stress/lack of sleep, and all that really helps reduce them is to try my best to relax. Sometimes relaxing is easier said than done, though.

You might look in to learning more about lucid dreaming. My dad used to always tell me about it when I was little and would have nightmares. I wasn't able to get the hang of it until I was a teenager, but now it really helps reduce the fear that comes with sleep disorders. Basically, you can learn to better control your dreams by realizing that you are dreaming. Plus, in the process of research you typically understand more on all sleep-related issues.

Good luck!