View Full Version : May be losing my only means of transportation. Prayers PLEASE!!!

12-19-2012, 04:30 PM
Would you please keep me in your prayers?
I learned today that our public transportion bus will be shutting down in the spring unless they get a miracle. Budget cuts!! That is my only way of getting around town now. It is really a matter of life and death for me and my cats.

Seems the state ok'd a grant to help fund the program for another year but the bus has to come up with about 30% or something.

I called the city manager and yelled at him. After all, he bought a golf course, skate park and new swimming pool for our town. That bus is vital to so many of us. He told me the city has nothing to do with the bus.

So, I needed to call the county commissioner. She is currently out of town but had told the bus people to have everyone call the city manager.

So, I wrote a nice long letter to the editor of our paper explaining that the bus is not a convience but a matter of life or death for so many of us. I asked what were were supposed to do: die and reduce the surplus population like Scrooge suggested. Plus, I gave them some budget tips and sent it. Also that I knew there was a solution to this problem and would someone help us find the answer?

I got a call a bit ago and the paper is going to run my letter.
I am so hoping it lights a fire under some people to do something. I honestly will die without that bus. So will all of my cats.

We live in a town of around 8500. There are no taxi cabs or other means of transport except driving.
I am almost in panic mode.

12-19-2012, 04:35 PM
Don't panic, between your letter and all the prayers of Pet Talk, a solution will come forth! We promise!

12-19-2012, 04:58 PM
Here in Delaware this issue is addressed in a couple of different ways. In the urban areas they have what is called a Senior Surrey that takes elderly to doctor appointments or the mall or wherever it is they need to go. The state also has mini buses for those that live outside of the urban areas or live in rural areas, but you have to meet qualifications to be able to ride these - such as being disabled, etc. I qualified for this after I had my spinal cord injury, but fortunately I recovered to be able to drive my own car again.

Perhaps you could add something like these to your suggestions to the powers that be. I certainly hope that they re-think this whole issue and realize just how much some people are dependent on a bus service such as you have now. Keep hollering - and loudly too. The squeaky wheel gets the grease! :D

12-19-2012, 05:35 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Connie. The public transit in Indy also goes begging for money yearly despite the many people
who depend on it for getting around to work or shopping, etc. Somehow after much fuss every year, the transit gets the money
and peace reigns again. Could your brother help in finding a good used car so you'll be able to go shopping when needed?
Prayers going out for a solution to the problem soon.

12-19-2012, 05:43 PM
Another idea is, call the clergy at all your local churches and ask them to also weigh in on the subject in the media. Public transportation cuts disproportionally affect the elderly, the disabled and the poor - all constituents pastors, priest and rabbis deal with, and want to help.

12-19-2012, 06:02 PM
That's a good idea Karen.

Lizbud, I'm not sure I can even still drive a car. my health is so much worse than it was 6 years ago and I had trouble then. I won't get behind a wheel unless I am absolutley sure it would be safe for not only me but everyone else on the road I'd pass. My brother is having major problems of hi own right now so can't help out. Or maybe get a lawmower with a tiny cart behind it to drive down the roads to get groceries. Believe it or not, there are some poor fellows who do that. :love:

I am hoping that letter to the editor will stir some people up too.

12-19-2012, 06:11 PM
That's a good idea Karen.

Lizbud, I'm not sure I can even still drive a car. my health is so much worse than it was 6 years ago and I had trouble then. I won't get behind a wheel unless I am absolutley sure it would be safe for not only me but everyone else on the road I'd pass. My brother is having major problems of hi own right now so can't help out. Or maybe get a lawmower with a tiny cart behind it to drive down the roads to get groceries. Believe it or not, there are some poor fellows who do that. :love:

I am hoping that letter to the editor will stir some people up too.

I understand the health issues. I ain't gettin any younger myself.;) I hope your letter & hopefully others, will spur some positive action.
We can pray until then.

12-19-2012, 07:40 PM
Prayers for you, Connie, and all the other citizens in your area who depend on the buses completely for transport both routine and emergency. May the letter writing and calling of officials lead to public pressure for action on this vital matter.


12-19-2012, 07:54 PM
Praying for you! And good for you for writing a letter!

12-19-2012, 08:16 PM
Prayers coming. There is a way! HUGZ

12-19-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks so much for the prayers and support. It's nice to know I'm not alone. :love:

12-20-2012, 01:25 AM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.:love:

12-20-2012, 07:55 AM
That's outrageous! But Connie, knowing how well you write, I'm sure your letter will make a difference. Keep the pressure on them and get others to protest, also.

Good luckl! :love:

12-20-2012, 08:04 AM
Like you, I depend on the bus to get to work and get around in general so I completely understand your anger and frustration. It seems like we're always being told to use public transportation then fares go up, routes are cancelled, and the drivers have no idea of what a schedule means. If there's a petition about this, please let us know - I'll sign in a heartbeat! The prayers are already being prayed. If there's ANYTHING we can do to help this cause, let us know.

12-20-2012, 04:50 PM
Just got a call from a guy who works with our senior center here. He thanked me for my letter to the editor. He is working with the bus people too trying to get the funding. He said it was one of the best letters ever and is going to keep it.

He is getting a list of the businesses in town to give to our city manager to see about donations.
It is so nice to have an ally in this battle. I feel lots more positive now.

He did ask for prayers so please keep them coming.
I thank you again for them. :love:

12-20-2012, 05:15 PM
Just got a call from a guy who works with our senior center here. He thanked me for my letter to the editor. He is working with the bus people too trying to get the funding. He said it was one of the best letters ever and is going to keep it.

He is getting a list of the businesses in town to give to our city manager to see about donations.
It is so nice to have an ally in this battle. I feel lots more positive now.

He did ask for prayers so please keep them coming.
I thank you again for them. :love:

Good for you.:) Sounds like there is a real chance to get positive results for you & others.:) Will continue with
prayers from Indy.

12-20-2012, 06:06 PM
Thinking of you and praying for good news! I'm glad you have an ally in this battle. If there's one, there's more... hopefully your letter will bring them out of the woodwork.

12-20-2012, 06:15 PM
Well done, Connie! That's great that you already have an ally.

Prayers and good wishes are continuing from us, too.


12-20-2012, 06:39 PM
Great news! The businesses in town might lose a few customers if bus service is no longer offered. I wonder if they thought about that?

More prayers going out!

12-20-2012, 07:51 PM
So sorry you are going through this kind of problem...budget cuts, seems we hear that every day and it also seems it only applies to lay people. Wonder why the representatives who should be working for us don't take a cut in pay to help keep the buses going.
I'm flabbergasted to say the least that this would happen anywhere. Do you have Red Cross where you are? Our Red Cross has volunteer drivers to take them to appointments, shopping, hairdressers etc etc. And they will also give anyone a day a week to do housework if they are unable. I'll keep my fingers crossed that there is some kind of volunteers where you are that will be able to help you out-- sending up prayers also and hope they help. Keep us posted on the impact your letter has.

12-20-2012, 09:12 PM
So sorry you are going through this kind of problem...budget cuts, seems we hear that every day and it also seems it only applies to lay people. Wonder why the representatives who should be working for us don't take a cut in pay to help keep the buses going.
I'm flabbergasted to say the least that this would happen anywhere. Do you have Red Cross where you are? Our Red Cross has volunteer drivers to take them to appointments, shopping, hairdressers etc etc. And they will also give anyone a day a week to do housework if they are unable. I'll keep my fingers crossed that there is some kind of volunteers where you are that will be able to help you out-- sending up prayers also and hope they help. Keep us posted on the impact your letter has.

Our Red Cross closed down last year and even the Salvation Army moved out. We have about 8,500 people in town. Not the smallest town around but not the biggest either. Way big enough to need alternate transportation for the citzens who need it. Thanks for the prayers. They seem to be working!!! :love:

12-21-2012, 08:56 AM
my letter may be causing some negative reaction. Since they publised my name now people know I live alone with no close friends or family and am vernable. My name and addy are in the phone book after all.

This morning my trash can was knocked over. It's a big metal trash can. I can hardly move it. It has sat in the same spot since I put it there over 6 years ago.

I put the icky trash, cans and stuff bag non the bottom, then put the used kitty litter bags on top of that. No dog has ever come near it.

There were holes in the big bag that had cat food cans and the icky stuff in it, but not like it would be torn and scattered like a dog would have done. One padded envelope was out laying a bit away. Made me think someone was checking info. I know they didn't find any because I always make sure all names and addresses are not on anything I throw out. AND the bags that had the heavy used kitty litter were sitting right beside each other in the opposite direction that the barrel fell in. No way they would have landed there.

What really makes me think it was human is the driver's side door on my old car was pried open and now will not shut. I didn't call the police because they would just tell me that's what I get for having that car just sitting there.
More prayers please. :love:

12-21-2012, 09:20 AM
Call the police to report the vandalism at least! And mention your car along with that.

12-21-2012, 10:31 AM
The police should not say that's what you get for leaving the car sitting there!! But also, that would be proof that the garbage was done by human........not animal. I also think you should call the police. Even if nothing comes of it, at least it is on record.

12-21-2012, 11:19 AM
Definitely call the police to get the report on record. And if the car is insured at all, the insurance may pay to get it fixed, so at least the door can shut.

12-21-2012, 11:42 AM
The police would probably give me a ticket for having such a pile of junk in my drive way. The city passed an ordinace against cars like that a few years back to keep people from keeping a collection of cars on bricks in their yards.

I do have it tagged but only enough insurance to keep the tags. They didn't get the door completely open. It was stuck shut from sitting there for 6 years so really no harm done. It just won't shut tight. I'm hoping that maybe the lock is just frozen and will shut completly this afternoon when it's warmer outside. It used to freeze like that even when it ran. :love:

12-21-2012, 11:50 AM
I still think you should call the police to make sure there's a report on this just in case you have more trouble. Maybe you could try leaving a light on outside after dark to scare any mischief away. Why not write another letter thanking whoever did this, I'm sure it would hit home.
Sounds like they're closing the whole town down, doesn't make much sense to close down all the volunteer agencies. Maybe you need a huge dog along with your kitties.

12-21-2012, 01:24 PM
Just went out and the door shut. problem is I have suspisions but no proof of anything. The car has been sitting there for years. Maybe something just rotten inside the door and jarred it loose just enough it wasn't shutting tight. There were no pry marks on the door. Or maybe I'm just imagining things. I am getting older now and been under a lot of stress this week.

I do have a neighbor right across the alley who has a large boxer dog. That is one that runs loose every morning dragging trash through the entire block. She could have tipped the trash barrel over but has never even gone near it before. She prefers the easy plastic trash cans to terrorise.

I'll just wait and see if anything else happends. I did think of leaving the back porch light on but don't want to invite anyone to come snooping around the house.
Thanks for all the help and prayers. :love:

12-21-2012, 02:28 PM
Continuing prayers, Connie...


12-21-2012, 06:02 PM
Prayers continue from Indy.:) This latest series of storms that have come through had high winds with it. Could have been that
that tipped the trash can, or like you said, the big dog.I don't see how anyone could get bent out of shape over the idea of trying to
save the bus transportation.;)

12-21-2012, 06:09 PM
Leaving the back porch on is a GOOD idea - thieves are less likely to go into well-lit areas when others can see them.

12-21-2012, 07:15 PM
Leaving the back porch on is a GOOD idea - thieves are less likely to go into well-lit areas when others can see them.

I'm just worried that they would come onto the porch since it's only half inclosed and peek in the back door. Since the shades are torn and askew thanks to the kitties, they could look inside the house. I don't want them to decide they want to come in, or steal my snow shovel off the porch for that matter. :love:

liz I don't think anyone would be upset about trying to save the bus, but since the letter mentioned I have no other way of getting around, they probably know I am alone. Easy to get the addy out of the phone book now that they have my name. The paper printed that. This time of year specially weirdos go after vernable people. :love:

12-24-2012, 11:54 AM
There are things happening on the bus situation. I'm not sure what yet. I went to the bank this morning and the driver and I talked. He thanked me for my letter to the editor. Later he told me he feels really good about the situation now. Several things are happening. He didn't go into details and I didn't ask. Did not want to jinx it you know. But if he, who would lose his job, is feeling better, I sure do too. Keep those prayers coming please?:love:

12-24-2012, 12:29 PM
Will do!

12-24-2012, 12:40 PM
More prayers a-comin' in!:D

12-24-2012, 12:52 PM
Continuing prayers from us. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

12-24-2012, 01:33 PM
Good news! Prayers continued.

12-24-2012, 05:22 PM
I like the sound of that. Prayers continue for a good outcome for bus drivers & riders.:)

12-25-2012, 11:32 PM
Dear Connie, prayers and candles being lighted that there is a wonderful positive surprise coming that will
solve all of your problems.

12-27-2012, 06:48 PM
here is a link to the latest on the bus situation. what it comes down to is they need $9000 by the end of June 2013 to keep it running.

hope this link works:


12-31-2012, 07:38 PM
Just a bump to request more prayers for a friend. :love:

01-01-2013, 12:17 AM
I am putting this question out for all of you - it is just an idea.

Could we raise $9,000.00 by appealing to local retailers or all of the places that they take the seniors to shop. For example, the dry cleaners, the drug store, the grocery store, the shoe repair man, the pet shop etc. I know that the people who use the service have to pay for it - but could they contribute to
an account we could set up - say $1.00 each. Would pet talkers put in $1.00 each.

It just seems as though 9,000.00 isn't that much money and we could do it.

What are your thoughts? Are we asking for trouble? (for example, next year they want us to raise $10,000.)

I am just putting this out there for your thoughts.

xxoo, Connie - do you know how to ride a motorcycle? (just kidding).

I won't kid about offering more prayers for you though.:love:

01-01-2013, 11:52 AM
Heck, I could put in $5. I bet the bus driver has friends and family that would chip in.

Connie, maybe a Facebook page could be set up for this?

I'm in!

I am putting this question out for all of you - it is just an idea.

Could we raise $9,000.00 by appealing to local retailers or all of the places that they take the seniors to shop. For example, the dry cleaners, the drug store, the grocery store, the shoe repair man, the pet shop etc. I know that the people who use the service have to pay for it - but could they contribute to
an account we could set up - say $1.00 each. Would pet talkers put in $1.00 each.

It just seems as though 9,000.00 isn't that much money and we could do it.

What are your thoughts? Are we asking for trouble? (for example, next year they want us to raise $10,000.)

I am just putting this out there for your thoughts.

xxoo, Connie - do you know how to ride a motorcycle? (just kidding).

I won't kid about offering more prayers for you though.:love:

01-01-2013, 02:11 PM
Are we asking for trouble?

I don't know but I'd be willing to donate.

01-01-2013, 02:34 PM
Hi, everyone! Thanks for the offers of donations. It might come to that but I won't know until after the city manager has a meeting with the bus people sometime this month.

When I talked to him, he offered to go to some of the businesses in town and ask if they could chip in once he knew the amount we need. Until they have that meeting, everything is on hold. I had suggested a fund raiser or something on that order. They are also to have meetings with us who use and need the service. Hopefully it will be a time the bus is running so I can get there.
I'll let you know more when I know more.

This should only be a one time thing. I have been told that next year the bus operation will be taken over by SeCap which operates most of the bus services in our area. They couldn't take us this year because they had already arranged to take on a bus service from another town. Their charter only allows them to take on one new one a year.

Meantime, keep the prayers coming.

Gini, I am too short to get my leg over a motor cycyle plus the old arthritis says no!!! I have concidered a scooter though with a little trailer to pull behind for cat supplies. :D:love:

Or maybe a horse and buggy!!! People let their dogs run free and poop in my yard. A horse wouldn't add much more to that from some of the, um, gifts left by some of those dogs.:D

01-09-2013, 09:41 PM
I found out that on Tuesday at 9 am our city manager, chamber of commerce and city commisioners and the bus people and several of the business managers are having a meeting to see what they can to to keep our bus running.

Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming!!! :love:

01-10-2013, 06:08 AM
Continuing prayers and good wishes that this will work out satisfactorily.

It seems to me like this should be regarded by your community as an essential service.

01-10-2013, 06:15 AM
I'd be willing to donate if necessary, even though I couldn't give much. But I know how helpless it makes you feel if you're depending on other peoples' decisions. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will all work out!

01-10-2013, 09:11 AM
Thank you to all who have offered to help. I did mention that I had offers when I talked to the guy on the board in charge of the bus last night. He said tell everyone thanks but he believes, like I do, that the city needs to be held responsible for helping us out. It seems they not only could afford to buy a golf course for the well to do people in town but helped bail out our local SRS (welfare) office that was to close two years ago and move out of town. (that is a state funded operation so the old excuse that the city has nothing to do with the bus won't fly because they have even less to do with the SRS office) If they can afford that, they have no excuse not to help us specially since the city uses the bus to ferry peole to and from when they have holidays in the park events through the year.

On another note: I finally gave in and called the police last night. I had mentioned that after my letter to the editor was in the paper someone had been messing with my old car. Well since then, little things kept happening. Over New Years weekend a solar powered accent light I had by my porch was stolen.

So, I called an electrician and had my security lights fixed. They had not been working and I hadn't felt the need for them until that was stolen.

The system on the shed by the car just needed new bulbs and I put a new system on the house. The second night the someone unscrewed the ones on the shed. I screwed them back in.

I didn't turn those on until 11pm last night because the system is old and the lights say on when I turn them on from inside the house. (the new ones on the house are automatic and won't come on until dark and are motion activated)

Anyway, I got up at one o'clock and the shed ones were still on. When I got up at 3 they were off but the one on the house had turned on however. So, I put on my coat and heavy shoes, grabbed a flashlight and my cell phone. (I have the police on speed dial)

Someone had stolen the new bulbs by the shed!!!! I was just sick. I haven't even gotten the bill to pay for those yet.

So, eventhough it was after 3 am, I called the police and reported it. I stayed outside until he got there. I figure I might as well wake up the neighborhood since there's a good chance one of them caused this.

Anyway, I told him about everything that has been going on and when he asked if I wanted to file a police report I told him no because the last thing I need is my name in the paper again right now. I just wanted them to know what has been going on around here.

He said they will run by and check on things during the night for the next several days. He thinks it's probably kids because this sort of thing is going on all over town. Or maybe a neighbor who didn't like the lights because they are very bright. Well too bad if that's the case. If they had left me alone in the first place I wouldn't have started turning them on.

I still had the old bulbs the electricians had taken out and one of them still worked. So the policeman put them in the sockets for me with the working one toward my car. He did mention that regular household light bulbs would work in that fixture and would be cheaper and less bright and less likely to be stolen. Who knew? I didn't !!! I figured it needed those gigantic bulbs.

Anyway, please keep me in your prayers. I'm not scared, I'm just mad as heck!!!:love:

01-12-2013, 12:23 AM
So sorry to hear you are going through some discouraging times. Hopefully the police are right and it's just kids playing a prank. Keeping you and this situation in my prayers.

01-12-2013, 05:49 AM
I have never understood people breaking/taking/wrecking someone else's things for the sport of it. I hope things get better for you soon.

01-12-2013, 11:24 AM
Thank everyone for the prayers and support. I talked with my neighbor lady last night. Her little grand daughter lives with her and Halloween night the baby's stroller was taken right off their front porch. Which is well lit by a street lamp by the way. That was the same night someone broke my metal handrail to the front porch. Anyway, we are gonna keep an eye out for each other.

Here is a link to the article about a meeting discussing our bus system. It was our commissioners regular meeting I think. Our mayor seems to be the one digging his heels in. What the article doesn't tell is the city bought all the commissioners brand new ipads, a golf course (which they are currently remodeling), put in a skate park, and helped bail out the local SRS (welfare) office but they squawk at helping us. I noticed they never once mentioned paying the bus for all the times they use it free. It shuttles people to and from a parking lot down into our park area during our Holidays in the park events. Usually 3 events a year. The very least they could do is pay for the years they had the bus to do it for free.

I was thrilled to see another person had written to them about how much we need that bus.


oh, the comment by freckles58 is me.

01-12-2013, 02:13 PM
Keep plugging away! Bit by bit water wears away the strongest stone ...

01-12-2013, 06:42 PM
Thank everyone for the prayers and support. I talked with my neighbor lady last night. Her little grand daughter lives with her and Halloween night the baby's stroller was taken right off their front porch. Which is well lit by a street lamp by the way. That was the same night someone broke my metal handrail to the front porch. Anyway, we are gonna keep an eye out for each other.

That's good news in a kind of weird way. At least you know you aren't being targeted if it's also happening to other neighbors. There is strength
in numbers & it's good to help each out by keeping an eye out for any other problems. Prayers continue for a good outcome.

01-15-2013, 09:10 PM
After I sent my letter to the Editor a while back, I got a phone call from a guy who manages the meals on wheels and senior citizen projects here. He has been working really hard on our bus situation. He was at the meeting today so I emailed him and asked how the meeting went. Here is his reply:

The meeting went very very very WELL Many thoughts about funding, none of which includid a rise in the fare. (I had suggested that if nothing else a raise in fare might help) End of that, County, some city, maybe not too likely this fiscal year--wasen't budgeted for.. Several other avenues and grant areas yet to explore. I will say that one can sleep soundly and be assured that the transportation situation is important to the CITY and the COUNTY and We got them all running around finding ways so sleep tight.

So, I will sleep tight for now. Please keep the prayers coming though. :love:

01-15-2013, 09:28 PM
I like this news! Prayers still going!

01-16-2013, 04:25 AM
Promising news! Prayers still coming.

01-16-2013, 08:51 AM
They posted an article on the on line paper about the meeting.
Here is the link:


I admit I am not happy with the idea of giving up one of the vans. They are easier to get in and put supplies in the trunk when we need to. They have to keep the big bus because it has the wheel chair lift. But I've delt with it before and could do it again. It is the most expensive to operate though and about shakes your bones out when it runs over our brick streets.

I sort of get the impression that the ones who are managing the service don't really have their hearts in it. The "looking to get out of the transportation service" concerns me. I have had that feeling for a while but just didn't want to believe I was right. Hopefully, if another company takes it over, they will do well with it. For now, we just need to keep it going.:love:

01-16-2013, 09:24 AM
Hopefully, the powers that be, can come up with a workable solution. I can't imagine being faced with no means of transportation. Maybe I'll give thanks the next time I walk to my car, get in and go wherever I want, whenever I want. I guess I've just always taken for granted that it was there at my disposal, without even giving much thought to those who aren't so fortunate.
Prayers for a positive outcome in this dilemma.

01-16-2013, 10:35 AM
Hopefully, the powers that be, can come up with a workable solution. I can't imagine being faced with no means of transportation. Maybe I'll give thanks the next time I walk to my car, get in and go wherever I want, whenever I want. I guess I've just always taken for granted that it was there at my disposal, without even giving much thought to those who aren't so fortunate.
Prayers for a positive outcome in this dilemma.

Being without a car is worse than you can imagine. It's one thing to do without it for a day or so but to not be able to go where you want when you want is nerve wracking. I was so used to just hopping in my car and going somewhere that having to wait on someone to pick me up was very stressful. Heck there are times I could have been to Walmart and back by the time the bus got me there if I still drove.

It's giving up your independence. I can't go any where on weekends or holidays or after 5 pm because the bus doesn't run. Sometimes you have to wait a long time for them to get you. 45 minutes has been my longest wait time so far but apt to be longer since they cut the hours down.
You have to plan you life in advance, around the bus schedule.

If something horrible should happen and I'd need to evacuate. I can't.

Yep, be very very thankful you have a car. :love:

01-16-2013, 12:55 PM
Moff, I hope there'll be a good solution to this, it must be horrible to not be able to go anywhere. I'm lucky that I have several busses close by, and I can still bicycle.

05-06-2013, 03:19 PM
The official word has come: they now have funding to keep the buses running until the end of June 2014. :D

Even then, there is a good chance our city will help fund it. They have become aware of just how vital that bus is to our town. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. I know they helped. :love::love:

05-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Ride MOFF! RIDE!;):D

05-06-2013, 04:12 PM
Yay! We the people rule! :)

05-06-2013, 04:53 PM
Good news, no it's great news.:):) I am so glad for you & the others who depend on city transportation.:)

05-06-2013, 05:32 PM
YAHOO! Great news! :D

05-06-2013, 05:33 PM

05-06-2013, 05:38 PM
I just read the entire thread. I am so glad and relieved for you that the buses will continue to run which is such a vital service for you and others.

smokey the elder
05-07-2013, 10:03 AM
That's great news!

05-07-2013, 01:30 PM
Moff, I am just thrilled for you. This must have relieved your mind and the kitties too.............."chow"
will still arrive on time!! Ha Ha.