View Full Version : Am I being stalked - after 30 YEARS???

12-15-2012, 10:46 PM
Way back in the early days of my being a pianist/singer I met someone named Don. I had bumped into him somewhere in my travels and we wrote letters back and forth. We finally met in person. It was a good meeting; nothing romantic. He had a cassette of a song by the Arbons (from Ann Arbor Michigan) called "There Will Be Times". It was a pretty good song - I liked it well enough to learn it and Don got to hear it.

I went back home to Canada and I stopped replying to his letters after a while. He would send me mixed tapes he had recorded (CDs were not even on the horizon yet!) and would attach a note wondering if I thought he could be a recording engineer. Uh oh. I would reply that he ought to check out some schools and recording studios and find out what was involved. Etc. He plainly had an unrealistic view of me. (Ya think??!!? ;):D )

Today I was setting up my new (to me) computer. I had a printout of my sites and passwords etc and was re-typing them. In the course of doing that I briefly checked my one Yahoo mail account which I don't often use but keep around.

There was an email from Don! :eek: Just like that, decades later, out of the blue.

His message?

When are you going to record



This message was above a link to an "Arbors" recording site...totally a different spelling.

Do I email back and say, "Never."?


12-16-2012, 12:44 AM
That's not stalking, just someone trying to get back in touch with you. Don't be so paranoid! It's not like he emailed to every account you have, or tried calling you or finding out your address! You can just respond and say you are not planning on recording it, and leave it at that if you do not want any more contact with the person.

12-16-2012, 06:51 AM
What Karen said!!

12-16-2012, 07:53 AM
I say let him think it is a dead account and don't reply at all.

12-16-2012, 08:56 AM
I'm with Karen. If you dont want to have anything to do with him, do nothing. On the other hand, if you want to be in touch, then email him back. I think it depends if you liked him or not 30 years ago.

12-16-2012, 10:23 AM
I say let him think it is a dead account and don't reply at all.

I think I would do the same. Even though I agree with Karen and the others and I won't say it's actually stalking... but you're obviously uncomfortable with that situation, and for that, you shouldn't add fuel to the fire.

12-16-2012, 10:28 AM
Kirsten, that makes sense...if I am uncomfortable, that should say it all. Feeling paranoid is likely part of it - all those years ago I did feel something was "off" with this guy, not in a bad way, but certainly his reality and mine were totally different.

Thanks for your input, everyone. I did have the odd experience with some wackos during my entertaining career so I guess I am still over-sensitive.

I am so glad I have a place to come, even if it's a silly concern! :love::love::love:

12-16-2012, 04:24 PM
I say let him think it is a dead account and don't reply at all.


12-17-2012, 08:39 PM
yes Candace go with your own feelings, if you want to re-unite then answer if not do absolutely nothing, let us know if you do meet up again, i love these kind of stories he he.

12-17-2012, 10:30 PM
I am so glad I have a place to come, even if it's a silly concern! :love::love::love:

It's not silly. You felt concerned enough to ask for another perspective. And some confirmation of what you already knew was the right action.