View Full Version : Is it just me.....

12-12-2012, 04:48 PM
..... or do other people give their pups (and in my case cats too) middle names? And I use them just like a parent would a human child, when they are in deep trouble.

12-12-2012, 06:31 PM
Miss Hoppy was never naughty enough to need a middle name, but our dogs usually had longer names - Grace was The Princess of Grace, and Bruni, my folks Saint Bernard, was Brunhilde Freya P.

12-12-2012, 08:07 PM
We have/had:
Bull Boy
Isis B'kitty (shortened from Baby Kitty)
Lappy Eros
Thor Apollo

My SIL got me thinking about how weird I am the other night at her house. My BIL came home but didn't come in immediately so the dogs were all in a uproar. I normally call Lappy Tubby because that is what they called him when they were fostering him so now he responds better to Tubby than his actual name. After about 2 minutes of "Tubby shush!", I finally just barked "Lappy!". My SIL laughed saying I broke out the full first name he's in trouble now.That's when I realized he didn't have a middle name and proceeded to come home and think one up for him.

12-14-2012, 09:04 PM
Yep, all of my dogs, cats, and birds have middle names. I think they know they are in trouble when I break the middle name out, too. ;)