View Full Version : We do not own a cat

12-10-2012, 03:16 PM
However, one has been trying very hard to convince us we do. We have been feeding him, and he has been coming inside for limited periods of time over the last month, and his* (gender unknown) name is Tiger. He has been around, greeting me at the mailbox, since we moved here a year and a half ago, and twice has worn a collar, once it had "Tiger' on it, so that's how we know his name.

I have been trying to find him an actual home - the people upstairs also let him in, sometimes for the night, because they feel bad for him, but he cannot live here, or there! So now a friend of mine is probably going to adopt him, over the next day or so, we'll take him to a vet nearby, where they can do a gender check, see if he's been neutered, and scan him for a chip, which they said there would be no charge for given the circumstances. And if all goes well, Tiger may have a real home after Wednesday!

So here's our wanna-be-kitty, I figured you guys would enjoy seeing him!

12-10-2012, 03:23 PM
He is so lovely! :) Maybe the vet can find a chip or tattoo on him and see if his owners want him? Though it seems unlikely.

I hope all goes well at the vet and that Tiger has a great furrever home!:love:

12-10-2012, 04:34 PM
Handsome orangie! Oooh so glad you are looking out for him. Someone cared about him once upon a time to get a personalized collar. But apparently, he did not take to them. Will you friend be able to keep him as indoor only? Will Tiger agree to be indoor only? Can you keep us advised of the process please? LOL

12-10-2012, 04:50 PM
Obviously he has no problem being inside. He looks quite content. Hopefully he will have a new home soon - one where he will be loved and cared for furever. Thanks for being his surrogate Mom, Karen! :)

12-10-2012, 05:14 PM
Chances are it's a male. 85% of all oranges are males.

I'm glad you guys are caring for him. I hope you find a wonderful home for him.

12-10-2012, 05:21 PM
apparently he wants a co-owner :P .

genetically he's more likely to be a he.. and besides he once had a collar with a manly name ;).. if you can't tell if he's a he.. he's probably neutered..
could it be someone neaby's cat?.. that they let outdoor too? might wanna post ads and see if he has owners

12-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Awwww, he/she is a handsome/ pretty kitty. I have a thing for Orangies. Every one I even met has been such a sweetheart.:love:
This looks like one of my porch kitties that come every afternoon for dinner. He once had a blue collar, but outgrew it years ago.

12-10-2012, 05:31 PM
Oh, best wishes to Tiger! And thank you so much, Karen and Paul, and your neighbors, for looking after him and checking him out. I hope your friend will adopt him.


12-10-2012, 05:37 PM
It once was "carved in stone", that all orange cats had to be male (no exception), and all calico cats had to be female (no exception there either). This was even held as gospel in the scientific world, as I will attest to this from when I worked in the Microbiology Dept at the Univ of DE back in the 70's. The PhD's that I worked with did genetic research, and they swore that it was an extreme rarity and mutation for an orange cat to be female. Just goes to show you that even the brainiacs can be proven wrong! :p

12-10-2012, 05:50 PM
He's likely a male, I told the neighbor upstairs this, as they were calling Tiger a she. That said, he's not really very orange at all, more a pale almost buff color, the photos are somewhat misleading, but it is hard to get a photo of him awake, as he's usually twining around my ankles or in my lap! He certainly was an owned kitty at some point, as he is VERY polite, meows at the door to be fed, but will sit and wait politely once I have acknowledged his request. And he'll wait for me to put a glove on to pet him, or even consents to being petted through paper towel, which freaks out some kitties! Right now he goes outside to eat, as we only feed him outdoors, and outside when we evict him for the night, or have to go somewhere, but his new Mom is planning on him being indoor only, no worries!

12-10-2012, 07:14 PM
I know he could still be a she.. just that as said, it would be more rare.. not impossible.. males just need one orange gene to be orange.. girls need to have two..
the buff color is mainly a red, diluted.. so still a red ;)

forgot your allergies :P .. but I'm sure he'll be well taken care of :)

12-10-2012, 07:43 PM
Awwwww, what a sweety! Orange or buff, how comfy and content Tiger looks on the yellow blanket! Prayers that Tiger gets a new forever home very soon :love:

12-10-2012, 08:23 PM
He is adorable:love: and obviously a very smart boy;). He knows where to come for help finding a good home:D. Thanks for taking care of this sweetie - he deserves a good life.

12-11-2012, 09:22 AM
Karen I would never turn away an Awesome Orange Cat , they are so full of fun energy and ove and we bet that Michael Two woud fill your heart with love.:love::love::love:

smokey the elder
12-11-2012, 09:37 AM
Well, he certainly looks contented on that cushion! I hope his adoption works out well.

12-11-2012, 10:05 AM
What a sweetie he is, and he chose to come and visit The Mayor of Pet Talk of all people - smart boy! :D So glad you're looking after him and finding him a safe home. :)

12-11-2012, 03:13 PM
He probably checks every first-floor apartment and then discovers who is sympathetic enough to feed him! Ours has the added attraction of the fact that I put bird seed out, which means the sparrows and other wild birds land here, which is of course a big kitty attractor!

12-11-2012, 04:58 PM
Here is Tiger, a better version of his actual color, asleep in a "safe corner" likely dreaming of a home with a real cat bed, not suspecting that he'll be bundled off to the v-e-t later for an initial check!

12-11-2012, 06:00 PM
He probably checks every first-floor apartment and then discovers who is sympathetic enough to feed him! Ours has the added attraction of the fact that I put bird seed out, which means the sparrows and other wild birds land here, which is of course a big kitty attractor!

He looks comfy, like he is used to being inside. Hopefully he will get to be an inside cat somewhere. I swear cats have their version of Hobo Code.

12-11-2012, 07:35 PM
He has been to the vet - he is officially a neutered male, healthy, no microchip and 10 pounds. He will hopefully meet his new human tomorrow if all goes well!

He did fine in the car ride home, meowed on the way there but was silent coming back, and while he called the guy who did the exam every nasty name he could manage, he did not bite or scratch him.

12-11-2012, 08:06 PM
Awww Tiger, you've had a rough day. Just a little longer until you meet your (hopefully) forever home.

12-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Hi Mayor Karen,
I'm sending you lots of purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses to thank you for helping Tiger - our fellow kitty in need. We kitties know where we can go when we need something good to eat, a warm place to stay, and get some lovies. Because of you, Tiger knows how good we PT kitties are treated but more than that he was loved again. He looks as if he has been your very own kitty for a long time - so comfortable. Do you think his new purrents will bring him to PT? I'm sure all of my kitty pals would love to be friends with him, we have lots of fun.

Your friend,

12-11-2012, 09:29 PM
Thanks Groucho!

Tiger has been greeting me at the mailboxes off and on since we moved here a year and a half ago. All kitties know I love them, I think, and some just are baffled by my insistence at patting them either with gloves on or through paper towel. He would love to be a lap kitty, just would prefer my lap be more level, and not move so much! His purr motor works fine, which is nice.

I will tell his potential human about Pet Talk, I promise!

12-12-2012, 04:01 PM
Okay, Tiger has been fed, and had lap time, and is now inside somewhere napping, all is ready for him to meet his new mom (who is excited about this!) sometime this evening! Paws crossed that it all goes well!

12-12-2012, 04:46 PM
This handsome fellow deserves nothing but the very best. I hope all goes well for him tonight and he'll find his purrfect furever home where he'll enjoy the life every kitty deserves :love: Would you give sweet Tiger some lovies from me before he moves on?

12-12-2012, 06:09 PM
Karen, you deserve big hugs of gratitude for helping Tiger find his forever home. It's so much better to have his very own people
to love & care for him.:love::love: (((Hugs))) to you Ms Mayor.:)

12-12-2012, 06:52 PM
God Bless!!!!!


12-12-2012, 07:47 PM
After much searching, we found where Tiger was napping, and he is now on his way to his new home! I gave him some love from all of you, and his new mom and my friend both think he is a very, very handsome kitty. I told his mom about Pet Talk, and showed her this thread, so she will hopefully be updating you all on Tiger as he makes the adjustment to be a loved indoor-only kitty! And the carrier she brought with was twice the size of the one we had on hand, which was fine for Miss Hoppy, but rather cramped for a ten-pound kitty! I gave her the yellow fleece, and my gloves are now going through the wash, as is the shirt I was wearing!

12-12-2012, 07:50 PM
Precious Tiger (or whatever your new family names you), I hope you will hang around Pet Talk as we have all fallen in love with you and would love to watch you grow up and settle in to your new home.

Hugs, kisses and headbumps.

12-12-2012, 09:21 PM
That is great news Karen - I am so happy for Tiger - he is a beautiful boy!

12-13-2012, 01:50 AM
He sure is a handsome boy and I'm so glad to hear that he now has a new forever home.:)

12-13-2012, 05:46 AM
Precious Tiger (or whatever your new family names you), I hope you will hang around Pet Talk as we have all fallen in love with you and would love to watch you grow up and settle in to your new home.

Hugs, kisses and headbumps.

Agree agree agree!

Karen, you might have thought you didn't own a cat ... but it sounds to me like Tiger decided you and your neighbors could be his people until a purr-fect home could be found for him :love:

12-13-2012, 10:19 AM
What fantastic news! Karen, so many people would not have even let the cat in due to allergies! Bless you. :love: I hope Tiger loves his new home and that his new hoomin sends us an update.

12-13-2012, 10:59 AM
That's great news, Karen! :) You have been wonderful about this, and Tiger is so lucky. :) Hope his new owner will join PT and give us updates.

12-13-2012, 11:19 AM
Agree agree agree!
Karen, you might have thought you didn't own a cat ... but it sounds to me like Tiger decided you and your neighbors could be his people until a purr-fect home could be found for him :love:

Tiger was always very, very friendly to me, but I know he would go door-to-door hoping, and we just were one of the ones that responded!

What fantastic news! Karen, so many people would not have even let the cat in due to allergies! Bless you. :love: I hope Tiger loves his new home and that his new hoomin sends us an update.

The first few times he got inside all the way were accidental, trust me! I am not agile enough to block a kitty from getting in the door while I am carrying groceries ...

That's great news, Karen! :) You have been wonderful about this, and Tiger is so lucky. :) Hope his new owner will join PT and give us updates.

I did tell her about Pet Talk, so hopefully she will. His name may become Charlie the Tiger, as we're not sure how attached he is to the name Tiger, as Paul suspects he could have come over at the sound of my voice no matter what I called him!

Lady's Human
12-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Just as an aside, you have the thread title completely incorrect.

The ownership relationship inferred is, in fact, backwards.

People do NOT own cats.

Cats hire people as staff.

12-14-2012, 03:44 PM
The kitty has a new name, Charlie, and is settling in nicely with his new human. He is sleeping on the big bed, and it's his new favorite place in the world!

12-14-2012, 04:48 PM
The kitty has a new name, Charlie, and is settling in nicely with his new human. He is sleeping on the big bed, and it's his new favorite place in the world!

You do good work . . . . . written with a big smile on my face :) Nothing better than a Charlie Cat on the big bed (we have a Charlie Cat, and a big bed.):love:

12-14-2012, 04:55 PM
"... And they lived happily ever after."

What a wonderful story! Thank you so much, Karen.
