View Full Version : white bumps on my throat?

12-07-2012, 10:20 AM
Anyone know what this could be? There are 2 round white bumps on both sides of the back of my throat. I also have a patch of white on the very back...like behind the uvula (spelling?) going down my throat.

My throat's been really sore, mostly on one side. I also feel dizzy when I stand. Not sure if that has anything to do with spending most of the day in bed or not. Anyone know what this could be? I don't have a doctor's appt until the 18th

12-07-2012, 10:33 AM
Sounds like strep to me. :( There is mixed messages out there on strep. Some say it can go away on its own without antibiotics, some say antibiotics are necessary. I, personally, subscribe to the theory that if a pill can make me feel better faster, than take two! LOL.

Gargle with warm salt water, and get on a OTC pain reliever. Rest, lots of fluids, eat well, and rest. And, come visit me in Ohio.

12-07-2012, 11:21 AM
... can't add much to what Cataholic said ... warm or cool foods might feel good when you swallow. Hug the nearest Clover. I hope you can get your appointment moved up, just in case it is a bacterial infection.

Queen of Poop
12-07-2012, 11:30 AM
Sure sounds like strep to me. See if you can get in sooner so you're feeling better for Christmas.

12-07-2012, 03:05 PM
I decided to go to a walk in clinic. The doc said its not bad enough yet to know for sure but he thinks it could be strep. He took a swab so ill know on Monday. He also gave me a precription I can take if it gets worse. He said if it does get worse then it is strep. So hopefully its not cause I feel crappy enough now. Id hate to feel worse esp with my bday coming on Monday.

12-07-2012, 07:17 PM
The doc is probably right as well as the posters here. I've had strep throat 4 times and these are the exact symptoms...and yes, your throat will be very sore. As for the antibiotics you should take them, it could save you from a heart infection along with the strep.

12-07-2012, 07:39 PM
The doc is probably right as well as the posters here. I've had strep throat 4 times and these are the exact symptoms...and yes, your throat will be very sore. As for the antibiotics you should take them, it could save you from a heart infection along with the strep.

Strep is dangerous. If you feel that bad, let your doctor know. I get Strep and am asymptomatic, making a diagnosis difficult. The tests are not perfect. It scares the crap out of me. I have had untreated strep as a child and treatment was delayed twice for several months as an adult.

I once read the about 1/3 of untreated strep infections turn into other ailments. The following links should convince you to take the medicine. And if you don't feel better within a few days, you should call your doctor back.

Hope you feel better soon. HUGZ

A MUST READ on Strep (http://pyogenesgonewild.com/)



The rate of development of rheumatic fever in individuals with untreated strep infection is estimated to be 3%. The incidence of recurrence with a subsequent untreated infection is substantially greater (about 50%). The rate of development is far lower in individuals who have received antibiotic treatment. Persons who have suffered a case of rheumatic fever have a tendency to develop flare-ups with repeated strep infections.

12-08-2012, 10:31 AM
So it's still a little sore, and the spots are still there. But I feel a little better. I don't feel dizzy, etc. So do you think it's still worth taking the meds?

12-08-2012, 10:43 AM
Take the meds!!! Strep can be very dangerous and is nothing to mess with.

Queen of Poop
12-08-2012, 01:00 PM
Take the meds. :love::love::love:

12-08-2012, 03:52 PM
So it's still a little sore, and the spots are still there. But I feel a little better. I don't feel dizzy, etc. So do you think it's still worth taking the meds?


12-08-2012, 04:32 PM
Strep is serious and can, well, kill you. It is not a big deal most of the time, but the one time you dismiss it, is the time it may just come and bite you in the butt! I don't want to scare you, but......... I know a couple who lost a child due to Strep. So, please take your meds. Lecture over. :cool:

12-08-2012, 04:52 PM
The Doctor didn't seem that concerned. I'm not sure why he wouldn't tell me all this!

12-08-2012, 05:13 PM
The Doctor didn't seem that concerned. I'm not sure why he wouldn't tell me all this!

Kinda makes you wonder about the doc, doesn't it??? An attitude like he gave, certainly would NOT give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about his competency.

12-08-2012, 05:27 PM
So it's still a little sore, and the spots are still there. But I feel a little better. I don't feel dizzy, etc. So do you think it's still worth taking the meds?

Yes, definitely. Just to be sure you completely clear the infection.

(Just a thought ... When I was a staff nurse, one of our attendings would write a diet order for yoghurt with each meal when he would start an antibiotic on a patient. You have "good" bacteria in your body, which the anti-infectives don't know not to wipe out, and the yoghurt helps to replace them.)

12-08-2012, 05:55 PM
He isn't my family doctor. They sent the results to him though. I'll know on Monday but I think I'm going to get the meds tomorrow anyway