View Full Version : What's your age ?

12-03-2002, 04:56 PM
It's a poll.. To know the average age of the people here... Just to see if pets lovers are young/oldER ( ;) ) in majority.... ;)

12-03-2002, 05:01 PM
I`m the first one :D

12-03-2002, 05:02 PM
WOW!! The majority of people on this site are young. I feel like an old fart!! (Soon to be 50 in February)

12-03-2002, 05:06 PM
I'm 21, I would vote on the poll. But for some reason I haven't been able to vote in polls for a few months now.

12-03-2002, 05:15 PM
Guess who voted last! :D :D :D

12-03-2002, 05:49 PM
i'm 15! :D

12-03-2002, 06:46 PM
Me too!!!
(BTW, Primabella, Mickey is adorable!)

12-03-2002, 07:43 PM
I am 19. In January I will be 20

12-03-2002, 08:56 PM
Oh that's encouraging!! Almost everyone on that's answered on this thread is young enough that I could have had or could currently have in class!! AAACCKK!! I'm with you Donna...I'm OLD!

12-04-2002, 07:54 AM
Yikes! I'm old too! Never thought I was until I saw this.

Cisco's Mom
12-04-2002, 07:57 AM
O.k., I voted! I am in the older range(36yrs), but I feel like I'm 18 and that is all that counts.:D

12-04-2002, 08:54 AM
I'll be 20 in a little over a week.

12-04-2002, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Dogz
Me too!!!
(BTW, Primabella, Mickey is adorable!)

thanks :D

12-04-2002, 08:06 PM
no no Mugsy .... you aren't , but me I AM OLD !!
I was born in July 1956 ...... Those who learned Latin will understand : the pater familia ; ahum ....

There is on positive thing : the older you get , the more experience you have ...:D :eek:

12-04-2002, 09:02 PM
I am 31yrs old and proud of it! I still get asked for my I.D. when I go to bars.....and my hubby is 3yrs younger than me and everyone thinks he is about 6yrs older than me. hee hee...

12-05-2002, 07:09 AM
Looks like the majority of us are in the middle.

As for me, I'll be 37 in January:eek:

12-05-2002, 11:01 AM
Oh Anna, I was hoping 66 meant your age so there would be at least two of us!;)

Dakota's Mommy
12-05-2002, 01:14 PM
I'm currently 20 and I'll be 21 in April, Brian is 21 and will be 22 in January!

12-05-2002, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
Oh Anna, I was hoping 66 meant your age so there would be at least two of us!;)

:D LMAO!:D Nope, the 66 was for 1966, sorry!

12-05-2002, 02:07 PM
Hey Mugsy,

Age is a state of mind :p.

Hey Lut,

Mugsy and I still have ya beat! ;)

12-06-2002, 03:55 PM
I'm 0-15

12-06-2002, 03:57 PM
I'm 10 and I'm 11 in September 2003

12-07-2002, 04:46 PM
its okay freckles, you can "share" w/me!:rolleyes:

12-07-2002, 10:44 PM
I'm 21 and I'll be 22 in May of next year. My hubby is 32 will for 15 more minutes. He'll be 33 Dec.8,2002

12-08-2002, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by WDog
I'm 10 and I'm 11 in September 2003
Did you just click right over top of the part in the registration where you have to be 13 years old to be on here!!!!???????

ack ack ack

OK I know I sound like a grumpy old lady but I can't help it!!! ;) sorry :mad:

BTW, I am 27 years old

12-08-2002, 06:37 AM
Staci you crack me up!!!

I'm 26 for another month and a half...
Ralph was 28 in Nov.

12-09-2002, 10:35 PM
I am 53 and my oldest child is 34 so I guess I am older than dirt. It sure beats the alternative though.

12-11-2002, 01:36 AM
I'm 18.......19 next june.

12-11-2002, 02:14 AM
God I love it when he points out the obvious!! Mike is 33 so....:p He's 7.5 years younger than I am and points it out as often and to as many people as possible!! lol Donna, I was born in '61 and lut was born in '56....she's a little older than ME!! hehehe, but, like Mike so kindly pointed out, I'm STILL old.

12-11-2002, 08:45 AM
I just turned 24 and am waiting for my next B-day when I'll probably be buying Depends, dentures, and geritol :eek: :D

12-11-2002, 09:48 AM
Well, I am 56, and you know what, I am happy to be so! :D (just wish my body was too though. lol) Also, my son will be the big four-o in nine days time and he`s not bothered either! :)
I think it is because, speaking for myself anyway, my husband was just 7 days past 45 when he died, sort of makes me value growing older :)

12-12-2002, 02:51 PM

Sorry about you husband...he was so young. My dad wasn't even 40 yet when he died:(

Always cherish the time you have right?

12-12-2002, 03:09 PM
Somehow I know I will regret posting this, but I'm 12, & will be 13 in May(I guess that is a little ways away though:rolleyes: ).

12-12-2002, 05:59 PM
ownerof3dogs - Thanks. :)
and you are so right about cherishing the time, and the people and pets that are part of it too of course!:)

12-13-2002, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by ChrisH
Well, I am 56, and you know what, I am happy to be so! :D (just wish my body was too though. lol) Also, my son will be the big four-o in nine days time and he`s not bothered either! :)
I think it is because, speaking for myself anyway, my husband was just 7 days past 45 when he died, sort of makes me value growing older :)

Chris I am 56 also and my children are 25 and 28! You know the old statement that "age is just a matter of the mind - if you don't mind, it doesn't matter!" I am so sorry to hear about your husband. He was certainly still a very young man. Thank goodness for furkids. They sure do help when life throws us those hurdles. {{{hugs}}}

12-13-2002, 05:56 AM
I turned 40 this year :eek: , but it has really been one of the best years of my life! :D

12-13-2002, 03:03 PM
I'm 15. not old enough to do anything cool(like R rated movies), not young enough to roll down hills and play in boxes, BUt i ca still have an amagianary friend named Edward.

12-13-2002, 03:58 PM
I'm 22, will be 23 in Feb.

12-14-2002, 10:04 AM
I'm 18 :) .... 19 in April

12-14-2002, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Pam
.....Thank goodness for furkids. They sure do help when life throws us those hurdles.
They sure do! :)

thanks Pam


12-14-2002, 05:20 PM
I'm 22 and will be 23 in June. But if it makes any of those older then me feel better I'm already going gray...true at the moment it's only two or three eye lashes and they're more white then gray but still.

12-19-2002, 05:54 AM
hehe i feel so young.
13 in jan

12-19-2002, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89
Somehow I know I will regret posting this, but I'm 12, & will be 13 in May(I guess that is a little ways away though:rolleyes: ).
omg i'm 12 thirteen in jan
i have a feeling we are the only ones that are 12 lol
i have a dog called sally!!!
part o the reason i like ur name
but the way are u male or female?
i'm female
plz reply

12-19-2002, 07:28 AM
That's because it's not legal for you to be on here unless you are 13. In FloppsyLadySally's case, she has her parents' pemission, her mother called me and spoke to me on the phone giving permission for her to participate.

12-19-2002, 01:40 PM
Twiggie, since you are almost legal to be here, I and others have a HUGE request. Please stop abbreviating your posts, like part o the reason i like ur name
but the way are u male or female?

They are so hard to read for those of us who use proper English. I know I sound like a mean wench, I truly am not!

12-19-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Twiggie, since you are almost legal to be here, I and others have a HUGE request. Please stop abbreviating your posts, like part o the reason i like ur name
but the way are u male or female?
I think I may know why Twiggie and some others use that form of writing. It is because that is they way they text message on their mobile (cell) phones, and, as with using lol and suchlike when writing on the internet, in Pet Talk maybe, :) it finds its way into everyday usage. Text messaging is a very popular way of communicating here in the UK, so maybe it is just as popular in Australia where Twiggie lives. I am sure she could confirm or deny this? I don`t think it is done so much in the USA though?

They are so hard to read for those of us who use proper English. I know I sound like a mean wench, I truly am not!
Agreed!:) Even if am not so good at writing in English myself. :)

12-19-2002, 11:21 PM
Chris, I meant English in the rhetorical sense!! You and other oversea pettalkers do great!!! ;)

12-22-2002, 09:43 AM
People also use those kind of terms in instant messenging(SP), including myself. But I still use the best language I can on here and try to spell everything right. It gets hard talking to my friends like "hey sup? n2mjcu? cool u goin 2 dance 2nite? me 2" but then using correct language here. But since I am on honors english it helps me so much to learn all the english I can.
Twiggie~I'm female, my name's Britt. :) Your dog's name is Sally? Wow! Obviously you know that my Cat's name is Sally. ;) Sorry it took so long to reply.

12-30-2002, 07:24 PM
I am sweet 16 just turned 16 on dec.2

12-31-2002, 08:32 AM
I just turned 14 two weeks ago.... hehe i feel young lol;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

~ Jess ~

01-06-2003, 03:38 PM
Voted...I'm 20 - will be 21 this Oct....yeeks! Looks like a lot of early 20s' here! yeehaa! Oh..I wonder...most female or male....*humm* Well, be back later!

01-08-2003, 06:55 PM
I am 20 F, will be 21 in june!

10-03-2003, 04:57 PM
I'm nearly 30....scary.

10-15-2003, 12:31 PM
In two days I'm going to be 34. Sob.

10-15-2003, 12:59 PM
I am 17

10-15-2003, 03:39 PM
I'll be 16 tomorrow.

10-16-2003, 12:46 PM
31 in November! :eek:

10-22-2003, 03:22 PM
I am 39. Turning 40 in April and hoping it will be my best year yet!!

Robin :)

Samantha Puppy
10-30-2003, 12:17 PM

10-31-2003, 12:34 AM
16 in a couple weeks.

10-31-2003, 12:46 AM

11-01-2003, 09:23 AM
I'm 14

11-03-2003, 10:12 PM
I'll be 16 Nov. 24th.

11-04-2003, 08:46 AM
I am 16 :D

11-04-2003, 11:31 AM
IŽll be 16 on 8th July!!!!!!!!!!!

06-11-2004, 10:43 PM
I'm 24, 25 in July.. I look 16 and will be carded til I'm 40. *sigh* Which, in a few years, will be wonderful, but for now it sucks. I even get carded at R rated movies. Pathetic, isn't it? :)

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-17-2004, 10:34 AM
I'm 14...my border collie Blaze is 2 1/2 (people years that is):D

06-17-2004, 12:41 PM
i turn 18 september 26th mwahah