View Full Version : HOW IS BELLA DOING?

03-27-2001, 08:35 PM
Pam, just wondering if you have any photos of Bella or did I miss them. I think we are all anxious to see her. How is she doing?
Is she all settled in and being spoiled?
Give her a hug from Daisy and Perry.

03-27-2001, 09:34 PM
Ditto for me. How's the little angel?

03-28-2001, 09:51 AM
I presume everything "came out" okay after the consumption of the plastic clothes pin episode and that Dad is by now out of the dog house. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-28-2001, 09:56 AM
I can't believe I missed this post!! Thank you for asking. I haven't been on the computer as much as usual because I don't like leaving my little girl unattended too long. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Right now she is napping so here I am. I told a tale about her latest escapade on the Cinder & Smoke ongoing saga. Rather than repeat it, I'll just let you check that message board. She is a lil stinker! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Here is my Photopoint address with a few more pictures but I have lots more to add! Maybe I'll get to that today. I have had a little trouble with Photopoint lately.

She is now 12 lbs. and growing. It seems each morning there is more and more of her to love! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif We had our fence repaired yesterday so now she is running free with the wind blowing through her little ears and enjoying every minute of it. No more leash now until training begins. Hubby is thinking about beginning soon. I'll keep you posted and thanks again!

03-28-2001, 09:59 AM
Rachel, you must have been writing when I was writing. Didn't notice your post til now. Actually the clothespin was wood and there was concern for splinters, etc. Yes, it all "came out" all right! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-28-2001, 10:50 AM
Bella is gorgous, I love her. It looks like she is getting along well with Trev. The photos are so cute. I don't blame you, I would want to spend every waking hour with her too. I think you were made for each other.

03-28-2001, 11:15 AM
Pam, Bella is precious. She has the same bed as Reece http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif She looks like she's a lot of fun. I love the temperment of standard poodles.

03-28-2001, 11:42 AM
Pam, all I can say is HOW CUTE IS THAT? I absolutely loved the 'I like to Pose' pic. Bella is precious. The cats are as big (er maybe bigger?? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif ) as she is!! All 3 of your kids are just darling. Many hugs and kisses to them all http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

03-28-2001, 01:29 PM
Pam, you are forgiven for neglecting us because we all understand that there's nothing better than enjoying your pupster. Besides they don't stay little long so keep taking those pictures. They are marvelous. As far as PhotoPoint is concerned....I know, I know.

03-28-2001, 05:07 PM
Oh boy now it begins!......Two "nawtee dawg" tales to report today! First of all she has started to dig in the flowerbed in the yard now that she has her freedom out there. There is one particular spot that she keeps returning to no matter what I say. Boy does black dirt look unladylike on a cream colored poodle's feet! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Not to mention the poor plant that she traumatized! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Tale #2.....I was just on the phone and she found a tiny piece of wallpaper at the baseboard in the kitchen that wasn't glued. She pulled up about 9-10" of wallpaper before I could put the phone down and get to her. Fortunately it is repairable. Gotta get more of those plastic wallpaper protector thingys. This is the one wall that didn't have them!! Of course!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Slowly I am starting to remember puppy things that I had long forgotten!!!!!

03-28-2001, 09:08 PM
How adorable! Aren't puppies wonderful?! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

03-28-2001, 09:21 PM
She is absolutely precious!! Looks like the cat is still larger than she is. I loved everyone of the pictures.
Believe me, you have my deepest sympathy about the flowerbed. Mine are even trying to dig up the new sod in the backyard!!! Mom is none too happy about that little revalation. Many $$$$ spent trying to cut down on the mud! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif
Good thing I work at home and can keep a close eye.
Keep those pictures coming.

03-28-2001, 10:42 PM
My brain is blank and I can't find the link where to vote for Simba! Can someone help me out?

03-29-2001, 07:32 AM
Tee hee, the old "lets rip the wall paper off the wall". Yes, how well I remember. Lucky for us it was time for a change.

03-29-2001, 08:11 AM
Rachel....Isn't it funny how a new pup can create lots of new ways to spend money! We've started a list for our next trip to Home Depot. Gotta get those baby locks for the lower kitchen cabinets. Bella has discovered that's a great (but dangerous) place to explore. Hubby is talking about putting a flood light out back to keep track of her better at night. Also, gotta get one more wallpaper protector. I am sure next week there will be a new list! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Logan....I think I'll be spending money on replacement plants and flowerbed repair this summer too. Sorry to hear about your sod. I know what you mean, though, anything to stop muddy paws from invading the house. We have several areas where grass doesn't grow (too shady) and these are her favorite places to explore on rainy days! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Pam (edited March 29, 2001).]

03-29-2001, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by sammi:
My brain is blank and I can't find the link where to vote for Simba! Can someone help me out?

It's in the topic Carl's in a Photo Contest which is also under general. Carl was in last week, Simba this week.

karen israel
03-29-2001, 11:18 AM
Hi Pam! I am so behind! Can't believe I've missed your Bella photos! Stayed in from lunch to enjoy them! She's just yummier than a bologna sandwich and I can just eat her up! She is SO ADORABLE! I almost forgot how fun and silly the puppy years are! Now I'm craving for a new addition! I'm so glad she gets on so well with the "boys" - they're almost the same size too!!! I can still remember when you got her-seems like so long ago! Hope to visit you one of these days so I can hug and kiss her to pieces!!!

Daisy's Mom
04-01-2001, 07:40 PM
She is too cute for words! I just want to grab that little fur ball and kiss her!!! Will you do it for me? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

04-01-2001, 07:44 PM
Toooooooo cute!!! Oh what a fluff bucket! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Please...Lots of hugs and kisses PLEASE!

04-06-2001, 08:04 AM
Bella here! I went to the doggie doctor last night, also known as the white coat. (Noticed as I was leaving the house that the kitties did a "high four.") I sorta got the impression they thought I was leaving for good since they have been hoping I am just visiting here. I know I bother them sometimes but I mean well. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Well back to my story...got that glass thing put up my butt again and didn't like it any better this time. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/redface.gif Then they put me on that scale thing and really surprised my Mommy and Daddy Human by weighing in at 15 lbs. Last month I was 8 lbs. Mommy Human says I am getting to be such a big girl. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Daisy...Guess what I found out this morning? If you jump on that pedal thing on the trash can thing the lid flies open!! I just couldn't wait to pass this on to you! Mommy Human seemed very unhappy about my discovery! Wonder why they don't see the fun in some of the things we do! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Daisy's Mom
04-06-2001, 11:15 PM
Daisy here. Bella I'm proud! We dont have a pedal thing but that sounds like a lotta fun! I just tip it over but you gotta be heaver to be able to do that. Just wait till you get a bit bigger, and then ya just plow inna it and that wunnerful trash goes flyin'.
Happy Trash Pickin',

04-07-2001, 08:02 AM
What a cutie! I want to squeeze her! The cats look mildly curious, but less than impressed. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif