View Full Version : Abel the bad puppy!

12-02-2002, 07:17 PM
Well today I came home and noticed how Abel didn't greet me as usual. I walk into my kitchen and guess what! Abel helped my little monkers get out of their cages by pushing the top part to the bottom and top seperated. They messed up my kitchen a lot! They even found their favorite treat....strawberries!

Now their cages are secured and little Aaron is sitting right by me while Abby watches TV with daddy and Abel is looking both pleased and guilty. He knows he'll get all those snuggles tonight though!

BTW I'm glad you liked Abby's pic! She doesn't like the flash and neither does Aaron but I'll try some time soon! She was flattered you thought she was cute though and acted snuff all day!


12-03-2002, 02:55 AM
Tsk, tsk, Abel! You get the NAWTEE DAWG award!! :D He just wanted to play with those cute little monkeys!

Dakota's Mommy
12-03-2002, 03:49 PM
What kind of pup is Abel?

12-03-2002, 06:01 PM

12-03-2002, 06:07 PM
Abel is a mutt! We adopted him from a shelter.


Cisco's Mom
12-03-2002, 06:29 PM
That is too funny! LOL.:eek: Sorry, for the mess, but the dog fig. what the heck we will just have some fun while mom is away.