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View Full Version : New member of the family.... welcome Milo! New pics!!

11-21-2012, 11:47 PM
I know I haven't been around here lately. I've been on Facebook mostly. Sorry about that, it's just where I've been keeping up with friends from the past and some newer ones. I've been getting my life back in order, and it's starting to look promising. No more Dave (have a new guy, named David... that name is following me, lol). But anyway....

I saw a post on FB from a friend of mine about this little bundle of fluff that needed a new home immediately. I haven't had a kitten in the house in over 2 1/2 years (yes, Sebastian is THAT old already!!). This little guy was so cute, and how could I resist when I saw his pic. The person who was going to keep him does Pit Bull rescue, but the two she took in have mange, and the demodex is bad for kittens, and so she needed to get him a new home ASAP. I took one look and was in love.

So, take a good look at my siggy, cause that's my new little guy, MILO. He's just a sweetie. Very playful, spunky, and just runs around like a maniac.

PS... If anyone wants to find me on Facebook... I'm under the name Jennie Lynn. I don't use my last name due to teaching. You'll see a blonde, although I'm back to brunette. I'm just getting back to me and getting comfortable with who I really am. Things are good!!

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!

11-22-2012, 12:16 AM
Squee! What an adorable kitten! *melt* Hi, cutie kitty Milo!

11-22-2012, 12:21 AM
I saw this cutie on Facebook. He is soooo cute!!! :o)

11-22-2012, 12:38 AM
Welcome back to Pet Talk, and congrats on the new addition!

11-22-2012, 02:26 AM
Congrats!!!:) He sure is adorable.:) I haven't been on FB very much lately so I wouldn't have known about Milo if you hadn't posted about him here.

11-22-2012, 05:07 AM
Welcome back, Jenn, and welcome to Milo! He's adorable!

11-22-2012, 09:24 AM
Oh my Goodness what a sweet itte fcae , and we bet that Milo shakes up your other Cats , but in a nice way as his energy will reve them up.
Con Cat Ulations on your New Friend:love::love::love:

11-22-2012, 10:47 PM
Oh my goodness, I just melted! :love: Congrats on the new addition. Milo is such a cutie. :D

11-23-2012, 03:25 AM
*thud* Excuse me while I climb back into my chair. TOOOOO KYUTE!!!! :love:

11-23-2012, 06:37 AM

He is beautiful!!!

11-23-2012, 12:13 PM
Oh my gosh - his facial markings are a different color but much like my Althea's! No wonder you fell in love. May you be blessed with many, many happy and healthy years together!

11-24-2012, 05:31 PM
Welcome, Milo. You are a beauty. And so photogenic. Congrats on your new home. :love:

11-24-2012, 08:12 PM
Where oh where is the cuteness overload warning?!? I am in L-U-V and I do mean big time! How could anyone not fall instantly in love with that adorable little face?

Welcome to PT, Milo! You have found the purrfect Meowmie and the best furever home there is. As you'll soon find out - PT kitties get only the very best of everything. All of your new fans here look forward to hearing about your antics and watching you grow. Please come see us again very soon?

Jenn, he is beautiful and so lucky to have found you. Could I ask you to give your little sweetheart lots of welcome home lovies from me? :love:

Wishing both of you many, many years of love and companionship :love:

11-24-2012, 09:18 PM
ohhhh, Milo is so cute--just adorable. What fun to have a kitten in the house!

12-07-2012, 05:37 AM
Just wanted to update here a bit. I'm wide awake, sick, but wide awake, and Milo is sacked out beside me on the bed. He's so sweet and such a cuddler. I just absolutely adore the little man! :love::love:

We went to the white coats on Monday and he weighed in at 2.9lbs. So she guessed that he is 11 weeks old (1lb per month as a kitten). He didn't get his rabies shot, too young for that, but he got his other shot, forget what it's called, lol. He didn't even squeak when it was given to him. He got a wormer just in case he has worms. OH, and we found out he has "friends" living on him. But here's the question. Did he come with them, or did my new boyfriend drag them in with him?? He lives in this "shack" I'll call it (it's not worth calling it an apartment), and these wild cats come in from the outside and they are covered in fleas!!!! They are all over the place!!! I'm positive Milo was clean when he came to me, and that David, my new guy, brought them in with him. So... off to the pet shop we went to buy Frontline Plus for ALL my guys. Got everyone except Jorge, because you can't touch Jorge. STILL. He's just feral and will always be that way I guess.

I have new pics of the little guy, so we'll see if they attach.... he's getting bigger!!! Also found out he's a Van. That's the breed I'm guessing. All I found online was Turkish Van, so I'm guessing that's it?? Or is it just Van?? Not sure.

Anyway, let's see if these pics will load....

12-07-2012, 06:14 AM
Oh my GOODNESS Jen...he is ADORABLE!!! What a sweetie. :love: :love: :love:

12-07-2012, 06:25 AM
Awwwwwww!!! He's just darling!

12-07-2012, 09:25 AM
What an adorable little guy! He has figured out that your computer is for sits (and sleeps) because it's made of warm! How precious!

12-09-2012, 08:25 PM
I love that sweet face!!!!! I haven't had a kitten in almost 4 yrs...they are so cute when they are tiny. Congrats on your new addition!

12-16-2012, 11:05 AM
Milo is growing by leaps and bounds!!! He is now over 3 months old and has the energy of a 3-4 year old child.... just run, run, run, go, go, go all the darn time, lol. He's is running loops around the room he is in. Dragging everything across the room, under the bed, and then of course running over our faces in the middle of the nght. He is a HANDFUL!!!:eek: And just loves the laptop. He plays iTunes more than I do, and I don't know how he gets it to come on, lol.

Still not sure whether I'm going to keep him or foster him. My others are NOT pleased. Pooping outside the box. Being miserable in general. I have prozac from the vet for them, but it's not really doing too much, unless it's like with humans, and it has to be used long term to see a favorable outcome??

I'd love to keep him, just not sure of the repercussions. And soiling the house again is not what I had in mind.

I do have a shelter that I foster through, so I have contacted her. I've done his first distemper shot, he needs his rabies, then he can go into the adoption center if I decide to go that route. Just not sure. He sure is fun, but the negatives kinda outweigh the positives at the moment. I like a nice peaceful household. The pooping and peeing outside the box again has to be stopped! UGH!!!