View Full Version : A dog for mom?

12-01-2002, 07:54 PM
Hi Everyone! I have a question for anyone that can help me. My husband and I are looking for a dog for his mother. Now here is the hard part, she has alergies to dogs but I do know there are dogs that are better (I guess you would say) than others for people with alergies.

Here is what we are kind of looking for:

- needs to be somewhat of a small dog
- not high strung
- doesn't need ALOT of excercise
and of course
- a good dog for people that have alergies.

If anyone can help me, that would be great!!

12-01-2002, 08:20 PM
i guess is she's allergic to dog fur (i'm guessing) a dog with actualy hair would be best, likr a shi-zu..(sp?)
good luck

Aspen and Misty
12-01-2002, 08:22 PM
I think a toy poodle would be realyl good for her. I think they are less of the alergic kind almost no one is alergic to them.


12-01-2002, 08:48 PM
Poodles and Yorkies are good choices for people with allergies.

12-01-2002, 08:58 PM
Hypo allergenic...can adjust to any lifestyle...small apartment with walkies...big farm with hills to hunt on....no shedding....the SMARTEST dog......what more could you ask for...ask Pam.or Aly.....
I'd go for a miniature...don't know if a toy is too small or not...but if you go to Dog Rescue.....Little Louie is looking for a home....he is an apricot...toy i believe...
go on and take a look...what can it hurt???he is Precious!!!!

Subtlety is not my strong suit!!!;) :)

12-01-2002, 10:41 PM
Miniature Poodle, Maltese, Yorkie, Silkie - all are small, and have hair instead of fur. So they need to be groomed, but don't tend to aggravate allergies as much. An adult dog would be better - need less exercise/training.

12-01-2002, 10:46 PM
My mini Poodle fits that criteria EXACTLY. I call him my "jello dog" because he fits into any situation with ease. He loves all people and animals. He's easygoing and not high strung at all. He's the perfect size to scoop up into your arms or be a nice lap warmer. He is also hypo allergenic. He doesn't require much exercise. In fact, he's pretty lazy and I have to remind him that he needs to get out of peoples' laps at least SOMETIMES and run around :D He does have his energetic spells though and he'll run around at top speed with his toys for a few minutes every day.

That said, I would search rescues for mini Poos because they are wonderful animals :D

12-01-2002, 11:00 PM
I would also suggest mini schnauzers....they do not shed either. Very smart little dogs. What are their views on grooming? Most dogs that don't shed require grooming (shaving/clipping, etc.)

12-01-2002, 11:51 PM
I say poodle, they seem to fit the criteria

12-02-2002, 12:31 AM
I agree with everyone else!!! Poodle or schnauzer or a mix like that.

12-02-2002, 07:11 AM

Your mother in law is looking for the same type of dog that my mother is looking for. Mom is not allergic to dogs, but mydad isn't too crazy about animals. He told her that if she could get a dog that wouldn't shed and hog his bed, he would go for it :)

Mom is considering a toy poodle or a minature schnauzer. She will be getting one this summer when she comes to visit. She is so excited!

Best of luck to your mother in law. Perhaps Little Louie would win her heart. Check him out in Dog Rescue.

12-02-2002, 08:06 AM
Well, it looks like everyone has answered the question pretty good, I only have one thing to add....poodles are wonderful dogs and they are worth alot of thought!

12-02-2002, 02:09 PM
I suggest a Maltese. My grandmother, who is in her 60's, has three Maltese, and she is able to take care and handle all three which two she has had since they were little puppies. My next suggestion would be a Poodle. [a handsome, nice, quiet one like Reece :) ] Whichever she chooses, PLEASE tell her to go to the shelter befor she decides to "purchase" one. Saving a life is muhc better, especially when it's appreciated so greatly for the shelter pups.;)

12-02-2002, 02:53 PM
I would say stay away from Yorkie's. I have a 6 month old Yorkie "Molly" and she is a pistol. We spend hours throwing her squeaky toy and playing with her. She's a good little girl dog, just a little hyper. We also keep her in a puppy cut, so she doesn't require as much grooming.

I'd also say rescue a dog, too. They can be wonderful pets. My mixed breed Carly is a wonderful dog. Family and friends keep trying to bargain with us to let them take her home. She is a treasure.

12-02-2002, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
What are their views on grooming? Most dogs that don't shed require grooming (shaving/clipping, etc.)

I think she quite enjoys grooming!

Also thanks to you all, we now have lots of dogs to choose from. She will be getting a dog from the rescue...she beleives in saving a life before going to the store or breeder...

The dog that fits her criteria perfectly is Phoebe....ONLY IN A SMALLER VERSION! She loves her personality! Don't think you can get a mini rotti though and she has to take alergy pills when ever she is near Phoebe and Deisel.....