View Full Version : Calling All Catmobile Kitties

11-15-2012, 03:07 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
I've heard Meowmie and Soncat talking about what to have for Thanksgiving dinner next week. As we all get special treats that day, our turkey friends aren't so lucky because they ARE the treat. As we've done before, I've arranged for the Catmobile to arrive at my place on Tuesday so that we can again rescue the turkeys. I've been in touch with a nice dog in Washington. He will arrange for us to bring the turkeys we rescue down there where they'll all be pardoned by the president then go to a nice, quiet no-kill turkey farm where they'll be safe, happy and very well fed. There will be plenty of cheezburgers and some fine fare from the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe for all of us to enjoy while we make our rounds.

Please fellow kitties, come join in. As soon as you can, post in and let me know you're coming. Our turkey friends need us!

Your friend,

11-15-2012, 04:48 PM
Dear Groucho, I would love to help with the rescue! Meowmie is going to the Eli's cheesecake dock sale on Saturday, so she will pick up a cheesecake to send with me, for us all to enjoy. Let's save some turkeys!

Pinot's Mom
11-15-2012, 08:39 PM
Of course I'll be there!

Purrs, Pinot

11-16-2012, 05:03 AM
Yum! We'll be there! We love cheesecake!

11-16-2012, 07:57 AM
I did forget to mention that you are all welcome to stay at my place until it's time to leave. Meowmie agreed to make us some special snacks and Soncat will have the ball games on. Pinot, do you need any help mapping things out?

11-16-2012, 09:22 AM
Ou Awesome Angels know many miion Turkey Angels and they are al great friends.
It is a shame in a way that certain animals die young so humans can eat, and we all pray that we can help you escue many of these poor Bids whose only faut is that they are delicious.:(:(:(

11-16-2012, 10:55 AM
Hey G-Man,

COUNT US IN!!!! Meowmie is in agony with her right shoulder and is very cranky. She keeps telling us to "get the hell OUTTA here!!" I guess we're getting on her nerves.

So, we'll get some 'nip for the trip and a bag full of kitty treats. Just let us know what time the bus will be coming to get us!!



Utch and gang

11-16-2012, 01:57 PM
We will need to miss this trip. Mommy has been having trouble with something called depression lately. We want to stay here and keep her from getting lonesome on top of what every that is. :love:
chip,chuck,winnie, angel, and frankie

11-19-2012, 12:41 PM
Dear Groucho and Pinot---

While we have the Catmobile, do you think we should make a visit to Ms. MoFF to help her kitties keep her from being lonesome? My meowmie has had sad spells and she always says how much she likes having a kitty to help her feel better. My meowm and I are thinking of you, Auntie MoFF!


11-19-2012, 03:17 PM
Dear Groucho and Pinot---

While we have the Catmobile, do you think we should make a visit to Ms. MoFF to help her kitties keep her from being lonesome? My meowmie has had sad spells and she always says how much she likes having a kitty to help her feel better. My meowm and I are thinking of you, Auntie MoFF!


Hi Cassie,
I think that's a super idea! My Meowmie has to take some pills from her whitecoat for the same thing. Maybe we can plan to do some silly cat things to make Miss MoFF laugh. We definitely need to get the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet and Scottish Dancer ready too. I'm going to tune up my fiddle when I'm finished here. We'll also have to bring her some treats. Do you think a visit from our rescued turkeys would be in order?

Your friend,

11-19-2012, 03:35 PM
We all think this is a wonderful idea! The pipers and dancer are practicing the Turkey Trot!


Pinot's Mom
11-19-2012, 04:58 PM
Rescued Turkeys lined up - check
Trip rerouted to include cheer up at Moff's house - check
Cheesecake - check

OK kitties - off to meet the Catmobile - see you tomorrow!

Purrs, Pinot

11-21-2012, 07:47 AM
Well, the Catmobile left early this morning to start their appointed rounds. I did hear a few of the kitties talking while I was getting ready for work, a few of them were talking about bringing a rescued turkey home with them to keep as pets. Their reasoning is that we hoomins rescue kitties to have as pets so it should work the same way for turkeys. Groucho the Lawyer did say something about equal protection. Fellow purrents, I felt obligated to let you in on that one.

Please let us know if you hear from your rescue team kitty?

11-21-2012, 09:50 AM
I had to run an errand this morning. What a surprise I got when I got home!!! When I opened the door, kitties, and turkeys and the horses from the Fort all jumped out and yelled: SURPISE!!! :D
Then they all started dancing!!! Who knew turkeys could dance like that? Even Chip doned a kilt and did a jig. He is not the greatest dancer but he did fine.

We are ordering pizza for lunch. Cheese and catnip for the kitties, veggie lovers for the turkeys, and oat lovers for the horses. It is a beautiful day here. Going to be in the 70s so we can all eat outside and enjoy the beautiful day before the rain comes tomorrow.

The girl kitties are taking turns right now reading to Grandma. She loves a good story and they seem to love reading to her. Frankie has all the boys outside playing catch with him. Such sweet kitties they all are.

They said tell all meowmies they will be leaving later this afternoon. More rounds to make and turkeys to save.

Thank you all for sharing them with me. Yes, I am SMILING!!! :D:D:D:love::love::love:

11-21-2012, 12:37 PM
What a wonderful surprise! Those kitties can really pull it off, can't they. So glad they are making you smile, MoFF!


11-21-2012, 03:17 PM
text from Cassie:

Hi Meowm
All of us girl kitties had a lovely visit with Grandma. The boys were outdoors doing boy stuff. The weather was so nice and the girls talked with Grandma about all kinds of subjects. I can't go into details, I promised I wouldn't. I can tell you that we are having a great time at Auntie MoFF's house! Guess what we ate, pizza with cheese and catnip! YUM! Could you please bring some turkey home from grandmeowmie for me.

11-24-2012, 09:03 PM
Dear Kitties,

Could we please take the Catmobile somewhere warm this winter? My person just came in from outside and she said it is cold out! I tried sitting by the window to look out, and I felt the cold too. I am a fan of warm, not cold.

Thank you and many purrs and headbumpies,

Pinot's Mom
11-25-2012, 06:32 AM
Cassie, I'm with you! It has turned colder here and that means my little princess paws do not touch the outside ground.

How does Hawaii sound?

Purrs, Pinot

11-25-2012, 03:37 PM
Hi Cassie and Pinot,
I think both of you are on to something here. It got pretty cold in Trenton too and when Meowmie was watching the news this morning they said something about SNOW maybe on Tuesday. I don't think it's for us though because Meowmie didn't get all excited and didn't do the happy dance, she loves snow and always does that when the weatherman says snow is coming our way. Hoomins!

Do you have any thoughts about a nice place to go? Tell you what, let's contact a few travel agents and get some warm weather vacation information. Once we have some ideas we can start a new post about it and see what the other Catmobile kitties want to do. What do you think?

Your friend,

11-26-2012, 01:41 PM
Well, me and the boys have just moved, but we only moved about 2 miles from where we were, so we still live in sunny L.A. where the weather has been very nice lately (70s and 80s). Why don't y'all come here for New Years Day and we can take in the Rose Parade (maybe the Clydesdales will be there) and the Rose Bowl. It's beautiful here this time of year! Mac, Ming, and Kimba would love to play hosts to all their kitty friends!:D

11-26-2012, 03:21 PM
Oh, and Bob and Elmer will be there to join Ming on the pipes (Franklin, are you coming too?), and Sparkler will be dancing! Other kitty musicians, be sure and pack your instruments!

We'll be the hit of the Rose Parade!

11-27-2012, 03:16 PM
Ming, Are you planning on bringing your harp? If you are I need to know so those nice music majors can come by to tune it up and get it ready before they all leave for home when their classes finish up.

Your friend,

11-28-2012, 02:26 AM
Since Ming will not be traveling this trip, he will have both his harp and his bagpipes handy. He will take you up on the offer to have the harp tuned. Thanks!

01-07-2013, 12:32 AM
Dear Catmobile Pilots ... Meowmie got a new schedule today from her church choir director. Our service times are changing on "Super" Sunday, Feb. 3. Lent also starts in February this year. That means the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras are coming! Groucho, do you think we should start making plans? I wonder if the kitty pipers and dancer have been invited to perform. Meowm doesn't even know where this year's Super Bowl is being played. Do you want to phone for a Catmobile reservation? Or, would everyone prefer to wait until later in the year for the next Catmobile adventure? Right now I am happy being home with Meowm but both of us get restless about six or eight weeks after Christmas. Cabin fever, I think. I'll be happy with whatever the Catmobile kitties want to do!


01-07-2013, 08:10 PM
Hi Cassie,
I know how nice it is when our Meowmies can stay home with us. I couldn't agree with you more, a Catmobile trip is most definitely in order. Now that the holidays are over we need an escape. According to Soncat, the football play-offs are going on now so nobody knows for sure who will be playing who. He did say this year's Superbowl is in New Orleans. How about going to the Superbowl then stay for Mardi Gras? Oooo, I am so ready to go!!! Tell you what, I'll call the Jaguar dealer tomorrow then start a new post to see what our fellow kitties think. Keep your cell phone on, I'll call you tomorrow. And thank you for being so on top of things!

Your friend,