View Full Version : Tomorrow is the big day!

11-30-2002, 06:51 PM
Juneau and I are moving tomorrow, I am worried he will whine or bark when i go to work on monday, what can I do?

11-30-2002, 06:56 PM
Do you have anyone who could check in on him?? Maybe if you get a lunch break you could take him for a little walk..

11-30-2002, 07:01 PM
I would check on him at lunch if you can. If not, I'd introduce myself and Juneau to a neighbor who seems friendly, then ask at the end of the day if they heard anything.

Good luck with the move. This is a big and positive step! :)

11-30-2002, 07:33 PM
I can't go home at lunch unfortunately. The landlords live upstairs, perhaps I could ask them to let him out or something?