View Full Version : You can lead a cat to water ...

11-01-2012, 07:53 AM
I purchased a Brita water filter pitcher last month and have been giving the cats filtered water. I have a well on my property and the water is pretty tasty but I figured it might still be good to filter my water since we have had so much rain and there is a cow farm right above me.

Ever since I started giving the cats the filtered water they have been drinking more water, enough so that I noticed. Yesterday I noticed and realized I had not filled their water dish since probably Monday and it was still pretty full. :confused:

Rewind back to Monday when I was getting ready for the storm of the century. I had filled a bucket with water and also a new plastic dish pan with clean water to flush the toilets in case the power went out.

This morning while I was getting ready for work I noticed Buddy going into the bathroom. I sneaked up behind him, peeked in the bathroom and there he was drinking the water from the dish pan full of clean water that was still on the floor. At this point I am just cracking up and Buddy is going what's so funny??? Then I realized the dish pan was only about half as full as it was before the storm (I never needed it to flush toilets).

So aren't cats just so funny?

11-01-2012, 08:25 AM
LOL funny and oh my such a typical cat story!

I have a slow drip in my cellar. Been trying to fix it since April, no luck. So for Sandy, I decided to "work with the drip" and set things up so the water goes into a bucket, not all over the floor.

FOUR water dishes in the house including one down cellar, guess where I find the cats drinking? It isn't even CLEAN!!!

11-01-2012, 09:09 AM
I have given my cats filtered water ever since a long-ago roommate told me that filtered tastes like rainwater, or water found in the great outdoors - no chlorine and etc.

She had a cat and I did too - and my cat would always go to drink out of the other cat's bowl! That's when she told me the difference.:)

11-01-2012, 09:16 AM
LOL funny and oh my such a typical cat story!

I have a slow drip in my cellar. Been trying to fix it since April, no luck. So for Sandy, I decided to "work with the drip" and set things up so the water goes into a bucket, not all over the floor.

FOUR water dishes in the house including one down cellar, guess where I find the cats drinking? It isn't even CLEAN!!!

Ohhhh...this made me laugh!

11-01-2012, 09:31 AM
:rolleyes:I have four clean water bows full of fresh water and ice cubes , yet the commode would still be their water dish.

11-01-2012, 12:17 PM
:rolleyes:I have four clean water bows full of fresh water and ice cubes , yet the commode would still be their water dish.

Yep! Tink is my toilet water kitty. I keep it closed though because it just doesn't seem right. :p

11-01-2012, 12:29 PM
cats like well-oxygenated water and every time you flush the toilet it's like a fresh bowl for them.

11-01-2012, 12:36 PM
I also give my cats filtered water but they seem to want plain old tap water. Every time I use the kitechen or bathroom sink, Rory jumps in and tries to lick up the water.:rolleyes: Now I fill some of their water bowls with tap water and yes they do drink from them. Even if there's plenty of water in their bowls, I do dump out the water every morning, clean the water bowls, and then fill them up with fresh water. I tried water fountains in the past and some would use it and some wouldn't. Then my RB Sunny decided to play in it and there was water every where. I've noticed that Rory and Radar like to play in the water so I won't be trying out any more fountains any time soon.

11-01-2012, 01:24 PM
I have a fountain and a water dispenser that looks like a Sparklett's bottle. Where does Mac drink from the most? Yep, the toilet! Go figure.:rolleyes:

11-01-2012, 02:41 PM
I also give my cats filtered water but they seem to want plain old tap water. Every time I use the kitechen or bathroom sink, Rory jumps in and tries to lick up the water.:rolleyes: Now I fill some of their water bowls with tap water and yes they do drink from them. Even if there's plenty of water in their bowls, I do dump out the water every morning, clean the water bowls, and then fill them up with fresh water. I tried water fountains in the past and some would use it and some wouldn't. Then my RB Sunny decided to play in it and there was water every where. I've noticed that Rory and Radar like to play in the water so I won't be trying out any more fountains any time soon.

Awwww, orange kitties! I was just thinking and talking to Cassie about you! And Pearl, Ziggy and Sky too, of course :love:

I have noticed that right after I clean her water bowl and refill it, that is when she comes right over to drink. She cracks me up with the way she drinks... lap lap lap (swallow), lap lap lap lap lap (swallow), lap lap (swallow). She also drinks sometimes after she eats, so I find bits of her food in her water dish. Then she gives me the "Staff, take care of this" meow.

Edwina's Secretary
11-01-2012, 03:07 PM
Eddie is my water weirdo. (okay - he has a few other quirks as well...) He waits outside the shower until I am done. Then we exchange and he goes in the shower stall where he licks and licks and licks.

He also likes the glass on my nightstand. He jumps up on the bed, annouces himself (regardless if I am still awake and reading or if it is 3:00 am and I am sound asleep.) He then puts his bum in my face and has the longest drink you can imagine.

The other night I forgot to bring a glass to bed. He jumped up and was very perturbed by the absence of a glass. Dutifully, I went and got it for him.

And yes...they have a fountain he also uses.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

11-01-2012, 03:45 PM
He also likes the glass on my nightstand. He jumps up on the bed, annouces himself (regardless if I am still awake and reading or if it is 3:00 am and I am sound asleep.) He then puts his bum in my face and has the longest drink you can imagine.

The other night I forgot to bring a glass to bed. He jumped up and was very perturbed by the absence of a glass. Dutifully, I went and got it for him.

And yes...they have a fountain he also uses.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Sara, you have just described part of Fister's routine here, he does the same and sometimes he knocks my glasses on the floor when he jumps down. I too have forgot to bring his glass of water and when I realize, off I go and get one. Oh yes, they do have us trained well. ;)

11-01-2012, 04:04 PM
Toilet bowl kitties??? Well, it might be okay as long as you don't have any cleaners or disinfectants that dispense when you flush. I put the Clorox bleach tabs in the tank, so the bowl gets a fresh dose of bleach with each flush.
My son's cats must have the water in the sink in my grandson's bathroom left on a slow drip - even tho they always have fresh water in their bowl.
Cats!!!!! :rolleyes:

11-01-2012, 05:44 PM
Eddie is my water weirdo. (okay - he has a few other quirks as well...) He waits outside the shower until I am done. Then we exchange and he goes in the shower stall where he licks and licks and licks.

He also likes the glass on my nightstand. He jumps up on the bed, annouces himself (regardless if I am still awake and reading or if it is 3:00 am and I am sound asleep.) He then puts his bum in my face and has the longest drink you can imagine.

The other night I forgot to bring a glass to bed. He jumped up and was very perturbed by the absence of a glass. Dutifully, I went and got it for him.

And yes...they have a fountain he also uses.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Dear sweet Sir Eduardo! I am smiling from ear to ear after reading this!

11-01-2012, 06:25 PM
I also have a Brita water filter pitcher, and for a long time I was giving the cats filtered water from the pitcher in their bowls.

Then one day it dawned on me.. Hey, wait a minute.. they use their tongues as toilet paper! And we went back to tap water for them.

11-01-2012, 06:27 PM
Mine drink out of the Cat-it fountain. Sam played too much with the 360 fountain and the filters didn't work that well.

one of my brother's cat has to drink out of a tall glass. It's something mom started and the Louie insists on a glass.

11-03-2012, 10:16 AM
Mordred must have channeled my Merlin early on; when he was here (at the Bridge now), Merlin would jump up onto the vanity in the bathroom and insist I turn the faucet on - but not until I'd come out of the shower! He'd sit on the vanity and look toward the shower; once I was safely out, he'd turn and drink. And Mordred does the same thing. But Mordred also insists that I turn the faucet on whenever he wants it on. He'll sit on the vanity, next to the bathroom door, and, if I pass by, he'll meow loudly to let me know he's there. (Well, after all, there's no window in there, and he's mostly black. . . what's a guy to do??) He's even been known to reach out a paw and grab me as I walk by! There's an expensive fountain in the kitchen, but we'll ignore that - we must have absolutely fresh water directly from the faucet. (Lots of fun in the a.m.,when I'm trying to brush my teeth! LOL)