View Full Version : Getting our newest Dog member tomrrow!

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2002, 03:55 PM
We are getting a pomerinian tomrrow if everything goes well. I'm so exited! She is gonna be soooooo cute!! I can't wait!!! She is a Tan pomerinian and is goign to belong to my sister. Well, just wanted to tell ya'll!

11-30-2002, 04:28 PM
Aw, that is so great Ash!! Can't wait to see some pics!!:D Have fun with the new pup!

11-30-2002, 05:12 PM
Congratulations. But I do have a question, Where is Chewy and how is he doing? (after all, he did attack Teddy, and a Pom is much smaller). I would hate how you'd feel if anything bad happened. But I wish you all the best luck.

11-30-2002, 05:14 PM
Congrads to you on your new puppy.

11-30-2002, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Congratulations. But I do have a question, Where is Chewy and how is he doing? (after all, he did attack Teddy, and a Pom is much smaller). I would hate how you'd feel if anything bad happened. But I wish you all the best luck.

I think I remember her saying in a different post that the new pup and Chewy will not be living togther...

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2002, 05:31 PM
Chewy lives with me at my dads house and Teddy and the new pom live at my moms house. So everyone is happy and seprated :D . Teddy is gettin nutered this week!!! That emans he will haev no more cancer!!! (hopefully) Chewy also is on medicine to help him.


11-30-2002, 06:09 PM
Glad to hear that, Ash!!!
I can't wait for some pics! You are going to have fun! I also wish you the best of luck!

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2002, 06:29 PM
Looks like I get to be the dad of our newest joy. Since Abbey (my sister, the one getting the pom) is the dad of Chewy I get to be teh dad of teh Pom. Which means I get to spoiler our new little girl till she can't be spoiled no more!!! Hee hee! I can't wait! Its driving us nuts!

Jen Just wanted to let ya know that ya cursed us. (j/K) Tonight Chewy attacked Teddy. And he was doing so good! I was so proud of him but looks like when I come over to my moms for the weekend I will have to leave Chewy behind :(


11-30-2002, 07:37 PM
oh, sorry to hear about chewy attacking teddy :( i hope he's getting better at it..not so many attacks..

congratulations on the new additions! poms are adorable! have fun with him/her..:) take pictures!! :p:p

i also hope all goes well with teddy. poor guy. things don't seem to be going his way lately. hope that all turns around :)

11-30-2002, 07:47 PM
Oh, I didn't mean to jinx anyone. I'm sorry.

11-30-2002, 09:07 PM
Congrats on the new pom (even thought it's your sisters, but you'll still get to love and spoil it)!! They are such cute little dogs, I'm sure it will be a great new addition to the family.

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Oh, I didn't mean to jinx anyone. I'm sorry.

Hee hee Just jokin with ya.

I'm realyl exited about tomrrow. We don't have a name or anything and the person we are getting the pom from seems nice, but worrys me. She doesn't know anything abotu poms. I know more abotu them then she does :rolleyes: . I dont' liek her at all, and I told my sister that I didn't suport her getting a dog from this lady and she just told me I was being to parnoid. I am gonig to ask the person lots of questions tomrrow, see what she is really about.


12-01-2002, 06:58 AM
know what?? If the lady is strange then maybe it's a good thing to get the dog from her, just to get it away from her (if you know what I mean) Is the pom a girl or a boy.....we'll give you name ideas.

12-01-2002, 08:29 AM
ash, i can see how you feel. when we got primo, he was kept in a small cage in a little shed with some other dogs. i didn't know much about breeders, so i didn't say anything. she also seemed to wanna get rid of him pretty fast. she lied about his height and sold him for 80$ :eek: that's pretty cheap :p i guess in a way it was good we got him away from that lady, even if it meant bringing him to our shelter. hope he's found a good home...oops..i'm babbling..:p

well, you just bombarde this lady with questions..;) have fun..:cool:

12-01-2002, 03:27 PM
Congrats!! Can't wait to see pics!!

Aspen and Misty
12-01-2002, 04:44 PM
Were off to get the puppy! Its a pretty little girl. Awww. I will tell you what she looks like when we get back.


12-01-2002, 04:52 PM
oh!!! i am so excited for you :p
congratulations on your newest addition :D

12-01-2002, 04:59 PM
That's awesome! Those dogs are so cute and cool! Well good luck!


Aspen and Misty
12-01-2002, 07:13 PM
Got a nice slap in the face today...
We were talking about Chewy's aggresion problems on the way to the breeders and my sister said well I'm glad my puppy wont be like that because shes a pur breed! :mad: Its not Chewy's fault. half of it is because of my brother, but you know what, o well.

Well as yo ucan guess we got our puppy tonight abotu a half hour ago, We naemd her Foxy. We also got to see what a puppy mill breeder was like. Our little Foxy was definitly no doubt in my mind from a puppy mill. And so were her parents. She keeps them outside and feeds them scraps, no dog food, just table scrpas. The males and femals run around in the same pen together and are breed everytiem they come into heat. Foxy's mom had the litter outside in the dog run. I feel so awful, bt so glad we saved Foxy. but we suported a puppy mill.We are contacting someone about her and want them to go check it out.


Aspen and Misty
12-01-2002, 08:21 PM
NOw that I have some time I will explain to you what she looks like. She is a wolf grey with brown mixed into it. She has a pretty black strip that goes down from her neck to the tip of her tail. She has the cutest black nose and ears. She bounces around like a kangaroo and loves it when you shack your hari in her face. She was shy at first but just is a joy now. Everyone seems to have taken to her. And she has seem to taken to everyone. She definitly is a lovy dovy girl cause everytime my sister moves she will get up and follow her. We named her foxy because she has a short nose and when you look at her face you would think she is a baby fox. She is the cutest thing and we will have pictures for you by the end of this week.


12-01-2002, 08:24 PM
oh ash, i love that name :p
i can't wait to see pictures of your little foxy :) too bad she came from a puppy mill, but at least you got her away from it.
i think it's good though that you are getting someone to check this place out. it sounds awful there :(:(

12-01-2002, 08:25 PM
Congratulations!! Foxy sounds sooo cute, and I'm glad that she was "rescued" from that awful place.

:mad: What I don't understand is why don't these people take some of the money that they make and at least use it for the benefit of their pups??? It's so selfish! :mad:

Cisco's Mom
12-01-2002, 08:42 PM
that is just too neat! I wish I could have another chihuahua, but my hubby won't let me.(Yet!):rolleyes:

12-02-2002, 07:10 AM
Foxy is a perfect name. and she sounds lovely. I aytomatically pictured her as a red color, but this sonds better! We'll be waiting for pictures.
And the comment about Chewy, and being aggressive because he is not a pure bred, is just sibling rivalry......it was just meant to hurt, but don't let it bother you, we all know the truth, and that is it can happen with equal frequency with all breeds of dogs. mixed or not.

12-02-2002, 08:10 AM
I can't wait to see your little Foxy, she sounds absolutely adorable!

Aspen and Misty
12-02-2002, 03:44 PM
Thanx everyone. My sister is haveing second thoughts about her name so I guess Foxy isn't her name, which is fine it took me a week to name Chewy. LOL. We are considering Hunny Bear, Hunny for short. We don't know yet though, if you have any name suggestions please suggest them.


Aspen and Misty
12-02-2002, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker

:mad: What I don't understand is why don't these people take some of the money that they make and at least use it for the benefit of their pups??? It's so selfish! :mad:

because to them dogs are liek your computer. Just a thing or an intem. Nothing to take care but to be used when you need it and for your own benifit.


12-02-2002, 04:06 PM
i like foxy! :D huney's cute too, especially going with her color. what kind of personality does she have?

12-02-2002, 10:35 PM
She sounds so adorable!! Can't wait to see pictures!! Sorry that she came from such a bad place:( Least she is at a better place now:)

12-02-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty

because to them dogs are liek your computer. Just a thing or an intem. Nothing to take care but to be used when you need it and for your own benifit.


Accually some people take BETTER care of the computer than their pets. Now that is sad!!!!

12-03-2002, 02:39 AM
Wow, she sounds really gorgeous! Congrats! I'd really like to see a pic of her! I think the name Foxy fits her very well! :D

It's so sad where she came from though. :( How much did your sister pay for her?

12-03-2002, 06:13 AM
I like Foxy too, but I also like Hunny;) (bet you'd never guess why:rolleyes: )

12-03-2002, 07:51 AM
I like Hunny as well. Just love all these pets with my name! :D