View Full Version : Bad Night : (

08-19-2001, 12:02 AM
last night I let my dogs out into the fence in area and I didn't see the skunk. well we have already talked about little furry animals in the backyard in Stenograsaurus post about Dakota and the kitten. well my dogs attacked it. and all I could do was stand in the door way yelling at then to stop. This was a horrible sight(and smell!) Zeus got sprayed about 5 times and bite on the nose and Felice and Herc got it about twice. Well in the end the skunk didn't make it out of the ordeal. and I feel HORIBLE. I love all animals( even smelly ones) and I keep feeling guilty. I was up intill 3 AM spraying my dogs with "Skunk Kleen" and then spraying it on myself and then taking a shower(I still smell) And this is not the first time they have done this, this is the thrid!
well thanks for letting me vent


Daisy's Mom
08-19-2001, 12:15 AM
Oh Diana, that's bad! I feel bad for you. I know how horrible it feels to have your sweet dog kill something. Daisy killed two of my cousins chickens and I felt so incredibly bad! But, as we all said about Dakota, they are dogs, and some dogs have high prey drives. To them, it's not bad at all. So don't worry about it too much! I hope you can get the smell out! Yuck - 3 dogs and one person all smelling skunky? You poor thing! Although I must admit, I like the smell of skunk... I think my mom and I are the only two people in the world who are like that ;)

08-19-2001, 05:11 AM
Diana, I'm so sorry! I felt really bad whenever Sugar killed mice in our house and I know how you feel. I've never been sprayed by a skunk though- we don't have them wild in S'pore. Do skunks really stink?

08-19-2001, 07:54 AM
Eudora, YES they really, really stink when they spray. Sorry, Bridget, I can't stand the smell of a skunk! :eek: But, Eudora, they don't spray unless they're upset!

Poor Diana! What a messy and sad encounter. I'm like you in that I get terribly upset if my dogs or cats kill something like that (except for Honey and Butter killing snakes...I didn't get too upset over that). Glad you had the "skunk cure" on hand.


08-19-2001, 09:47 AM
my heart goes out to you.
I too know the helpless, guilty feeling in my
heart when Rocky or Pepper kill and their
is nothing I can do.
I never blame it on them because it's
a dogs nature, but it doesn't make
me feel any better. :(

08-19-2001, 11:57 AM
Hi Diana, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right at that time. It's too bad they killed the skunk but that is the nature of dogs. We like to think of them as sweet cuddely babies and most of the time they are, but sometimes the predator shows up.
They were doing what comes natural. Daisy killed a bird and I couldn't believe it, I was horrified, but it was natural for her.
Good thing you had the stuff to clean them up and yourself on hand, wow I can't imagine having to do that job. I'll bet you are glad that's over. :) :)

08-19-2001, 02:09 PM
A few years ago my miniature poodle, Ashley, (at the Rainbow Bridge since 1998) was sprayed by a skunk. We have a picket fence in the backyard and there are woods behind it. The skunk sprayed her through the fence. :( She smelled horrible! and I had to take her to the vet's because he got her in the eyes too and she wouldn't even open them! She is also the only dog I have ever had who caught and killed a chipmunk, coming up onto the deck with a tail :eek: hanging out of her mouth and looking all happy and proud!!!! I was almost gagging! The only way I got her to open her mouth was to offer her a doggie biscuit! Like Jackie says, dogs are lovable sweeties but deep down beneath that fur they are still dogs! :)

[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

08-19-2001, 08:02 PM
Not to sound like a worry wart but have the vet check the carcass for Rabies and the dog whom got bit. Even if you have had the vacanations Please have it checked. We have a problem with some in a near by town and it makes me nervous every time the cat brings home a bat.
Sorry about the smell too, why can't dogs use common sense?

08-20-2001, 12:53 AM
Hey guys, thanks. I feel alot better today. but the dogs still smell I don't think it will ever go away. When they got sprayed my neighbor smelt the skunk and thought to herself "oh Diana's dog got sprayed again" LOL.
thanks Corinna I never thought of bring in the dead skunk. I don't know if I can get it know though. I threw it into the woods. But luckly all my dog have the shots. And the skunk looked healthy;all plump and fuzzy
Thanks again for your great comment. It really helped :)

Diana and her smelly mutts :D

08-20-2001, 08:22 AM
This is a recipe from a website for skunk odor remover. It's what I used on Dakota and it worked pretty good. I did it three times and in between I put mayonnaise on him and let it sit for five minutes. I did the mayonnaise twice. Good luck.

Donna Deter posted this awhile back, and I thought it worth saving. We had the opportunity to test the recipe peroxide/baking soda concoction last year when both the dogs got a full faceload when attempting to play with a skunk who wandered into their domain. Let me just say life was a lot more pleasant after we used the brew...

>Here's the formula:
>".... 1 quart of 3 percent
>hydrogen peroxide, which costs about $2 at a drugstore; 1/4 cup of
>baking soda; and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, which breaks up the oils in
>the skunk spray and allows the other ingredients in the solution to do
>their stuff. The solution should be rinsed off the pet with tap

08-20-2001, 08:35 AM
Thank you for that recipe. When Ashley had her run-in with the skunk the girls at the vet's office recommended Summer's Eve :o :o :o baking soda variety!

Cinder & Smoke
08-20-2001, 10:27 AM
3Dogs ~

Our Vet, and the local County Health Department, recommend that any dog or cat that tangles with a wild animal be given a Rabies Booster shot immediately after the encounter. The wild animal must be kept refrigerated (not frozen) from the time of death until it is examined by a laboratory.

Even if your dog or cat are "current" with their rabies shots, the booster is needed. Suggest you consult with your Vet ASAP!
/s/ Phred

08-21-2001, 01:00 AM
Don't worry everything has been takes care of I work at a vets office so I brought them in all today. Has for the skunk it's in the woods somewhere.

Daisy's Mom
08-21-2001, 04:49 PM
I am glad your three sweeties are okay :) It's better to be safe than sorry! Kisses to all three of your beautiful smelly furkids :)