View Full Version : Help Me Please!!

11-29-2002, 12:12 AM
one of my roomates is the proud owner of a staffordshire bull terrier (pit bull) and i recently purchased a small Jack Russel terrier, the Jack is just a puppy, it is wise to try an introduction or is it just a bad idea in general? I do know that the pitbull has shown aggration towards other animals, and his nature is rough. Although he has grown up with a lab/spaniel and has never had a problem with her... please help me

Dixieland Dancer
11-29-2002, 09:11 AM
If you do introduce these two dogs you need to do it in a highly controlled way. It needs to be on neutral ground where the pit bull does not feel he needs to defend his territory. Both dogs must be on a leash and you need to be able to seperate them quickly if aggression is shown. Try not to show apprehension as the dogs will pick this up from you. Slower is better in this case of introductions. Never leave the two of them unsupervised.

11-29-2002, 09:55 AM
Exactly right! Neutral territory - a park, maybe, but both on a leash, each with his owner being calm, and see how it goes! They may get along, but you won't know until you try. And now, while the little one is still a puppy, would be better than waiting until he is an adult - maybe they'll be friends, and the older dog can "mentor" him!

This makes me think, though, of the day one of my older brother's friends brought his pup to visit at my parents' house. We were all out in the yard, including our St, Bernard, Freckles, who was a grown-up of about three. Well, the Lab (mix) pup ran around her, yapped at her, bounced at her, all to no avail, she was being "dignified" in the presence of this THING! She laid down, he ran over to chew on her ear, she cuffed him off with one massive paw. He went tumbling a bit, just as pups do, but then came back to try again. Well, enough was finally enough! She knocked him flat with one paw, and held him there! He was surprised, and wiggled a bit, so she, still holding him firmly, growled that loww rumbly way, as if to say, "Hey, you, behave! Learn some manners!" He held very still for a minute, looking at her wide-eyed, and when she let him up, he bounced back to his "Dad" as if to say - "She's picking on me!" but didn't chew on her again for the rest of the afternoon!

11-29-2002, 06:30 PM
I agree with whast both Candy and Karen have told you to do. I did that when I got my second dog and there wasn't and hasn't been any problems.

Just thought I'd point out however that although a Staffi looks like a pitbull they aren't, they'er two different breeds but because of the like apperances the staffi gets mistaken for pits all the time...I know I did the first couple of times that I saw staffis. But like most dogs you get the good ones and the bad, I've met a couple from each catagory for the staffis and when they're nice they're really really nice, wouldn't hurt a fly unless prompted to and the same could be said the other way.

12-01-2002, 10:21 AM
Try letting your dog smell the dogs leash,bed,food bowl etc. Then have the dogs meet your dog will recongize the smell and feel like it already knows this dog.

12-07-2002, 07:49 PM
DogMania, Milo is so cute!!! Looks TINY, too! What big eyes...reminds me of my persian.