View Full Version : Here we go again........

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-24-2012, 10:16 PM
Don't know if you all remember Flame,

but here we go again......

The other night we were walking Jackie and we heard this pathetic little meow, several times. It sounded like, and I knew in my heart it was a hungry kitty, so I rushed home, got a flashlight and some food. Rushed back to where we heard the meows and started calling for the kitty and shining the flashlight. Nothing. So I left the food in hopes he'd find it.

So today I'm on my way back from doing laundry (I take the golf cart to do laundry) and this pathetic, scrawny, half starved kitten is barely making his way across the street. Now this is a street in our resort so it's not like a busy city street, but he's practically dragging himself across the street - head down, tail down, no energy....I come to a screeching halt and think I can fool him into thinking I have food in my hand. I get close, but not close enough, and all the while he's meowing pathetically at me. I rush home and get some ham, I get back and he's gone - drat! I look around calling for him and I find him, but he runs back across the street and under a parked motorhome - I follow. He scoots into another lot, under some patio furniture that is covered, but he peeks out at me. I creep forward, hand outheld with ham at the very tip of my fingers. I get the ham right up to his nose and he won't bite - little shit! I eventually got close enough to make a grab for him and I actually touched him, but he scooted away at the last minute - drat! I had to go so I rushed home again and made a plate of fancy feast, went back and left it where I last saw him and hoped he'd find it.

Went back later and half the plate was eaten - yes! I didn't get him, but at least he got some food in his belly. I'm going to keep trying in the next few days, and at the very least he'll get food on a regular basis to make him stronger so he can grow a bit and maybe start taking care of himself......unless he lets me catch him. ;)

He's Siamese looking with the light coloring and blue eyes, but not flame point like Flame. I'm estimating him to be at least 4 months old. He's scrawny, but not tiny tiny like flame was. Hopefully I'll be able to catch him soon and I can get a picture for you all.

And NO this is NOT Robin's succession plan. ;) We really don't want a kitten, but I'd be happy to trade a kitten for an adult that won't bat at Jackie. ;)

Edwina's Secretary
10-24-2012, 10:50 PM
Dear Auntie Debbie,

Please give a skinny guy an even break!

Once Skinny Eddie


10-24-2012, 11:39 PM
Awww, lil fuzz nugget, I am so glad you ate! Please come out and get found :love:!

10-25-2012, 01:18 AM
When you posted the link to Flame, I thought that you had run into his new family and they couldn't take care of him any more so you had decided to adopt him.;) Hopefully the scared little kitten will continue to let you feed him/her and you'll be able to eventually catch him/her and then get him vetted and hopefully adopted out. Good luck.:)

10-25-2012, 08:21 AM
Oh, good luck on capturing this little one!

10-25-2012, 09:18 AM
That is such a good stat that that Kitten knows where he/she can find food on a regular basis, that is how I was able to bring so many Porch Cats into the Hotel.
I know that al of Our Awesome Angels will hep with that Kitten finding a FurrEver Home, and Robin , Peanuts and Tubby Angels :love::love::love:
will tell taht Kitten that there is no need for hunger or being alone ever again.
We are paying taht Tiger? finds a home soon.:love::love::love:

10-25-2012, 09:40 AM
Awww, I will be checking back to see if you managed to catch this little guy/girl. :D

10-25-2012, 09:40 AM
I'm with Eddie on this :D

10-25-2012, 09:45 AM
I'm with Eddie on this :D
Me too! I hope you'll be able to catch him one of the next few days, and feed him until then. :) Good luck!

10-25-2012, 05:41 PM
This kitten sounds like he needs a good home. Ahem. You could always try ......... to keep it/him/her and see how your cat get along with the kitty.:)

10-25-2012, 08:29 PM
Paws crossed you are able to help him /her. So pleased the food was 'found!'

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-25-2012, 11:13 PM
Went back this morning and not only was all the food gone, the paper plate had bite marks in it and it was as clean as when I took it out of the cupboard! Needless to say, I brought the plate home, filled it again and headed back. Set the food out and waited.......nothing.....drat! Checked the food later, still there. Checked again a little later still there. Checked about 8:00 tonight and not only is the food gone, he's sitting there meowing at me again! But I didn't have more food on me, so again I couldn't get close. Ran home and got some food, by the time I got back he was gone - double drat! Elusive little bugger! Left the food and I'll check on him again in the morning. He'll soon figure out there's regular food there and then maybe I'll be able to catch him. Good news is he didn't look near as scrawny as he did yesterday, so maybe the food I'm giving him is providing nutrition, but maybe it's providing energy also so he can scrounge for food better on his own - hopefully. That way if I can't get him, at least I know he's able to take care of himself.

I hate this! It's really heartbreaking and very stressful.

Cute little shit.......;):(:):p:rolleyes::confused:::confused: :confused:

10-25-2012, 11:19 PM
Sounds like progress! I advise a baggie with kitty treats be kept in your jacket pocket, just in case there's a new sighting at an unexpected moment!

10-26-2012, 10:25 AM
I hate this! It's really heartbreaking and very stressful.

It is, but you're doing a great job.:) The idea of having a can or kitty chow morsels in your pocket is a good one. Never know who you might meet.:)

10-26-2012, 10:40 AM
You're very kind and caring. Yep, You might as well never leave your home unless you have some cat food with you. Hope s/he becomes friendly with you.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2012, 10:15 PM
So a lot has happened since I last checked in. I got a trap at Harbor Freight for $20.00, so I thought it would be a piece of cake to catch this little one now! Yeah, right!!!!! Turns out he must be so tiny yet that he doesn't trip the trap - drat! I've gone thought 2 cans of cat food a day, and every time I go back the food is gone but the trap is still wide open. I figured at the very least, with all the food he's been getting, pretty soon he'll gain enough weight to trip the trap. ;) until then, to help things along, I put some rocks gently on the plate that trips the lid, just to add a little weight to help the little one along.

So, tonight we're eating dinner and the phone rings. It's the people next door to where the trap is. They tell me he's in the trap - I've caught him! Hooray! Hop in the golf cart and away I go. Pull in the lot, shine the lights on the trap and oh s**t, that's no little kitten, that's a full blown adult feral, rolling around trying to get out and hissing at me - oh s**t!!! :eek::eek:

Well, I'm already committed, so I covered the cage and the cat calmed down. I was able to get it home and animal control will be here in the morning to pick him/her up. This is NOT what I signed up for! ;) needless to say, this kitty is NOT Robin's succession plan!

11-01-2012, 10:19 PM
Oh, goodness, well, TNR one cat at a time until kitten appears? ;)

11-02-2012, 04:20 PM
Keep it up. That little fellow is just pulling the string along so you fall completely head over heels for him before he agrees to be caught in the trap. :)

11-02-2012, 05:42 PM
If the big adult cat got the food, the little one is probably very hungry by now. Maybe if you only set up the trap
when you see the little one around. Set the trap and move back away from it while the cat is drawn in by the tasty
aroma of fish or whatever. Then cover with a towel & bring him home. :) If it doesn't work, take the trap home & try
again later. Best of luck winning him/her over.:)

The spring trap hook sometimes can stick a bit & doesn't release the spring when they step on the metal plate.

11-02-2012, 06:51 PM
Perhaps while big cat is at animal control, you can catch little cat, who won't be so afraid to come out?

Good luck with your mission. :love:

11-13-2012, 11:53 AM
I feel like I have been reading a really good book and just now find someone has removed the final pages.

I hope this story ends well.

11-13-2012, 01:44 PM
Debbie, I hope you get him/her soon! What's gonna happen to the one you caught? Tell us more!

Best of luck!!! :)

11-14-2012, 08:19 AM
I feel your pain, girl. Ever try a "drop trap". While they're busy eating, you gently pull a rope, while keeping an eye on the trap, and it'll drop over him. There's a small "hatch" door to hook a carrier up to it to remove him from the trap.

Remember when I Lil Eli, the feral kitten Ramanth caught? He fell through my living room screen when I was living in MI. It took me 5 nights of trapping the same, sappy big fat white and black cat before I realized he was hiding out in a crawl space to the basement.

Good luck, Deb and Terry. PLEASE keep us posted!!!!

11-14-2012, 09:22 AM
Prayers and loving good wishes for all concerned..


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-17-2012, 10:51 PM
Sorry, so much going on I forgot to post.

I brought the big honking male in the trap home that night and animal control was supposed to come in the morning to pick him up. However, in the morning I had to make a phone call back to them so they didn't come because.......he was gone! The towel I used to cover him was torn and laying there and he was gone! I couldn't imagine how, but he must have fought so much the trap door came open and he was gone. Couldn't believe it.

Haven't seen hide nor hair of him or the kitten since. It's like it was all a bad dream and never really happened......weird.

So, that's the end of the story. Not a good ending, not a bad ending, but one that leaves you hanging on....maybe waiting for "Resort Cats 2"? ;)