View Full Version : Comforting a older cat in a new home

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2002, 12:01 AM
I recently moved and have taken my cat Mitst with me. Misty is 6 or 7 years old. She has always lived in the same house with 4 other cats. Now all of the sudden she is in a new house with no otehr cats. She is very lonely and howls all night long. We try to comfort her but as soon as you walk away its back to the meowing. I can't take the 2:00 wakeing any more and she is constantly howling as loud as she can and it echos through out the house. Its getting to be so anoying, but I totally understand. I don't know what to do, I allow her in my room with me which has all the stuff she is used to. Is there anything else ya'll can think of that will help her adjust to her new home and life style? Please help! I have school every morning and its impossible to sleep with her howling at the top of her lungs.


11-28-2002, 12:56 AM
Clearly kitty is lonesome. Easiest fix in the world...get another kitty. Wish I had such a great reason to add to my clan! Cats are not as pack oriented as dogs but certainly lion prides are families and kitties sometimes need the company of fellow furfiends. Best of luck to you and kitty!

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2002, 08:00 AM
We almost got a kitty the other day. She was all white with the cutest spots on her. I want another cat but my dad wont let me.
:( . So, how do I convince my dad to get another cat?

11-28-2002, 08:07 AM
Have a good long talk with them and tell our advise !! They will understand it !!
Yur Misty defenitely needs a companion ; she is mourning !!

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2002, 09:19 AM
I told my dad we need to get a cat. I said maybe we should get a one or two year old so it is a little bit older but still young. I don't want to get a kitten and then scare her. I treid to tell him all the health benifits of haveing a kitty. But he doesn't care. He also doesn't care that Misty crys all night long, sleeps right through it. I don't know what to do about her. I almost made her an outside cat last night around 2. I would never do that to my kitty though I just made her sleep with me in my bed. We had a nice long talk about how we should be quite at night. I don't think it helped though cause I was back up at 6, haven't been asleep since.


11-28-2002, 10:27 AM
You poor thing. It is great that you realize that your kitty isn't doing it for any mean reason. She is just really confused and lonely. I dont think you guys have been moved that long yet, have you? So, what about crating her at night? In your room. She may just need some time to settle in. She may be 'calling' to the otehr cats...it is hard to tell. Tex does that cry at night sometimes, and it is kinda eerie, sad, and annoying all at the same time. Give her lots and lots of love right now. She needs it.{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}.

Aspen and Misty
11-28-2002, 02:37 PM
No weve only been moved for a few days. Misty is not the most lovy cat. Shes more of the kind who will scratch ya (if she had claws) and bite ya. But latly she has been so pet me ALL THE TIME. Poor baby girl. I allow her to sleep with me at night, and she cuddles under the bed with Chewy. They are so cute, but she hates Chewy and now all of the sudden since we moved they are the best of friends. I think she misses her kitty friends. But getting another one is out of the question because of my dad. Misty used to howl at night to see if anyone was up but as soon as you went out there she would be quite. But this meow is diffrent, kinda more longing type of meow. I love my baby girl and I don't want to eb with out her, but I think she needs to come back t my moms. I'm gonna give her another week, see how it goes.


11-28-2002, 03:05 PM
oh Ash , how noble of you !! :) you must love Misty so much to even agree to bring her back ..!
It is good you give it another week , but is the howling is still going on there , Misty might be happier at her previous house .... I will keep my fingers crossed for you !:)

Aspen and Misty
11-29-2002, 03:21 AM
Thanx. RIght now sending her back to my moms house sounds great :rolleyes: . Its 4:00 in the morning and everytime I go to lay down she attacks me and throws a meowing fit. So I put her in the bathroom and she bangs on the door. I need sleep. Ughhh. And I thought getting up with Chewy at night was bad, well, its not half as bad as being here with Misty. I love her, alot, but sometimes theres just nothing you can do. I'm gonna see if giving her my heat balnket to sleep on will help her go to sleep in the bathroom. I'll just have to freeze to death tonight, but at least I'll get some sleep.
