View Full Version : If you could write a letterpet(s) on the RB...

11-27-2002, 07:12 PM
What would it say?

This is what I would write to Opus(our other cocker)...

I remeber the first time I saw you.You ran to the neighbors bushes and peed
in them!!I started Laugh and the YOU started to come close to me,but when
I lent down to try pet you,you ran away!Then my mom and brother came
riding up and I showed them you and I think that`s when she fell in love!!
She asked me if I had seen any lost cocker spaniel signs,I said no,but we
went to go look around any ways! Then mommy did exactly what I had
hoped,she went to go get you!! I went with her on our bikes and we went to
the street,and there you were with you REALLY matted ears and Long hair!
You were so cute! She told mr to go back and get Daddy and bring the car
so we could bring you home! When I got back you two were in someone`s
grass,you were laying on your back,and she was kneeling down to pet your
belly! We took you home and when you came into my room you seemed to
like my pillow so I let you have it as a bed for a while!The next day,while I
was at school mommy took you to the vet and that was when we found out
you had heartworms! The vet said you shouldn`t play or do alot of
activity,because of your medicine! about 2 or 3 weeks later I was outside
playing and mommy came out and said that you were playing with your
tennis ball!I went inside to see and sure enough there you were playing with
your ball like a little puppy, like you had NO CARE IN THE WORLD!!Then one
night you got out of our backyard,and I got SO worried!I almost cried
because I was afraid of loosing you!We found you about 3 or 4 houses down
sniffing their bushes! there is one night in particular that I will never forget!I
was sleeping on the floor and for some reason I couldn`t sleep. You came in
the room,layed down at my feet,then you would come up to my face and lick
me!You did that quite a few times!

Over ythe next couple of months you were so good!!Then you started
growling at us! The day you had to leave this world was the worst day of MY

I got up after mommy had left to drop off monica at school.I ate
breakfast,then I saw you go into Tanya`s room,I went in there and layed
down really close to you to cuddle,I petted your back,softly,and kissed
you.Then suddenly you cried,like I had hurt you in some way,and bit me.You
got me right under the eye and on the cheek.Opus.let me say this,I DON`T
hate you. But what I don`t understand is why? Why did you do it? Why did
you bite me? Mommy says you were a fear biter.Did I scare you? I didn`t
mean to!I love you!

You are missed so much! Even though you left scars,emotionalland
physically,I will never regret recuing you! I`ll see you later in the years to
come! I love you! Hope you`re having fun on the Rainbow Bridge!

11-27-2002, 09:21 PM
Wouldn't that be nice! I wonder how much postage it would require to get it up there! :p

Well I would write to Fluffy(my bunny) and Ciara(my collie) and Snowball of course (my kitty).

Those big, beautiful, brown eyes of mine. I remember when you were about to be put to sleep. We came and gave you the loving home you needed. Although we knew you would not live long, we cared for you, played with you, and made sure you were always happy and comfortable. You were the light of our lives, always cheerful and showing us that "I love you" bunny face. In the morning I would always look in and stroke your head. I felt that soft fur, that I will yet never again feel. I saw that warm, furry face, full of life and love, which I yet never again saw. For the next day terror struck, and your time came. It was then we said our last good-byes and parted forever. Now, you resting in your world, and I in mine, I send you this letter, for you were my sunshine. Rest in peace Fluffy, and keep in mind I will always love you, no matter how long time goes on.

Faint memories are all that are left of you, my sweet Ciara. Your golden fur dazzled in beauty like no other. Your eyes were like looking at the moon, so luminous and bright with energy. It had only been years, those wonderful years, that we had known each other. We were both young, so full of energy, god how those days go past us. Now that you have strolled upon the fateful road of death, we are no more. I can never again look into those moon-like eyes or touch your silky fur. For that dreadful day when you bolted out the front door will haunt me forever. As I watched you run down the road, never once looking back. We searched for hours. Finally we called it off, you had ran out of my life. I still loved you either way. Now, as years have passed without your beautiful face, I am sending you this letter to tell you I still love you, for whatever reason you left. Rest in peace, my shining star.

My little ball of snow, how I miss you. I sit here now, looking at your little furry face,that would always nuzzle my tears away. You were a wonderful kitten, always so playful and energetic. I cannot put into words how much you meant to me. The way you would rub against my head to awake me. The way you would cry when I left for school. The way you would cuddle against my shoulders and drift deeply into sleep. But jealousy overcame you. Sally arrived and you could not bear to stand another kitten. You felt abandoned, alone, so alone. Perhaps that is why you left me. I did not even wave good-bye. I opened the door and out you went, never to return again. Who knows where you went, or what happened to you. All I have left is one picture. One picture of you and I, together, forever. And that is how it will always be. I will miss you, sweet one, rest in peace.