View Full Version : Motte!!

10-24-2012, 09:00 AM
Oh Motte, you are such a beautiful girl inside and out. I can see already how much you love and protect your human sibling. I'm sure the feeling is mutual. I love all your pictures, especially the one of you upside down smiling. Happy DOTD!!

10-24-2012, 09:44 AM

You as beautiful inside as outside.... you are simply breathtaking.

You are much loved and give so much love. Guardian and Friend ... soft but with "edge" when your family is threatened.

Be still my heart.....

10-24-2012, 10:16 AM
Motte, you are absolutely gorgeous! And your eyes as well!!

10-24-2012, 11:06 AM
Oh, beautiful Motte! I am so happy I got to meet you today! I like all your pictures, and especially the one of you upside down, perhaps showing your silly side just a bit :) Hurray, hurray for you protecting your human when a neighbor came too close! That was a vitally important job and you did it perfectly! You are such a lovely lady, please have your family give you some hugs for me today. Happy Dog of the Day, gorgeous Motte!

10-24-2012, 12:15 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet angel Motte!:)
I echo the sentiments of all of my fellow congratulators when I say you are one beautiful girl, inside and out, and no doubt heaven sent to your young person from above, to help heal her heart and put a smile back on her face after her great loss! What a very lucky young lady, to have a loyal and loving best friend for life in you, Motte! And you're a hero to boot, protecting your lady as you did from the unwanted advances of that scary neighbor! It's scary to imagine what might have happened had you not been there to defend her. No doubt you and your person were meant to be, Motte, and I hope for you and for her, many, many more years of shared love and devoted companionship! And oh, could your photos be any more precious?:D I too especially love that one of you "upside down," showing your goofy side!:p Beauty, personality, and a heart of gold...you're the complete pup package, Motte, and so very deserving of your "top dog" honors!
Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, sweetheart, being loved to pieces, treated to all your heart desires and more!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Motto!:love::love::love:

10-24-2012, 01:21 PM
I was so very sorry to hear that you lost your first dog in an accident, that must have been a terrible time for you. Now you have a beautiful, loyal companion once again to share your life with! Sounds like you love and care for each other very much :love: Sounds like every little thing about Motte is wonderful and I wish Motte a long and happy life with your lovely family! Hurrray for Motte! Peace and love :D:D:D

10-24-2012, 07:03 PM
You're stunning Motte!!!:love: Such a beautiful color! It sounds like you're a very good dog friend. Congrats on being DOTD!:D

10-24-2012, 07:44 PM
Motte - you are a beautiful intelligent girl! And very protective too! :)
Enjoy being Dog of the Day! :love: