View Full Version : New Pics of Zam :-)

11-27-2002, 09:34 AM
Got a few pics of Zam (and big sister Kia :D )

Zam has been getting more bold as the weeks go by. And she's also discovered how fun it is to scratch furniture. :eek:

I need more scratching posts. LOL!

And without any further ado, here's Zam.





Can we help you?

MOM! We're trying to sleep.

Zam: "I'll attack her legs... you grab the camera."

Edwina's Secretary
11-27-2002, 09:40 AM
I'm very partial to splotchy nosed cats! Zam--- you are gorgeous!!!! (You too Kia!)

11-27-2002, 10:04 AM

She IS precious!! She looks like she's right at home with Kia too! I'm glad they're getting along so well. Hint: Sprinkle some catnip on the scratcher and whenever she goes for the furniture, say "NO!!" very firmly and bring her over to the scratcher, making a scratching movement with her paws. She'll get the idea.

11-27-2002, 10:09 AM
Oh Zam, what a beautiful face you have. And such a nice square muzzle. very very special.

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-27-2002, 10:27 AM
AWWWWWWWWWWW Zam is sooo cute.!!!
I just love her odd markings! I want to plant a big kiss right on her black little nose... (and Kia's too) ;)

11-27-2002, 10:34 AM
Kimmy, I must have missed the story about how Zam came into your life...But I do have to say that she is one of the coolest looking cats I have ever seen!!!

11-27-2002, 11:38 AM
Zam is so beautiful!! I love her face!!:) So Cute!!

11-27-2002, 11:42 AM
Zam says thank you. :D

Donna, she does use the cat scratcher.... when she's in the bedroom. I'll put some more catnip in it and I'll reprimand her when I catch her scratching on the furniture.

Originally posted by jennifert
Kimmy, I must have missed the story about how Zam came into your life...But I do have to say that she is one of the coolest looking cats I have ever seen!!!

Jen, she was a stray that I rescued. She was pregnant with three kittens and I was able to catch her and one of the kittens.

Donna took the kitten home and I kept momma. :)

I haven't seen the other black and white kitten since Nov. 8th. :( The brown and white, I haven't been able to catch. He's been missing for a few days as well.

11-27-2002, 12:00 PM
What a beauty she is!! I'm so glad to hear that she and Kia get along ok! What a relief, huh? I just love "patchwork" kitties!

11-27-2002, 12:09 PM
She sure is a cutie! And from these pictures, she looks like she has a really great personality. :)

LOVE the pictures with Kia...that is wonderful they get along!

11-27-2002, 01:00 PM
Awww! Beautiful pictures!! Glad they get along so well. When I was little, we got a kitten and a doberman pup at the same time. Those two were as close as can be, always curled up next to each other. It was so cute!

smokey the elder
11-29-2002, 08:04 AM
What a pretty girl! Is she named after that female bounty hunter in Attack of the Clones?

12-01-2002, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
What a pretty girl! Is she named after that female bounty hunter in Attack of the Clones?

Yes. ;)

She captured my heart. :)

12-01-2002, 09:03 AM
Zam is so beautiful! I LOVE her markings, especially that nose of hers! She looks like she was painted! I hope she's coming out of that heat and she's being quiter for you :) Hugs to Kia and Zam for me.

12-01-2002, 09:28 AM
Awww Zam is gorgeous!! Can we see pictures of the kitten?? (or have I just missed them??)

12-01-2002, 03:34 PM
Zam is precious ... love her black nose!!! She looks very comfortable with her doggy friend too ... that's great!

12-02-2002, 09:11 AM
Zam says thank you. :D :o

Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Awww Zam is gorgeous!! Can we see pictures of the kitten?? (or have I just missed them??)

Eli's pic has been floating around in different posts. :D Here's his pic:


12-02-2002, 09:38 AM
That's my boy!!!!! :D He's doing great! He's best buds with MooShoo. He's still a little shy though. When I want to cuddle with him I have to coax him over with a teaser wand. But once he's in my arms, he purrs like a diesel engine!!!

From Eli to Zam:

Hi Mama!!

I miss you lots. Havin fun wif da gang, doe. Don't worry 'bout me cuz I eat good and am happy. "Meow!!"


12-02-2002, 09:59 AM
Kim, darling, the best way to train a cat to a post is grab them when you catch them scratching, carry them to a scratching post, and rub their paws against it. Praise them after, and they'll eventually learn its better to scratch the post than the couch.

It worked for both Wobbles and Minette.

12-02-2002, 01:12 PM
Zam , I am sending you a hug nose-kissie from your pal Maya , my own calico-girl !!!:D :D

in this pic , you can see Maya with her sister Inka

12-02-2002, 02:29 PM
Ohhh!! I'm so happy to hear that Donna. I'd love to see more pictures of him! :D

Zam sez:

MMMEEEEEOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!! ;) Hello Eli, my darling boy. I'm glad you are behaving. I raised you to be a good boy. :D

Tell your pink skin mommy to come visit. :)


Originally posted by dragonchilde
Kim, darling, the best way to train a cat to a post is grab them when you catch them scratching, carry them to a scratching post, and rub their paws against it. Praise them after, and they'll eventually learn its better to scratch the post than the couch.

It worked for both Wobbles and Minette.

Zam has a catnip scratching post that is in the bedroom. She loves it and uses it. But when she's in the living room she's just too lazy to go into the bedroom to use it. LOL! So my chair gets the brunt of the attention. :rolleyes: And of course she only scratches the chair when I'm at work or gone for the weekend.

I'm going to buy two posts... one for the living room and one for the bedroom.

Hopefully that will help. :)

12-02-2002, 03:24 PM
I'll take more pictures of Eli and post them when I get home tonight. He and Moo are so cute together! Zam looks wonderful! Eli still has the two dots on his nose too. I will try to get up there soon, but with the way the snow is going, I ain't going anywhere!! Hugs to you, Zam and of course, Kia!! ;)

12-03-2002, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I'll take more pictures of Eli and post them when I get home tonight. He and Moo are so cute together! Zam looks wonderful! Eli still has the two dots on his nose too. I will try to get up there soon, but with the way the snow is going, I ain't going anywhere!! Hugs to you, Zam and of course, Kia!! ;)

Don't blame you! Stay home, warm, and safe. :)

Can't wait to see the new pics of Eli! :D

12-03-2002, 09:15 AM
Okay, here they are!! I got some great action shots of Moo and Eli wrestling. The last one is of Moo giving Eli a bath!!! They are a hoot together!

12-03-2002, 09:16 AM
Eli actually wear Moo out!

12-03-2002, 09:16 AM
One big happy family!!

12-03-2002, 09:17 AM
Here's another one.

12-03-2002, 09:18 AM
Eli getting his bath from big brother Moo!

12-03-2002, 11:18 AM
AWWW!!!! They are adorable together!!! :D

Thanks for sharing those Donna. :)

Eli looks like he's getting bigger. :eek: They grow up so fast. :(

12-03-2002, 07:05 PM

He's a real pistol! He acts like a little tough guy but the girls put him in his place. And Moo is happy as a clam having someone to chase around. He leaves Casey alone which is a good thing. Eli goes in for his distemper booster on Saturday at which time I'll ask the vet what he charges to neuter him. Oh goody, another vet bill :eek:!!! I should look into pet insurance for my two oldest cats. It might just take a little of the financial heat off of me. BTW, Eli is getting bigger. He has an appetite like a horse!!

Zam looks wonderful. Her markings give her this "regal" look. I hope she's put on some weight. Give the two furry ones a hug and kiss from me. Tell Zam Eli says "Meow Mama!!"

12-04-2002, 08:38 AM
Well Zam obviously misses her babies since she wants MORE! :rolleyes: Yep... she went into heat again last night.

I even gave her an impromtu rub down with cold water hoping that it would distract her. Nope. She just rubbed against my hand purring the entire time!!! :eek:

I can't wait to get her fixed. ;) :D

Like Mother, like Son. ;) Zam LOVES to eat. And I think she has been putting on some weight. I don't have a scale so I'll have to have the clinic weigh her when she's fixed. :)

smokey the elder
12-04-2002, 09:22 AM
I have a feral that's in heat. Yo, cat! It's DECEMBER!! Fortunately she's in her own room upstairs. I need to trap her and get her to the vet. Ech.

12-04-2002, 10:21 AM
*sniffs* I miss so much when I can't be online so much! I didn't know you had gotten a cat!

Well anyways, Zam is stunning!! She's really beautiful, I love calicos!

Great pics everone :)

12-04-2002, 05:39 PM
Aww shes soo pretty!! I love her colors!!:D:D