View Full Version : Chewy is on his medicine and he went to the trainers monday!

Aspen and Misty
11-26-2002, 08:38 PM
Chewy went to the traners monday and was so good! I'm so proud of my little chew baby! He is so good! She said he was the best dog she has ever put a head halter on and that she was so impressed with him that she is giving us free classes in March for him to attend. She also gave him a toy and some puperonies. MMM MMM!! So Chewy now has to wear a head halter. Which goes over his nose and then behind his head. It doesn't keep him from biteing but it does keep him under controlle! Such a good boy. Chewy has been so god since we moved in. He hasn't chewed on anything and he stays off al lthe furniture like a good little boy. The trainer taught him Drop it and he hasn't forgot it since, even though she only said it twice. He also knows a new trcik called head where he lays down then puts his head on the floor. I'm gonna trach him crawl and Bang which is where he plays dead. Hee hee. He is so smart. Chewy got his medicine but we shouldn't see changes for another week or two. He has been being so very good. Ecept for last night he got me in SO much trouble lol. He jumped on the couch, where he is not aloud, and he chewed a part a bone which took me an hour to get it all up. LOL.

Well thanx for letting me bore you again with some more Chewy news. You have to be bored with us.


11-27-2002, 01:40 AM
I am so glad everything is working out. "You are such a good doggie Chewy":D

11-27-2002, 02:04 AM
Yay Chewy!! You are being such a good boy!!

11-27-2002, 02:07 AM
Yay! I'm glad to hear the good news about Chewy! I'm glad he is a good boy! He's a cute one too.....when do we get to see new pics????? :D

11-27-2002, 05:49 AM
Yaaaay Chewy! Good Boy! That is so great that he is behaving for you. And I will never be bored hearing about Chewy...that's why I come here. So keep those stories and pictures coming...:D

11-27-2002, 08:08 AM
That is really good Chewy!! Hope you keep up with the good work you cute little boy!!

Dixieland Dancer
11-27-2002, 08:24 AM
Keep up the good work! Chewy is lucky to have such a concerned and caring owner to get him a trainer who can help make his life more rewarding. ;)

11-27-2002, 08:36 AM
Awww that's so wonderful Ash!! :D I'm glad Chewy is doing better and gets lots of treats as well!!

11-27-2002, 04:52 PM
Ash, that is great!! :D :D The trainer sounds real nice, I am absolutely positive that Chewy is going to come on in leaps and bounds! :) :) I know its not good that he has the health problem but great that it has been recognised and he can have the medicine to help. Life is on the up kidda!:)
Give that sweet dog one BIG hug from me, and one for you too for sticking at it, no matter what.


Aspen and Misty
11-27-2002, 05:41 PM
Chewy was a nawtie doggie this mornin ;) He's not aloud on the bed because he claims things as his and only he and me may use them. So he used to think the bed was his and since we moved he's not aloud on any furniture expesially the bed. Well I just woke up and planned on going back to sleep when Chewy jumped up there. I was like Chewy, are you aloud up here? He gave me his puppy dog eyes that said "But mom, I'm so lonely on the floor and besides you have this nice huge bed with a really nice electric blanket on it, can't I just stay up here for a little while?" So I pretended I was stil sleepin and aloud him up there, I know, nawtie me. :D

He's been really good other then that. Today, I had the older rats and younger rats in the bathtub playin together and Melony groomed Tundra to hard so she Squeked (sp). O boy he didn't like that went into a whole barking frenzie and scolded the rats and me. LOL. New pictures comeing soon!!! so be looking for them. I found out something really sad while at the traners on MOnday. Aussies have a thyrod problem, they are known for it. In the past week she has had to put 2 down and has 2 more she is working with but thinks one of the two shes working with will have to be put down. So thats probly where he got his problem from. It really made me look at how lucky I was to not have to put Chewy down, him being an Aussie and haveing the problem. He is so special and I love him to death. I have deced I'm dieing before him. He has no say in it. He is going to be the oldest living dog ever. He will be like 44 years old in people years, just so I can die before him :D


Aspen and Misty
11-27-2002, 05:43 PM
O, THanx everyone for your nice thoughts. I ment to get back sooner but my dad has the computer all day and our one at his house ins't hooked up to the internet YET. But thank you, it means so much to me and Chewy.
