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View Full Version : Need Some Advice...

10-20-2012, 10:27 AM
As most of you know, I'm currently majoring in Animal Science. My intentions originally were to go to vet school and be a vet. Well, since then I've done a lot of thinking.

Vet school is $20,000+ a year, plus you can't work and be a full time vet student so more than likely you're going to have to take out double your loans to live on. I don't think I want to be that much in debt in addition to the $20,000 + I would already have to pay for undergrad.

Well anyway, I'm feeling pretty miserable about school right now. I hate going and I hate going to all my classes. I'm not doing well in any of them because I don't have the motivation to anymore. Basically I wish I was either at home or in another college because I can't stand UT anymore.

Well yesterday I looked into veterinary technology schools. I've had lots of people tell me that its not going to be worth my time because I won't get a decent pay rate and they're not needed in the area. That doesn't really deter me though, I can always move. So I started an application for a vet tech program about an hour north of me. I'm gonna finish it up today and get my transcripts ordered within the next week.

My problem is this though. Should I finish out this semester, or should I go ahead and withdraw from the university? I'm pretty sure I can get accepted at one of the vet tech schools and I need some time off anyway before I start this next two years of college before I go crazy. So, what should I do?

10-20-2012, 10:44 AM
I would put your application in for vet tech school and finish out your semester at the University. Jmo

10-20-2012, 12:58 PM
My question is, WHY do you hate going to your classes? What makes you so unmotivated?

You don't have to tell me twice that being a science major isn't a full-time, sometimes frustrating, commitment, but personally, I hate seein' anyone's dreams going down the tubes. I really don't want this to come off as rude, Bri, but this just seems like 'the easy way out'. Reason being, I know you've always wanted to be a Vet, not really a vet tech. I don't blame you for worrying about the whole loans thing, either, 'cause I think we all do.

But, I think you should think about this long and hard before becoming committed to Vet Tech school, about what you REALLY want I mean. I would encourage you to apply, but I think you should finish the semester out at UT so you at least have more credits to fall back on.

I hope that didn't come off as rude or harsh, I'm just being as honest as possible here.

10-20-2012, 01:01 PM
I can look at it two ways.

My first thought: Finish out your semester first before starting something else. Later on it might look good that you finished the semster rather than quitting mid-way. If you jump ship mid semester, it might appear that you aren't reliable.... just saying

One other thing... IF you quit mid semester, is it too late to get back your tuition?. I would think it's too late to get money back. Therefore, I would finish the semester.

Of course it's up to you. Let us know what you do.

10-20-2012, 01:53 PM
My question is, WHY do you hate going to your classes? What makes you so unmotivated?

You don't have to tell me twice that being a science major isn't a full-time, sometimes frustrating, commitment, but personally, I hate seein' anyone's dreams going down the tubes. I really don't want this to come off as rude, Bri, but this just seems like 'the easy way out'. Reason being, I know you've always wanted to be a Vet, not really a vet tech. I don't blame you for worrying about the whole loans thing, either, 'cause I think we all do.

But, I think you should think about this long and hard before becoming committed to Vet Tech school, about what you REALLY want I mean. I would encourage you to apply, but I think you should finish the semester out at UT so you at least have more credits to fall back on.

I hope that didn't come off as rude or harsh, I'm just being as honest as possible here.
I don't want to be a vet anymore. I've known that for a while. I hate science and I am really terrible at it. I don't want to spend the next 4 years after graduating being miserable and even more stressed out.

Vet techs can do almost everything a vet can. I just want to do something with animals, that's more important than anything.

I hate going to my classes because I don't care anymore. I know I'm not going to vet school and I don't want to. I can't even do anything else I want to do with my animal science degree and it feels useless to continue it when I could go ahead and transfer and start the program I want to be in.

You're not coming off as rude, lol so don't worry. :)

I just find it really hard to commit myself to the rest of the semester even though I know it'd look better. I just want to be elsewhere. I'm tired of UT, tired of Animal Science, tired of the people there and it's just time for a change of scenery.

10-20-2012, 01:56 PM
I can look at it two ways.

My first thought: Finish out your semester first before starting something else. Later on it might look good that you finished the semster rather than quitting mid-way. If you jump ship mid semester, it might appear that you aren't reliable.... just saying

One other thing... IF you quit mid semester, is it too late to get back your tuition?. I would think it's too late to get money back. Therefore, I would finish the semester.

Of course it's up to you. Let us know what you do.
I thought about that, but would it look worse for quitting or worse for finishing with bad grades? I was trying to debate which would have more importance.

I think it's too late to get a refund, but everything was paid through loans and scholarships, so I'm not sure if that'd have any effect or not.

I'm just going through a lot of things in life now that would be better managed without school in the way as well, one reason I'm taking a while off (probably till fall 2013 or spring 2014) before I venture into vet tech school.

10-20-2012, 02:03 PM
Do finish out the semester. Think of it as proving to yourself you can stick with something even if it is hard. It will also look better to any future employers that you have the gumption to stick with something, and the semester is too far along to get your money back anyway. Some of the classes you are currently taking likely can be applied to the vet tech program in some way, and lessen your load once you get there.

You can do this, Bri, I promise. It needn't be fun, and it will be hard, but you will come out of it stronger. Think of it as climbing a mountain, the view from the top, the accomplishment of sticking to it, and finishing it, and doing your best will be worth every painful moment. I promise!

What are your classes you are currently taking? I bet there are people here on Pet Talk who can help you with any of them, yes, even the sciences. Me, I was an illustration major, so I am good for help with creative stuff, but others can help with maths and sciences! Also use Kahn Academy - it explains stuff in videos, and is easier to follow for lots of people than reading things in a book, and it is free, and available 24/7 online!

10-20-2012, 02:06 PM
I think you and my youngest are the same year in college which would make you a junior? You need to finish your undergrad you are this far into it, you can look at changing majors to see how far behind you may get but sorry if you were my daughter I would freak out if you basically wanted to drop out, you need to finish your undergrad you are over half over.

10-20-2012, 02:36 PM
Bri - don't get mad and take this the wrong way - but does your boyfriend figure into this equation? I mean - you came on here recently and said you were engaged, and now you want to drop out of school. Could it be you are thinking no further ahead in life, than to be with him at all cost? Your career and education will be there for you forever. Can you say the same about him? I hope you're not throwing your education out the window for the sake of love that could be gone tomorrow, even tho you think right now that it will last forever. Reach deep inside and think long and hard before you make any drastic decisions. And as always - I wish you the best.

10-20-2012, 04:10 PM
Yes, I'm a junior. My mom isn't being supportive of anything right now because she's expecting me to drop out (which I don't consider this dropping out since I'm still going to college after a break even if I didn't finish this semester.

I'm taking animal nutrition, animal health management, judging and a night class about water.

Michael doesn't have anything to do with my decision. He's pretty adamant about me finishing school.

I don't want to switch my major solely for the reason my university offers nothing of interest to me. That's my big reason for transferring.

I still don't know what I want to do with this whole situation. I just feel it'd be better to quit while I'm ahead than to let my gpa suffer even though I know it'd be better to finish out the semester.

10-20-2012, 05:49 PM
I'm sorry to hear how unhappy and frustrated you are right now.:( It sounds like you're already burnt out on your college classes and school work.:( I was almost in the same situation as you were many many years ago. After high school I thought I wanted to become registered nurse so I enrolled in a 2 year nursing program. It wasn't at all what I expected and it was just such a heavy work load. I found out that many people take 4 years to do in what I was trying to do in just 2 years. I became very unhappy and I was also making bad grades. My parents were moving to CA so I decided to also move there. My mom seemed to want me to continue with the nursing program in CA so I did take one more course but I later decided that it just wasn't for me. I had always loved animals and now I wish that I had become a vet tech instead. I ended up going back to college in S.C. with my friends and getting a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Socialogy. I just wanted to graduate with some kind of a degree. I never liked school. I now work in a dental lab which is very hard work for little pay.:(

I would try to finish out the semester and then you can take some time off. I would also try to find out all of the options out there for careers that work with animals. You could also do some volunteer work at animals shelters etc. during your time off. Some vet offices also let people do volunteer work if they know that this is something that you'd be interested in pursuing. Whatever you decide to do, you do need to be happy so then you will hopefully enjoy your career in the future. What about online courses? This might be something for you to also consider. Good luck.:)

10-20-2012, 05:53 PM
While it may be hard, animal nutrition could help you a lot in the future, and getting that one under your belt wold be a very good thing, as no matter what you are going for a career dealing with animals. Keeping slogging and finish this semester no matter what, okay? I know people who dropped out at a similar point, and they all regret it now, years later. After you graduate, I don't think any future employers will care much about your GPA - just that you completed the courses successfully.

10-20-2012, 06:07 PM
I hate going and I hate going to all my classes. I'm not doing well in any of them because I don't have the motivation to anymore.

I would get a handle on how your grades are per class. Drop any class you would fail if the situation is THAT bad, then spend the time finishing up the others. You will have a lighter class load, and this may help you bring the other grades up.

It would also be interesting FOR YOU to know if the classes you need to drop under this scenario would be of any use as a vet tech or not; and if the classes you can finish will as well. IF you stick with classes which will help you in the new goal, AND you have a lighter load, you have time (I think?) to bring those grades up.

Meantime apply to the tech school and see how that app goes.

10-20-2012, 07:58 PM
I'm sorry to hear how unhappy and frustrated you are right now.:( It sounds like you're already burnt out on your college classes and school work.:( I was almost in the same situation as you were many many years ago. After high school I thought I wanted to become registered nurse so I enrolled in a 2 year nursing program. It wasn't at all what I expected and it was just such a heavy work load. I found out that many people take 4 years to do in what I was trying to do in just 2 years. I became very unhappy and I was also making bad grades. My parents were moving to CA so I decided to also move there. My mom seemed to want me to continue with the nursing program in CA so I did take one more course but I later decided that it just wasn't for me. I had always loved animals and now I wish that I had become a vet tech instead. I ended up going back to college in S.C. with my friends and getting a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Socialogy. I just wanted to graduate with some kind of a degree. I never liked school. I now work in a dental lab which is very hard work for little pay.:(

I would try to finish out the semester and then you can take some time off. I would also try to find out all of the options out there for careers that work with animals. You could also do some volunteer work at animals shelters etc. during your time off. Some vet offices also let people do volunteer work if they know that this is something that you'd be interested in pursuing. Whatever you decide to do, you do need to be happy so then you will hopefully enjoy your career in the future. What about online courses? This might be something for you to also consider. Good luck.:)
High school was okay and I thought I was going to like college, but I am definitely feeling burnt out. I know I need some sort of degree because I don't want to work a job I hate, but science isn't my forte at all and I've really struggled with it and I'm ready for something new.

I'm definitely going to work and do something in my time off, we'll just see what that is, lol. I'd love to do online courses but unfortunately for animal related classes most are not offered online at all. I have all my general education classes out of the way, so those would've been easy to do online if I didn't have them done.

While it may be hard, animal nutrition could help you a lot in the future, and getting that one under your belt wold be a very good thing, as no matter what you are going for a career dealing with animals. Keeping slogging and finish this semester no matter what, okay? I know people who dropped out at a similar point, and they all regret it now, years later. After you graduate, I don't think any future employers will care much about your GPA - just that you completed the courses successfully.
Nutrition is probably going to be something I'm going to have to drop if I have to drop any other courses. I'm just worried because that will make me a part time student over full time and I don't know if that would affect anything this late in the semester.

Grades are important because a lot of animal classes won't let you pass on to the next one without a C or B, depends on the class and the university. That's why I'm freaking a little over them, lol.

I would never drop out completely, I'd definitely go back and do something. I just need time to relax and work and not have to stress about school for a while.

I would get a handle on how your grades are per class. Drop any class you would fail if the situation is THAT bad, then spend the time finishing up the others. You will have a lighter class load, and this may help you bring the other grades up.

It would also be interesting FOR YOU to know if the classes you need to drop under this scenario would be of any use as a vet tech or not; and if the classes you can finish will as well. IF you stick with classes which will help you in the new goal, AND you have a lighter load, you have time (I think?) to bring those grades up.

Meantime apply to the tech school and see how that app goes.
Yeah, I'm going to do that. Just gotta check on the part time hours situation because this will drop be below 12 and that's the standard. I think I can manage to make at least a B in the rest of my classes, hopefully.

Some of the classes would be useful in Vet Tech school, but I can always take them there if necessary. I still have till the end of November/early December to bring up my grades, so hopefully that's enough time!

Thank you everyone for the advice. You're all right in the fact that I need to at least finish this semester. I can't decide if I should go ahead and register for classes for next semester just in case or not...

ETA: I just checked about the whole dropping below 12 hours thing and withdrawal from the university procedures. Either way they're going to charge me money, but I'm pretty sure that I will be failing one of my classes this semester if I don't drop it. I emailed the university bursar to get the situation sorted out.

10-20-2012, 08:51 PM
Bri, it sounds to me like you hate UT or just school and not the profession of veterinary sciences. Sometimes a school isn't a right fit for you. But you only have these two years left. See about tutoring and other ways to get the work done. Ask your professors and their graduate assistants. Pick a better graduate school. Make sure it is a fit for you.

A lot of times these programs are tough because they want to know who really wants to do this.

I take it you are working while in school? Find out what you can do to make this easier on your self. Many doctors are several tens of thousands dollars in debt when they graduate. Sounds obscene, but that's the way it is. But vets make good money. You can get it paid off.

Wishing you luck with your decision. :love:

Note: I almost quit college 2 years in and joined the navy. I changed my mind and I don't regret it. I'm doing what I'm meant to do. ;)

10-20-2012, 09:01 PM
What is difficult about the animal nutrition class? Do you just need help understanding some of it, or what is involved? We can all try to help!

10-20-2012, 09:16 PM
Bri, it sounds to me like you hate UT or just school and not the profession of veterinary sciences. Sometimes a school isn't a right fit for you. But you only have these two years left. See about tutoring and other ways to get the work done. Ask your professors and their graduate assistants. Pick a better graduate school. Make sure it is a fit for you.

A lot of times these programs are tough because they want to know who really wants to do this.

I take it you are working while in school? Find out what you can do to make this easier on your self. Many doctors are several tens of thousands dollars in debt when they graduate. Sounds obscene, but that's the way it is. But vets make good money. You can get it paid off.

Wishing you luck with your decision. :love:

Note: I almost quit college 2 years in and joined the navy. I changed my mind and I don't regret it. I'm doing what I'm meant to do. ;)
I do hate UT and school, lol. But I used to love UT. I'm sick of everything about it there though, and their classes do suck. I hate all of their science classes because the professors suck. And I hate my nutrition class I'm in right now too.

I know they're tough for a reason, but I'd have to go back and retake at least 4 classes to even be eligible for vet school, so being a vet tech was always another option. We had a lecture from a vet tech at one of our Pre-Vet association meetings and it sounded really awesome so I think it's where I'm meant to be, even if I don't make anywhere near as much as I would as a vet.

I'm not working while in school. That's one of the family issues going on right now in addition to some other things.

I feel I'm not meant to be a vet anymore though. :p

What is difficult about the animal nutrition class? Do you just need help understanding some of it, or what is involved? We can all try to help!
Everything about the class, lol. I'm just going to have to take it for small animals and large animals in vet tech school, so it's really not a big deal to drop it... I missed an exam the other day and can't get my professor to get in touch with me to make it up either. He's very sporadic and spazzy so he's hard to follow... I'd rather just take it later on. I appreciate the help though :)

Also, I just submitted my application for vet tech school! Gotta get my transcripts and ACT score all sent in.

10-21-2012, 07:21 AM
Yeah, I'm going to do that. Just gotta check on the part time hours situation because this will drop be below 12 and that's the standard. I think I can manage to make at least a B in the rest of my classes, hopefully.

Some of the classes would be useful in Vet Tech school, but I can always take them there if necessary. I still have till the end of November/early December to bring up my grades, so hopefully that's enough time!

. . .
ETA: I'm pretty sure that I will be failing one of my classes this semester if I don't drop it.

OK so you ARE working on the situation, that is a GOOD thing! In college, I loved my major; junior year I had one class in my major discipline, which I just could NOT get. I too was facing a fail. I dropped the class BEFORE it went on my transcript as a fail. It just shows up as W (withdrawal). It did not figure in to my GPA. And while I worried about it for a bit at the time, this was the right decision for me, and it worked out fine long run. Keep track of the deadline to drop the class and get a W (or whatever they use now, at your place) and get the paperwork in!

10-21-2012, 09:36 AM
Okay, I had something written and then the computer back-paged on me and I lost it. ARGH!

If this really concerns you, do it. Especially if you really can't stand UT. And give an honest appraisal/evaluation of your professors and their program to administration. Please consider finishing undergrad degree while working as a tech and go to a different vet school later. I almost quit undergrad and didn't. I don't regret it despite all of the recent crap. I am doing what I was meant to do.

Don't just settle for a vet's office for a job in animal welfare. Find one that suits you.

Some tough love: don't let your mom affect your future. Worry about you. She is old enough to work. Give her some tough love and some intervention. You are legally old enough and you can do this in any legal or moral fashion. (not thinking you would resort to low tactics; just wanting you to know I wouldn't either.)

Find homes for your critters so you can visit and be sure of their care and health. And bless your boyfriend for insisting you finish school. As a vet tech there is just so far that you can rise on the totem pole.

Good luck with your decisions and your future.

10-21-2012, 10:29 PM
I would try to stick with it. Of course you can get burnt out easily. Going to school isn't fun and of course college is more advanced than high school. It may not be easy, but I promise it will be worth it for you in the end. I believe in you and you should believe in yourself. Don't let anyone get in the way of your dreams. I know you're passionate about animals and I know you have worked so hard. But, you have what just one more year? Just go for it, don't give up on what you want most right now. In the end it will be worth it, I promise. :love: Also, maybe you can intern at a shelter if they allow it. :)

10-22-2012, 01:49 AM
I keep thinking about this and it keeps bugging me sorry but the mom is coming out... You need to make school a priority, you are getting financial help and this time in your life won't come around again. My daughter lives in the library that is what it takes with hard classes, sorry don't get mad but you have allowed yourself time for a boyfriend so your priorities are not on school. Please don't be offended I know its no fun to go to school and sit in the library all the time but you will be glad later.

10-22-2012, 02:46 AM
Hate to admit this but formal education, unpleasant as it is, usually pays off. No one really enjoys formal education, but it certainly teaches you dicipline and how to train your brain to arrive at the place you need to be. On SO many levels.

10-22-2012, 07:30 AM
I keep thinking about this and it keeps bugging me sorry but the mom is coming out... You need to make school a priority, you are getting financial help and this time in your life won't come around again. My daughter lives in the library that is what it takes with hard classes, sorry don't get mad but you have allowed yourself time for a boyfriend so your priorities are not on school. Please don't be offended I know its no fun to go to school and sit in the library all the time but you will be glad later.

Computer did it again.

I lived in the library. School was the focus. Sacrifice now for your future. And a boyfriend or a husband does not provide it. At least not in the self-esteem area. If you really want to do this, you can get the degree and go on to vet school. I still have to go to school and take courses I really don't need to satisfy the state's re-certification requirements.

You know we'll support you either way, but you really need to try harder. I survived three years of hell at my last job because I wanted to retire. I still got four years to go, but I got 3 years closer.

You can do this.

10-22-2012, 10:21 AM
I keep thinking about this and it keeps bugging me sorry but the mom is coming out... You need to make school a priority, you are getting financial help and this time in your life won't come around again. My daughter lives in the library that is what it takes with hard classes, sorry don't get mad but you have allowed yourself time for a boyfriend so your priorities are not on school. Please don't be offended I know its no fun to go to school and sit in the library all the time but you will be glad later.

I can only echo ten times what Caseysmom has said. I heard excuse/cop out each word you wrote. Life isn't easy, college isn't always easy, but odds are- it will pay off. I know we have a few on this board that want to jump in and talk about options other than a college degree- but-that is, and will continue to be- a minority view.

Putting off your education only makes getting it harder for many reasons. Allowing your mind to trick you into a new want or a new career path is redonkulous. Going from a "boss" like position to a "employee" position is a really bad move. It is selling yourself short, not to mention eliminating many, many opportunities.

Your BF should be threatening to leave you for this choice- if he puts you first, and understands the value of an education. You are totally not seeing the long term implication of your rash, immature thought process. You have, usually, ONE opportunity....this is it/yours, and you are blowing it. You won't re-enter school (not if you are like the majority that drop out), you will rue the decision years later, and you will have wished someone would have kicked your butt for your thoughts right now.

I can't stand to see someone so young, with SO much ability, lose focus.

10-22-2012, 01:57 PM
I wasn't going to be a vet and was going to end up going to vet tech school long before now. Vet school is extremely competitive, and it's not something I want I don't want to go to vet school anymore and I decided that a long time ago, long before I ever even had a boyfriend, which is exactly why it doesn't factor into my decision.

And again, Michael has absolutely nothing to do with my decision to leave UT. He supports me no matter what I do, and is adamant about me finishing school, which I'm going to do.

AND Just because I'm leaving UT doesn't mean I'm going to not go back to school. Yes, I know that the majority of people who quit don't go back. But I'm not the majority of people and I don't plan to be.

I don't want to finish a degree that is completely useless to me and waste money that I'm going to have to pay back when I could be going to vet tech school where I want to go and already heading towards my career.

I don't want to go through vet school worrying about how I'm going to pay back all of that money I'd have to take out in loans, and I don't want to spend my time at a university that I hate and doesn't care about their students.

I know college isn't easy and I've experienced that countless times, but it just seems like a waste to put all this effort into something I'm not even going to use because I'm not going to vet school.

If I really wanted to, I could always finish vet tech school, go on with that for a few years and go back to school to apply for vet school later.

But I've made my decision, and I want to go to vet tech school after some time off.

10-22-2012, 02:02 PM
Your thread said "need some advice" you got some advice do what you will with it, if you already made up your mind not sure why you asked for advice. A degree shows you are educated and can complete something no matter what its in, where I work I do hiring I would always hire someone with a degree in ANYTHING over someone without one, just my two cents since you asked for advice. Your bf does factor into this, he is time away from studies, it is not your college's responsibilty to get you through it is yours and you aren't taking care of it.

10-22-2012, 02:34 PM
Your thread said "need some advice" you got some advice do what you will with it, if you already made up your mind not sure why you asked for advice. A degree shows you are educated and can complete something no matter what its in, where I work I do hiring I would always hire someone with a degree in ANYTHING over someone without one, just my two cents since you asked for advice. Your bf does factor into this, he is time away from studies, it is not your college's responsibilty to get you through it is yours and you aren't taking care of it.
I did need some advice, and I wanted others perspectives. I just love how everyone assumes I'm not going to do anything or go back just because I take a couple of semesters off before going back to school.

I'm still going to have a degree, I don't get why that's an issue.

Michael doesn't factor into this, because he has nothing to do with my decision. As I've said.

I know it's my responsibility to get myself through college and it's what I've been doing for the past two and a half years. But I'm tired of UT and Animal Science and the thoughts of going to vet school, again, as I've already said.

10-22-2012, 02:51 PM
Bri - it's not really any of my business, but what do you plan to do with your time off before/if you go back to school? Get a job??? - if so - in what field that will allow you to support yourself? Get married or co-habitate??? - does your BF have a good job and can he support the two of you and your animals, and God forbid - any children that come along?

I've been around a lot of years, and have seen girls with the same plans/ideas, that you have now. All good intentions and they look great when put on paper, but ones that almost never work out. Unless you're fortunate enough to step in doo-doo and come out smelling like a rose, then these are all just grand plans - ones that never work out as you just knew they would.

But if your mind is made up and you won't consider any of the advice that has been given to you here, then there's really no sense in beating a dead horse. Most of the people that have offered you advice here (and you did ask for advice), have a lot of years experience under their belts and really do know what they're talking about. Life is difficult enough, without making it more so, and we all just hate to see you throw it all away - for what???

It will be interesting to see just where you are 5 years from now. I hope it's in a good place and you are happy with the decisions that you are making today.

Good luck!

10-22-2012, 02:54 PM
The semester is just about half over, correct? I would say finish the semester. You've already invested the first half. That way you will have the entire fall semester on your transcripts.

10-22-2012, 03:18 PM
She has already said she intends to finish this semester.

10-22-2012, 03:25 PM
Finish your semester. That's what I did at Kent State. I finished it out with the best I could and then I took a 3 months break, then applied to Ohio State. Everything worked out on its own after that.

Alright I'm going to sound old here. I met my boyfriend in college also. But that was in 2007, I was 23 and he was 24. Almost 6 years later down the road, to today, I'm 28 and he's about to turn 29. We now live together. We have been living together for almost 9 months. Are we engaged? No. Not yet. It's in the plans, probably next year. We are not in a rush, but I know it will be soon because we have talked A LOT about it - type of wedding, rings, etc. We took our time, PAINFULLY slow! It was a really good thing what we did because we've learned SO MUCH about each other every day. I'm very happy. So is he.

But hey, you know, I'm not going to lie, that first year I met him, my grades fell. I spent EVERY free time I had with Mike, and that wasn't smart. I just got too wrapped up with being in a new relationship and being with this amazing, wonderful man. It was my fault, so what did I do? I realized I couldn't change what happened so I got back on the horse & bounced back and got those grades up and did so much better. I realized, it was FOR ME, not for him. Now what do I do? I graduated with a degree in Art in 2009, took me a while to finish school because of switching schools & juggling my grades. But I FINISHED college. I even thought of dropping out. When I think about that now, geez, what the freak was I thinking? I was not thinking clear back then.

I PROMISE it will get so much better down the road, JUST do what is right for you at this moment. :) I can see you are doing that already so do not lose focus of what YOU truly want in life.

Hope I made sense! I just feel like I have been in your shoes, just... be careful. Don't put all your eggs in one basket! I am just wondering, how long have you been dating Michael?

10-22-2012, 05:45 PM
One of my teachers in the vet tech program I went through (The top one in CA and one of the best nationwide) was in charge of intake for vet school at UC Davis for years. He said that he ALWAYS loved to see on vet school applications that someone had been an RVT, since they then had a much better idea of what they were getting into, as well as knowing that they could handle the job.

There are a LOT of things you can do with a degree as an RVT. I manage a retail pet store. Other people who graduated with me are pet food representatives, going to vet school, dog trainers, running a doggie day-care, one is a feline behaviorist, one works in a local kid's zoo, at least one works for fish and game, and one is in further training to become an "animal cop". This is just people that I know of, in ONE graduating class of vet techs. There is no end to the places that this could be a starting point for...

Personally, I went through somehting somewhat similar with vet tech school. I got to within a month of graduating, and realized tha the job was pure hell for me. People in the veterinary field suffer from burnout and compassion fatigue, and in my area one of the results of that problem is that people in the veterinary field here are VICIOUS to one another. It was always ALWAYS the vets vs the techs vs the kennel people vs the receptionists. My sister in law has a thick skin and handles it all with grace. I do not, and I did not. I found myself riding my motorcycle to work one day thinking "Gosh I hope a car runs me over so I don't have to go in today", and I quit the next day.

I may not be making a ton of money managing a feed store, but I love it, and I feel like it will look better on my resume later to have been a successful manager of a retail store than to have been a failure as a vet tech.

Random: I met my husband while I was in vet tech school, got engaged three weeks later, and married less than a year after that...our relationship had nothing to do with my performance or my decision to leave the field, so I have no idea why this keeps being brought up.

10-23-2012, 09:46 AM
Personally, I went through somehting somewhat similar with vet tech school. I got to within a month of graduating, and realized tha the job was pure hell for me. People in the veterinary field suffer from burnout and compassion fatigue, and in my area one of the results of that problem is that people in the veterinary field here are VICIOUS to one another. It was always ALWAYS the vets vs the techs vs the kennel people vs the receptionists. My sister in law has a thick skin and handles it all with grace. I do not, and I did not. I found myself riding my motorcycle to work one day thinking "Gosh I hope a car runs me over so I don't have to go in today", and I quit the next day.

You were one month away from graduating with a two year vet tech degree and you quit? :confused: You didn't finish?

10-23-2012, 01:55 PM
Bri - it's not really any of my business, but what do you plan to do with your time off before/if you go back to school? Get a job??? - if so - in what field that will allow you to support yourself? Get married or co-habitate??? - does your BF have a good job and can he support the two of you and your animals, and God forbid - any children that come along?

I've been around a lot of years, and have seen girls with the same plans/ideas, that you have now. All good intentions and they look great when put on paper, but ones that almost never work out. Unless you're fortunate enough to step in doo-doo and come out smelling like a rose, then these are all just grand plans - ones that never work out as you just knew they would.

But if your mind is made up and you won't consider any of the advice that has been given to you here, then there's really no sense in beating a dead horse. Most of the people that have offered you advice here (and you did ask for advice), have a lot of years experience under their belts and really do know what they're talking about. Life is difficult enough, without making it more so, and we all just hate to see you throw it all away - for what???

It will be interesting to see just where you are 5 years from now. I hope it's in a good place and you are happy with the decisions that you are making today.

Good luck!
I'm not getting married till Summer 2014. Well, right before Summer 2014 in June unless something comes up and we have to move it to a later date :). I'm going to get a job (or two) and save money in my time off so I can relocate.

Michael had a job when he moved in with me (due to him getting kicked out of his house) but had to leave that job as it was a 40 minute drive from where he was relocating to. So he's on the job hunt with me.

I don't see how any of this is throwing my life away because I'm still going to school and getting a degree, I just need time off... I wish people would stop doubting me as they've always done and have a little faith that I'll actually do something, because I know I will.

Thanks for the good luck and advice.

Finish your semester. That's what I did at Kent State. I finished it out with the best I could and then I took a 3 months break, then applied to Ohio State. Everything worked out on its own after that.

Alright I'm going to sound old here. I met my boyfriend in college also. But that was in 2007, I was 23 and he was 24. Almost 6 years later down the road, to today, I'm 28 and he's about to turn 29. We now live together. We have been living together for almost 9 months. Are we engaged? No. Not yet. It's in the plans, probably next year. We are not in a rush, but I know it will be soon because we have talked A LOT about it - type of wedding, rings, etc. We took our time, PAINFULLY slow! It was a really good thing what we did because we've learned SO MUCH about each other every day. I'm very happy. So is he.

But hey, you know, I'm not going to lie, that first year I met him, my grades fell. I spent EVERY free time I had with Mike, and that wasn't smart. I just got too wrapped up with being in a new relationship and being with this amazing, wonderful man. It was my fault, so what did I do? I realized I couldn't change what happened so I got back on the horse & bounced back and got those grades up and did so much better. I realized, it was FOR ME, not for him. Now what do I do? I graduated with a degree in Art in 2009, took me a while to finish school because of switching schools & juggling my grades. But I FINISHED college. I even thought of dropping out. When I think about that now, geez, what the freak was I thinking? I was not thinking clear back then.

I PROMISE it will get so much better down the road, JUST do what is right for you at this moment. :) I can see you are doing that already so do not lose focus of what YOU truly want in life.

Hope I made sense! I just feel like I have been in your shoes, just... be careful. Don't put all your eggs in one basket! I am just wondering, how long have you been dating Michael?
You and Mike are adorable btw :).

I'm definitely going to finish. Michael lives with me, as I just said, so I see him pretty much 24/7 anyway. He's always, always told me I need to finish school and I will... just not at UT. I know that I can do better in vet tech school because I'm fairly certain that I'll be happier there since it's what I want to do. I just feel like I'm getting nowhere near my goals at UT.

Thanks for the support, Rachel!

I will be careful. We've been dating almost 5 months. But like I said, no marriage till at least Summer 2014.

One of my teachers in the vet tech program I went through (The top one in CA and one of the best nationwide) was in charge of intake for vet school at UC Davis for years. He said that he ALWAYS loved to see on vet school applications that someone had been an RVT, since they then had a much better idea of what they were getting into, as well as knowing that they could handle the job.

There are a LOT of things you can do with a degree as an RVT. I manage a retail pet store. Other people who graduated with me are pet food representatives, going to vet school, dog trainers, running a doggie day-care, one is a feline behaviorist, one works in a local kid's zoo, at least one works for fish and game, and one is in further training to become an "animal cop". This is just people that I know of, in ONE graduating class of vet techs. There is no end to the places that this could be a starting point for...

Personally, I went through somehting somewhat similar with vet tech school. I got to within a month of graduating, and realized tha the job was pure hell for me. People in the veterinary field suffer from burnout and compassion fatigue, and in my area one of the results of that problem is that people in the veterinary field here are VICIOUS to one another. It was always ALWAYS the vets vs the techs vs the kennel people vs the receptionists. My sister in law has a thick skin and handles it all with grace. I do not, and I did not. I found myself riding my motorcycle to work one day thinking "Gosh I hope a car runs me over so I don't have to go in today", and I quit the next day.

I may not be making a ton of money managing a feed store, but I love it, and I feel like it will look better on my resume later to have been a successful manager of a retail store than to have been a failure as a vet tech.

Random: I met my husband while I was in vet tech school, got engaged three weeks later, and married less than a year after that...our relationship had nothing to do with my performance or my decision to leave the field, so I have no idea why this keeps being brought up.
That's what I was thinking. If I do decide to become a vet later on down the road, then I can always take some extra courses and apply later.

Thanks for sharing your story, and I'm glad you are happy doing what you do! :)

10-23-2012, 01:58 PM
You were one month away from graduating with a two year vet tech degree and you quit? :confused: You didn't finish?

I finished my degree, but quit working in the clinic. Luckily I had enough hours worked to graduate. I was genuinely feeling that I'd rather get run over than keep working there, so I'm not sure what would have happened if I hadn't had enough hours.

10-23-2012, 02:39 PM
As someone who went back to university three times I can vouch for the fact that it gets harder each time. The first time I worked 5 years between going and the second time I worked 2 years. Each time I went to a different university. It is interesting to see how each university has it's own "personality", so it is perfectly reasonable that UT is not the right fit for you. When I attended the University of Calgary I realized that was not what I wanted and the school was not a good fit. But the other schools were a much better fit for me and I finally found something that I enjoy doing.

So do what you need to do to finish out the semester. Recoup and start up with the vet tech certification. The one suggestion I would give you once you finish the vet tech program is to continue taking classes, even if they are cake decorating or dancing (they do not need to be related to what you are doing). This will keep you in the "habit" of attending a class.

Good luck with things and the semester is just about over!

10-23-2012, 02:41 PM
Lot of red flags going up but sounds like you only want the advice that goes along with what you want to do so I am zipping it.

10-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Lot of red flags going up but sounds like you only want the advice that goes along with what you want to do so I am zipping it.

Oh yeah - me too!!!

Scooter's Mom
10-23-2012, 04:53 PM
My advice would be:
Education & schooling of ANY KIND is way more important than anything else at your age.

Even if you don't continue at the University of Tennessee, and don't continue in the program you are in - don't take any time off. Don't stop or you won't go back. You may have the intentions to go back... but life is funny and will get in the way. Don't stop going. Alter your path if you must, but don't stop completely.

10-24-2012, 01:11 AM
Bri, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time with school. I completely understand the sciences are not easy and are labor intensive. You know what you want, if you decide to leave UT make sure its because its what you want not because its hard.
One thing you did say though is that you do not like the sciences. You do realize 90% of Vet Tech school is going to be science classes right? You are going to have to take biology, anatomy/ physiology, nutrition, etc all over again. Are you prepared to do that?

Take a semester off to get your priorities straight and what you want figured out. I would never advise anyone to take more than that off. It is extremely unlikely you'll go back at that point.

Only you know the true reasons for you wanting to change your major. That's okay- it happens all the time. However, make SURE you do figure out a major you want to do. Living on 11.25 an hour on my own with little help from my parents has really put into perspective how hard life is and has given me the motivation I have for school. Cause truth is, no one wants to struggle forever! Get it out of the way now!

10-24-2012, 09:55 AM
Sometimes, people overlook the fact that life, with the grace of God, extends over decades of time- with much (most) of spent working. Life is expensive. Doing what you love, what you have a passion for, what you love as a 20 something (or even 30 something :eek:) sounds wonderful. It really does. When you factor in a mortgage, a car payment, health insurance, the utilities, grocery money, food/vet care for your animals, it loses its luster a bit.

Think long term. Think about tomorrow, and the thousands after that. Think about making enough money to support yourself and your habits. It is the dirty truth that many people wake up and realize at some point- money does matter. And, in this country, *usually* more education = more money. And, *usually*, in this country, more education = more opportunity.

Quitting anything, dropping out of anything, has more to do with the individual than it does with the program that is being dropped. I went through this myself, and many people don't know this about me- mostly because it is a huge failure on my part, and I hate that I did it. I entered a master's program for public administration. I took two classes (it was a part time program), and dropped them both. My reasons? "I changed my mind", "it was too hard". Really? I quit on myself. I let those voices in my head govern my behaviour. I had no one encouraging me to stick with it, and I had no one reminding me that life isn't always easy or convenient. I had nothing but excuses, and it is still something to this DAY that I regret. Now? with a full time job, my law degree, and a small child? No way. Can't do it, without taking away from my child. Sure, I am *fine* (well, some people think that), but it is still something I regret doing. No way was a master's program in public administration more difficult than law school, which I entered two years later, and successfully completed.

Bri- I am super sorry to hear about your decision. I do think you will come to regret it.

10-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Vet techs do NOT make a glamorous living. In fact, I barely make enough to cover my bills and pay off my student loans from going to school. And I am registered!!!!! If I was not living with my boyfriend and splitting utilities/rent... I would probably still be living at my parents. And that's the sad truth. But my current employer also terribly underpays us.. I should be making at least $2-3 more an hour than I do... Hence why I am looking for another job :D

But remember, as a tech, you are not limited to only working in small animal clinics. You can go into many different fields... research being one that I know makes an ok pay, and food companies pay a decent amount too...

Point being... you have to do something you love.. regardless of pay... if making money is something that is important to you, then a vet tech is not the route you wish to take.

10-24-2012, 10:26 AM
Point being... you have to do something you love.. regardless of pay... if making money is something that is important to you, then a vet tech is not the route you wish to take.

That is such foolish, youthful advice. Most of us need $$ to live. That one also loves what one does is a blessing. But, to say "regardless of pay..." yikes.

10-24-2012, 11:50 AM
I agree with Danielle, if you really hated Science, you wouldn't enjoy Vet Tech School anyway.

I to, am a little concerned with your decision. No one here is saying you HAVE to go on to Vet School, hell, you don't even need to be a Vet with the Animal Science Degree. I was in the FFA and we learned that there was plenty of other things that can be done. I am pretty sure you can be an RVT with that too, if that's what you really wanted. You can work in agriculture, research, Veterinary Science, go on to Grad school, etc. You just have a LOT more options with the Bachelors. You may be worried about loans, but you already have some from UT anyway, you're almost done, I think you should just finish to.

Last year, I was so ready to give up on being a Science Major because of one math class, one math class. I actually went as far as changing my major to Xray Technology, something my parents wanted. I knew and still to this day know I would have regretted that a hell of a lot. If I got lucky and had gotten a job in that field (with a little research I learned that it is not so easy anymore), I would have been miserable thinking of what could have been if I had just worked a little harder. I always think of selling myself short, and still do sometimes, but it always comes down to my ultimate goal. I've learned from my internship and newer experiences what I was meant to do and just because I don't do well in a MATH, doesn't mean I can't achieve it. I may be in under grad a little longer, I may have to go to grad school, I may have to move to some remote area for a little while for a job, but at least I know if I keep my grades up, gain experience, do internships, and keep learning I can come up with some sort of resume, get a entry level position in the Fish and Wildlife service or some other Gov't Agency related and start from there (or even look in the private sector). Life wasn't meant to be easy, and that took me FOREVER to realize. and guess what? I passed my math class!

I wish you luck in whatever you decide...just my point of view.

10-24-2012, 02:35 PM
That is such foolish, youthful advice. Most of us need $$ to live. That one also loves what one does is a blessing. But, to say "regardless of pay..." yikes.
Well you obviously need money to live. The point I was making is if you want a huge salary, then being a vet tech is not the profession you want to be in. And being a tech is definitely one of those jobs you must love, regardless of the pay, because you don't make a lot. Period. But someone has to do it. I don't consider this "youthful, foolish" advice when this is very relevant.

10-24-2012, 07:56 PM
Dropping out would be the biggest mistake you can make. The first year of vet school is always the hardest, once you get into the next yrs and start real hands on work it gets so much more interesting. Everything worthwhile in life is hard work but very satisfying when you graduate and know you're set for life in a job you love---imagine getting paid for doing something you love.
Taking " a rest" is something you will regret-- some students do go back but most never do. And don't kid yourself, vet techs do not do almost the same work a vet does and some are not very well paid for the work that they do.
I think you should reread all the great advice you were given and just make up your mind that you will do this no matter what it takes....giving up might make you happy for a few yrs but down the line you will always regret it.

10-24-2012, 10:41 PM
And don't kid yourself, vet techs do not do almost the same work a vet does and some are not very well paid for the work that they do.
Totally missed this part of the post... I echo this: Vet techs absolutely do not do anywhere close to the same job as a vet, hence the huge difference in pay. Do we work harder physically during the work hours? Yes. In the US anyway, we are forbidden to diagnose, prognose, perform surgery or prescribe medications. These are things only a vet can do. And those 4 things is a huge bulk of what goes on in this medical field. And this is for a registered tech. You are even further limited as to the duties you are allowed to do if you aren't registered!!

We are a support staff, we support and help the vet. But we are not vets...

Any job you go to school to train for or work towards is going to leave you with debt. You have to ask yourself if that's something you can see yourself doing long-term. I strongly recommend against dropping out of school altogether, though!! That would be a huge mistake and you would very likely end up regretting it later.

I don't recommend doing what my friend did... started uni fresh out of high school, ended up switching majors every year for her first 4 or 5 years in uni... cost her parents thousands upon thousands of dollars... she finally graduated this past year. If you're not sure... stick in school, get some gen ed classes out of the way, work toward your associates or bachelors degree... then crack down on a major when you KNOW what you want to do.

I "took a break" after high school, a 5 year break, but when I finally went to college again it was because I knew in my heart this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

10-25-2012, 05:41 PM
I haven't read this entire post so forgive me if this has already been said. But have you ever worked in an animal related job before? I know you have and love animals but that's not the same thing as working with them. I've known plenty of people who love and have animals and tell me they could never do my job (groomer) and people who love and have animals and have tried to be a bather and couldn't handle it. Maybe you should try getting a job as a grooming assistant/bather or possibly vet assistant (if they have those there? I think here you can be an assistant without a degree but not a tech) and see if you can honestly handle that before you jump into vet/vet tech school as I know it's quite pricey. Also it would give you good experience for future training anyway, and it's a paycheck. You can get a job as a bather without any experience at most places, they will teach you. Cleaning up poop/dealing with difficult animals/getting bit is not something everyone can handle, even animal lovers.

10-26-2012, 06:22 AM
my daughter thought she wanted to be a vet until she volunteered with a vet for a year every Saturday, he was pretty relaxed and let her do everything he did, even surgeries

ARE YOU SERIOUS???????? :eek::eek::eek: Yikes - it's a wonder this guy didn't lose his license, and I'm pretty certain he would have, if this fact was publicly known. Definitely not a vet that I would recommend to anyone, or take any of my animals to.

10-26-2012, 07:22 AM
I know this is kind of off the mark. You've gotten a lot a really good advice here. When I graduated from high school I had planned to go to college to become a paralegal. Unfortunately, my brother's college education took top priority. I've been working since I was 15 years old. I found that the workplace experience far outweighed any education I could have gotten. I became good at what I did through experience. I later went on to work at the 1 thing I had a great passion for... writing. I'm not saying you should quit school all together and go to work. I also put myself through paramedic school. I worked full time during the day as a secretary and went to school at night. I knew that no matter what I would always have something to fall back on. Because being a secretary didn't pay that well, I worked both jobs for 20
years. I was a single parent raising a child. I think what you need to do is talk to an advisor and see if they can give you guidance. I wish you much luck, Bri. And remember, the 1 person you know that no matter what, will be there always for you is yourself.

10-26-2012, 01:27 PM
He's a great vet all his patients love him he was always by her side it was mostly spays and neuters she assisted he let me come in and watch too they were pretty straightforward, this is a great guy people would bring in pets to put down and he would say okay and take them home.

He may have been a great vet and loved by all, but that doesn't change the fact that what he was doing was most definitely illegal and highly unethical. I shudder to think that he was allowing just a volunteer (and a kid, at that), to participate in surgical procedures.

10-26-2012, 01:31 PM
A friend of mine for his SAE project (Supervised Agricultural Experiment)with the FFA volunteered and later worked for a vet. He assisted in surgeries as well, but by assist I mean, handing the Vet tools, things of that nature. I think that's what Caseysmom is getting at.

10-26-2012, 01:48 PM
A friend of mine for his SAE project (Supervised Agricultural Experiment)with the FFA volunteered and later worked for a vet. He assisted in surgeries as well, but by assist I mean, handing the Vet tools, things of that nature. I think that's what Caseysmom is getting at.

I'd like to think that was the case, but I doubt it. She said "let her do everything he did, even surgeries" and "he was always by her side". That sounds to me like he was letting her perform at least some part of the surgical procedure.

My apology to Caseysmom if I am wrong. I really hope that I am.

And that being said - I'll say no more. I am not being confrontational, but I was shocked to read what I did - thus my response.

10-26-2012, 03:23 PM
Bri - a 14 year old in Pakistan was shot in part because she went to school and got educated. Does that not make you appreciate your being able to get an education in your country?

Finish school. Finish this term at least. It will show other schools that you finish what you started.

And if you take a break? I have a funny feeling you will get a job, and get pregnant, and never get back to school...it can happen very very easily.

Do it while you can!

10-26-2012, 05:36 PM
You have a right to your opinion pomptzu no animals were in danger like i said it was routine things. The whole point of my post was that it changed her mind. But she changed her mind a few times that is life and normal but she is still on track in college that is the important thing.
When you start to coin procedures as "routine" in the medical world, you start to let your guard down and get lazy because "its just a routine spay, what can go wrong?". Lots of things can go wrong. I don't agree with it, but I also understand that this type of thing happens a lot, a lot more than most of you pet talkers think. It's one thing if he was allowing her to help on stray animals that didn't have a home (yet), but not on a client's pet.

In any case, what's done is done. No sense getting into ethics over things that happened in the past, I suppose.

10-26-2012, 06:53 PM
When you start to coin procedures as "routine" in the medical world, you start to let your guard down and get lazy because "its just a routine spay, what can go wrong?". Lots of things can go wrong. I don't agree with it, but I also understand that this type of thing happens a lot, a lot more than most of you pet talkers think. It's one thing if he was allowing her to help on stray animals that didn't have a home (yet), but not on a client's pet.

In any case, what's done is done. No sense getting into ethics over things that happened in the past, I suppose.

When I said routine that was my opinion this all happened 6 years ago and I refuse to sit and argue about it that wasn't the point of my post and I really don't care if others disagree like you said its in the past. She got to watch, she got to cut the stitches after he did them she FELT involved enough to change her mind that was my point geez.

10-26-2012, 09:39 PM
Back on track Bri if you can stick it out there are a lot of jobs you can do with your animal science degree besides being a Vet. I am only keeping at this because I care, just remember that please I hope the best for you. My oldest daughter didn't like college and she does have a decent job it can be done but the pay is lower for ever. I was lucky when I met my husband I wasn't in college and he talked me into going to college so it can be done with a guy it just depends, its just that we got a thread about your fiance and shortly after you were quitting school, you can't really blame us.

10-27-2012, 01:29 AM
I've worked as a dog bather before and hated it, but that was because of my boss and unfair treatment.

I've volunteered in a vet clinic, shadowed at UT's vet hospital and volunteered in animal shelters. I love the environment and everything that goes on. I don't care if I get to cut open a dog or just draw blood in the future, all would be satisfying careers. I never cared about the amount of money I made either, so that's not an issue.

I don't get the big deal over Caseysmoms daughter helping with surgery. I've been in ORs before and assisted with a couple of things in my volunteering and shadowing. Heck, in my animal science classes we've castrated piglets, calves, and I drew blood on Brennan. So I mean as long as there is supervision and guidance, I don't see the big deal.


I know you're all just trying to be helpful and I appreciate it.

I'm not 100% sure what I want to do in regards to this yet. I've talked to a couple of vet tech schools and I've registered for classes at UT next semester until I make up my mind.

You'll all be happy to know Michael isn't too thrilled with the "take a few semesters off" idea.

Either way I'm going to vet tech school, it's just a matter of when. The taking Semesters off thing is mainly a way to work and save money to relocate. Since I'd have to move an hour away from home when I transfer. I'm still thinking and debating and haven't made a final decision yet.

I also found out I can't drop the other class I need to without owing the university money :/, so I'm gonna have to finish it out and retake it later. I also found out a lot of my credits probably aren't going to transfer, so I'm going to end up retaking a lot of animal courses and the few sciences involved in vet tech. There are less actual sciences (bio, chemistry, etc) and animal sciences don't bother me.

So I will keep everyone updated!

10-27-2012, 01:30 AM
Also apologies for any typos, typed all that on my phone and cant edit it and autocorrect is not my friend lol

10-27-2012, 12:31 PM
Well we are cyber friends and don't ever want to alienate you from being comfortable here want you to feel comfortable to come her and talk.

10-27-2012, 03:38 PM
And friends don't let friends make big changes in their lives without poking their noses in...heck, jumping right in on it!

I never thought I would sound OLD and be saying stuff like "looking back" etc...But you are in such a perfect position to get everything you want now as far as an education. I know your mom is having troubles and you have financing for classes. However, whenever you get out in the world on your own, with a partner or not, it really IS much harder to get back in the groove.

I think of it like you are in a river. The currents and directions may change, but keep going with the flow. If you get out, and you're all dried off and in clean clothes and comfy, it'll be harder to jump in again - in the middle of the flow!

OK, it's winter here, chilling my gray matter...

To echo what someone else here said, first year is a b****! And I was just in Arts! It's almost like a test to see who is good material. Second year was HEAVEN by comparison.

You can do it. Even if you have to take a course over again, you may have a different teacher - and that makes all the difference!

You go girl - you can do it!:):love::love: