View Full Version : Amy!

11-26-2002, 09:08 AM
In case you missed my post! lol.. :D

Hey Amy -
Well, I haven't STARTED offically yet, hehe.. the lady will call me tomorrow to confirm everything. I think I'm the same as you, brushing, bathing, pretty much, I'm a beginner, so they'll help and train me.. I can't wait, though. LOL, when the lady (Pam is her name) told me about the stories.. they had a 175 lbs Newfoundland come in.. they had 7 puppies come in (welsh corgies!) to get groomed.. the people there are so friendly!!
I think there's 2 people who works there for now.. I'll know my hours for SURE by tomorrow, so I'll let you know. Ooh, they want me to use the computer too, they want to show me stuff, so I guess I'm gonna work on the computer too as well w/ the grooming job, etc.

I know, so far, I'd work on Wednesday (2:30-8 or 9pm), Thursday (same times), and on Friday (2:30 - 6pm).. and sometimes on weekends if they NEED me!! You haaaaave no idea how happy I have knowing that I got a job and that it INCLUDES animals! It's like the job I always have wanted, LOL!
You know what? I thought about your hilarious stories when I got there, LOL, when you got bit and stuff, haha. I think I'm allowed to bring my dogs along there, but, I'll ask to make sure It'd be cool to bring Anna in! But I know her - she's paraonoid in new places, but not Rosie. I think she'll be alright!!
Oh, at that place, it's pretty small!! When I walked in yesterday, there was a black lab, a real sweetie! They showed me around, it's a cool place! Even the lady told me about herself.. her name's Pam, and she has went to school in Oklahoma, and I thought "Cool! Garth was from there", haha.. I didn't mention anyting about it. :P

Oh, I told her that I drew animals, right? SO she was excited and asked me all about it, and so, I'm gonna bring in drawings to show to her.. hehe. So, I guess that's all I got to say for ya! Anythin' else you want to ask??

Oh, how's Reggie, Smokey, and Nebo? Anna and Rosie are doin' fine.. Rosie is still having that problem with peeing in the house (AHH!! I'm still tryin' to figure out what's going on though..)
Alright - good news - I got $, so now I'm able to go out and buy things for you and Kayann for Christmas... I have 2 things for you and 2 things for Kayann..

Ok, wow, this is the longest reply I've given you on PT I think!
Alright, I'll see you later! I have school today and tomorrow, and I'm off for the rest of the week! YES!! Maybe we can have one or two of those long nights of chattin', I miss those times! Haha. See ya later!

- Rachel

11-26-2002, 11:22 AM
What day do you start then? I can't remember. We had a huge Newfoundland come in too. She was so sweet! :D The shaved her down too, and she laid on the floor and feel asleep while they did it. That's cool that you will have a computer to use! We don't have a computer in the grooming...don't even have a cash register, they pay for it in the actual Petco store.

I don't have to work weekends wahahaha. Actually, I can come in any Saturday if I feel like it...but umm....I never feel like it.
:rolleyes: We're not open on Sundays. That will be great if you can bring Anna and Rosie in! It's so nice to be able to have your pets with you, and also keep them smelling nice! hehe. When Anna starts shedding real bad, just take her there and blow her coat out with the dryers. Nebo really doesn't shed bad at all (yet) because I take him quite often to brush him out, he's only been bathed twice though...doesnt' really need that. I haven't dared take Reggie or Smokey, cuz Reggie would just sit there and BARK BARK BARK at EVERY person that walked by, and Smokey would pee all over. Lately Nebo has been completely freaking paranoid about everything (check out the Skittish Nebo? thread in dog behavior)...but he's normally ok at the grooming salon.

That's cool that they know you draw animals! Maybe you could make some designs for them or something. One of the groomers knows that I do Pet Portraits, but nobody else does.

Hmm....maybe now that you have a job you can actually afford to mail that tape. ;) ;) Well, you've held it off this long, I suppose you may as well wait until Christmas now. lol. Hey you work more hours then me which means you have more money which means you get to fly to Utah, right? Right? Right??

I have to work all this week except Thanksgiving. It sucks. *pouts* I'm sure I'll be on for the weekend though...and actually, I stay up late every night on the net, so maybe I will catch you on your day off at night.

11-26-2002, 03:31 PM
Hey Amy - I might start TOMORROW or next Wednesday. I still have to wait for the phone call, if she ever calls, lol. It's making me nervous!
I checked out that thread about Nebo.. I wonder what's the problem!! Maybe it's just a phrase he's going through?
LOL yeah, I'll be able to afford to send the tape soon... but.. it'll go w/ the christmas stuff, okay? Well.. oy, I can't think of anything to say.. so I'll be on later.. so come on late this week, because I'm off all week!! :)