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11-25-2002, 07:12 PM
I thought it would be fun to see what kind of musical people we have here!! I play the cello and a touch of piano, violin, and organ.:)

11-25-2002, 07:13 PM
I don't play now, but when I was younger I played the french horn.

11-25-2002, 07:18 PM
i play clarinet, saxophone,some piano and harmonica a little bit.

11-25-2002, 07:25 PM
I played percussion (drums) in school. I liked when I played chimes a few times in high school. My step-son is playing trombone in middle school.

11-25-2002, 07:29 PM
Voice! I started out on piano (so can play some, but not well without practice, my left hand is slower than my right ...), played clarinet, baritone and tenor saxophone also, and am now in a hand-bell choir! (My niece has my clarinet, so I am out of practice at that.) Mostly, I sing (soprano, alto, some tenor, depending on what is needed!).

All Creatures Great And Small
11-25-2002, 07:35 PM
My armpit:p :p :p :p

I played the piano and the viola as a kid, but I never got past the level of playing like a kid. I was particularly horrible on the viola - I don't know how my mom could stand to hear me practice in the house!:p :o I suppose if I really tried hard I could remember how to play "chopsticks":p

11-25-2002, 07:59 PM
I always always wanted to learn to play an instrument. My parents on the other hand, were VERY opposed to the idea. I regret it so much, because it's probably too late (too late to teach this old dog new tricks). If I ever have kids, I will certainly get them started (if they want to) at an early age!!!

11-25-2002, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
[B]My armpit:p :pQUOTE]

Definitely not a telent to be ignored! It provides for hours of free entertainment! :D ;) :cool: LOL LOL

I play the clarinet and tenor sax. I marched the clarinet in high school and college and I picked up the tenor in college and played it in one of the sit-down bands I was in. I played in the AAMB(Purdue All American Marching Band), Variety band, Varsity band and Collegiate band. Definitely a great experience. I encourage people to get involved in band during school/college as it's a great experience, and builds strong friendships and memories you'll never forget.

Karen, handbells are so much fun aren't they? I can't believe I almost forgot about those! I played the choir chimes (handbells) for my church and sang in the choir when I was quite young. I remember I enjoyed it though!

I also sing...karaoke. Does that count? LOL That's clearly only for entertainment value :p

11-25-2002, 08:25 PM
Well when I was in elementary and the first bit of JR High I played the English Horn and the Cornet for the church youth band, as well as sang in the church kids choir. Then in Jr. High and High school I did the guitar thing...I can still only play a couple of songs though :o oh and I was also in my high school choir, singing first and second soprano. Now it's pretty much air guitar, car drums and well I still sing some though, mostly at work...I sing when I get bored I get bored easily. :D

11-25-2002, 08:29 PM
I played the flute 5-8 th grade and the French Horn in High School. Haven't played either much since

11-25-2002, 09:37 PM
My main instrument is bassoon (of course). But I also play steel drums, in fact I just got out of practice. I've taken several years of piano lessons, and I also play percussion. And in high school I used to play oboe too.

11-25-2002, 09:48 PM
I can play alot of songs on the Guitar. Electric and Aucoustic. I can play a few songs on the piano.

11-25-2002, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I always always wanted to learn to play an instrument. My parents on the other hand, were VERY opposed to the idea. I regret it so much, because it's probably too late (too late to teach this old dog new tricks). If I ever have kids, I will certainly get them started (if they want to) at an early age!!!

It is NOT too late! My sister teaches piano, actually piano and woodwinds, and she teaches many adult students who are beginners. Adults get different material, but it is never too late to learn to play! In fact, her husband also teaches piano, so often they have a parent and a child start lessons at the same time, and in that case, my sister will teach one of them, and her husband the other, so there's no "competition" between parent and child! (She's in Brockton, MA, so it'd probably be too far for you to drive to from NH, but she may know someone closer to you ...)

Our handbell choir has one member who didn't read music at ALL before he joined, and we conned him into starting at the age of 50-something, and he's having fun and doing just fine!

Music is a life-long endeavor. Begin now!

The Cat Factory
11-26-2002, 12:47 AM
Uhhh...the Recorder?? :D I *tried* to play the Flute in school, but I was terrible!

11-26-2002, 01:27 AM
The CD player. It's a great talent I have. It requires so much timing and precision to press that "play" button at the perfect moment.... ;)

I've always wanted to play the guitar, but I'm too lazy to learn. People have always told me I should learn to play a musical instrument (something about my hands and art, I dunno) but well..it hasn't happened. I can't even read music. Maybe one these days I will motivate myself enough to play the guitar, but it's quite doubtful.

11-26-2002, 03:43 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wolf_Q
[B]The CD player. It's a great talent I have. It requires so much timing and precision to press that "play" button at the perfect moment.... ;)

great gift , Wolf Q !!! LOL

I play the piano and flute . I have a guitar too , but never found anybody who was willing to teach me ... :(

The Cat Factory
11-26-2002, 04:34 AM
I really want to learn how to play the Electric Guitar and Drums!

11-26-2002, 05:53 AM
I play the cello. Have been ever since I can remember. I played in elementry school all the way up to my senior year in high school. I was too busy to play in college. I play every now and then, but being so busy all the time doesn't help. I have played the cello for several of my sorority sisters' weddings and Andrew's brother's wedding.

Andrew plays the guitar although not as often as he used to. His musical talent though is is his voice. He has an amazing voice!! He sang throughout hight school and was on the patriot choir in college.

11-26-2002, 08:03 AM
AWWWWW Wolf_Q stole my line- I play the RADIO!!!!! I have about as much musical talent as I do artistic- NONE!

11-26-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
AWWWWW Wolf_Q stole my line- I play the RADIO!!!!! I have about as much musical talent as I do artistic- NONE!

Same here! I decided to take fiddling lessons:D It sounded like cats fighting! The dogs would all run and hide every time I took it out :D

11-26-2002, 09:38 AM
Wow, everyone is so talented. I can play a little piano and a little bit of guitar, but that is all :o

11-26-2002, 09:59 AM
I am musically challenged. I can sing in the shower with the best of them though, even IF the dogs run the other direction yowling!!

11-26-2002, 10:25 AM
I played trumpet 6-12 grade. I use to be able to play a few songs on the clarinet and I can get a few shrill notes out on the flute (something about not having enough air - guess the hot air I'm full of doesn't count LOL) My lil bro is in middle school and is learning the french horn (and trying to teach me at the same time) and the trumpet ( he's only been trying to play it for the last 8 years)

I can sing (badly) along with the radio/cd player

11-26-2002, 12:37 PM
Gee Floppsy, back when I was your age I took piano lessons for a couple of years.
Once I was good enough to do difficult pieces I would buy my own sheet music and play what I liked for fun as opposed to having to play classical stuff in a recital.
Now here is my problem, my piano is still at my parents house in Conn! We don't have the room to fit it up here and we havent been able to move it yet either!
Luckily my in-laws have a piano at their house here in Vermont so I can practice and show my kids some basic stuff, anyone can learn to play Chopsticks!:)

11-26-2002, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
anyone can learn to play Chopsticks!:)

Trust me, I can't :D

11-26-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz

Trust me, I can't :D

ha ha , lol , but I can eat with them !!!! I swear !:D

11-26-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by lut

ha ha , lol , but I can eat with them !!!! I swear !:D

You're still one up on me! I can't even eat with them! When I figure out what my talent is in life, you'll be the first to know. How sad :(

11-26-2002, 02:24 PM
Tanya, if you ever come to Boston, I promise I will teach you how to play "Chopsticks" even if I have to bring my electronic keyboard to your hotel to do it! You can do I, I just know it! :)

I'm an amateur at eating with chopsticks, thought I was passably good at it until we went to Beiing! :eek:

11-26-2002, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz

You're still one up on me! I can't even eat with them! :(

8 years ago , we went to South-Korea , to show our adopted son the country where he was born . As everybody there eats with chopsticks , I practised untill I mastered it ! I can even eat rice with those now !

btw , my hubby gave up and ate everything with a spoon ...
:D :rolleyes: :D

11-26-2002, 09:25 PM
Oh gee I forgot the recorder!!! I play alto and saprano recorder but the tenor is really big and too much money for me. The alto was 20$ and saprano was 10$. I have never had lessons at piano, organ, and violin, but I take cello in school and I'm 3rd chair(but going for 1st next week when we have a new seating test) and in elementary we had lessons on recorder in general music and I was advanced in my class. So I ended up teaching myself to be a hot-shot at that too. Of course I almost took up oboe as well in 5th grade but there were no more oboes in the school and of course I would never buy one of my own:rolleyes:. So my main instrument is the cello. I am really good. In 5th grade, when we gratuated, I got the award for best orchestra player or whatever it was. :) Boy aren't I a musical person. I want to try and play alomost every instrument once I get older. A music teacher would be great for me. I never had a piano in my house but my friend has a grand piano and I go to her house often. I used to have an organ at my house until we sold it so I used to play then. My mom plays the violin so she converts my cello notes so I can play. But of course more than music my real talent is ART.;)

11-26-2002, 09:53 PM
Tanya & Fritz, you and Lut are funny. If you have ever seen the movie Big with Tom Hanks in it, he plays Chopsticks on the giant floor piano with his two big feet.
If he can do it with his feet you can do it with your two best typing fingers, its just a different kind of keyboard.;)

What I am jealous of is people who can play by ear without having the music sheets in front of them.
I remember one guy I went to college with would listen to a song on the radio and then like magic play it perfect on the piano. Now that is a talent!

11-26-2002, 10:44 PM
I can't eat with chopsticks either. I attempted to eat chowmein with chop sticks at the Chinese Restaurant once, but I failed to even get one noodle on the sticks. :rolleyes: I find spoons to be a MUCH simpler way of eating! LOL!

11-27-2002, 12:18 AM
opps I forgot an insurment all this talk of recorders reminded me, I can kind of play the tin whistle, it's like a recorder but it isn't...it's the one used for traditional irish music.

I am also proud to say that I can eat with chopsticks...I'm doing it right now actually, having a late supper, can't play them on the piano though.

11-27-2002, 09:27 AM
He he I can eat with Chopsticks. At frst when I learned how I was at my friend's house and I didn't want to look out of place but I didn't know how, so I just sat there trying to pick up the food and everyone was staring at me!! :o :D

11-27-2002, 10:21 AM
i played Trumpet for five years most people think its so easy cuz it only has three valuves but it was hard you needed alot of air to get the right notes.

11-27-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
you needed alot of air to get the right notes.

Lut, you should take up the trumpet :D :D :D

Just kidding!!!

11-27-2002, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
i played Trumpet for five years most people think its so easy cuz it only has three valuves but it was hard you needed alot of air to get the right notes.

Maybe that's why I can play so well. ;)

11-27-2002, 07:01 PM
I was in the band all 4 years of high school but I didn't play an instrument- I was in color guard- captain junior and senior year. So when people found out I was in band they would ask me what instrument I played, and I told them I played the flag!!

12-08-2002, 06:27 PM
i agree with an earlier post.....i forget whose.....it is never too late to learn to play an instrument! it might even be more rewarding as the desire would be there!

12-08-2002, 07:46 PM
I play the flute and a touch of recorder.