View Full Version : Scariest moment of my life

Aspen and Misty
11-25-2002, 05:23 PM
Me and my sister just returned from The traners house (went good). My sister went into her room to put the crickets and feeder fish in there tank. We heard her walk downstairs when all of the sudden she screams. We just assumed that Mokey left her a nice pretty kitty present outside her door. but we still went down to investigate. Turns out Guy (Oscar) and Kitty's (cat fish) tank broke. Water everwhere and what seemed to be one dead Guy on the floor and a missing Kitty.I stayed on the steps and hugged Abbey while my brother and mother went into try and save them. My brother filled up the sink and then went in the room grabed Guy, A biteing fish no the less, and picked him up, my mother screamed and todl him no so he put guy down grabed a tissue box sooped Guy up and put him in the sink. We had Guy all sistuated and totally forgot abotu Kitty. I called my sister down so she could see Guy was ok, although he was swiming on his side and still recovering from time without air. She then asked where kitty was and it took us a little while but I'm happy to report both are in the sink recovering. Although Guy is an Ugly grey color and has some skales (sp) missing. I think they both will be ok. But we do need some happy thoughts and some great prayers for them and my sister. Guy is her baby boy.


UPDATE- Well, Guy and Kitty are doing pretty good. We have lowered almost everything in there tank to normal level. We give Guy one more minute out of the water and he would have died. When we wetn in to save him I thought he was dead, only a breath every few seconds. He scared us all and I'm so glad he is ok now.

11-25-2002, 05:46 PM
OMG one time Kelsey's tank fell over!! It is really scary!!
My prayers are with Guy and Kitty and of course your family in hope that they will be okay. That must have been really scary. I hate it when that happens. I'm hoping for the best for Guy and Kitty!!:)

11-25-2002, 06:15 PM
Glad both fish are back in the water and recovering!

One time I was driving back to school after Christmas with my friend who had his two fish with us. One jumped out of the bowl, and was flopping all over the floor of the car. I had to pull over, run around to the passenger side and find the fish and get him back in the water! It was quite an experience!

11-25-2002, 06:46 PM
We had a swordtail once who seemed suicidal - he kept jumping out of the tank, so we put a plexiglass cover on it, yet he still managed to jump out one day when I was feeding everyone. Unfortunately, he jumped so that he landed where I could not get him quickly. The fish tank was on top of a very heavy bookcase (filled with heavy books) and the 20-gallon tank full of water didn't make it any less heavy. By the time I got him out from behind it (very small space that he fit between the wall and the bookcase, he was quite dead. Poor fishy.

Glad Guy seems to be recovering ...

11-25-2002, 06:46 PM
Whqat a terribly scary experience. I hope they both perk right back up after their ordeal.

11-26-2002, 12:42 AM
Oh my gosh, that is really scary! I am so glad it turned out okay. Thats very lucky that you guys got them in time! I wonder how it broke :confused:

I'm feeling stressed just reading this thread. I would have been freaking out!! I will keep Guy and Kitty in my prayers.

11-26-2002, 08:07 AM
Yikes! I hope everyone-including your family!!!- recovers quickly!!

11-26-2002, 08:35 AM
:eek: I'm so glad Guy and Kitty are doing okay! How scary!

Do you have any idea how the tank broke?

Aspen and Misty
11-26-2002, 08:55 PM
We have no idea how the tank broke. Thanx everyone. Everyone is doing great. They made it through the night. Guy is still a little bit not himself he is leaning against the rocks still but hopefully will be back to him normal self soon. Kitty is great. Teriorizing (sp) the feeder fish like always :rolleyes: Guy went in the house we built him and really enjoyed it.


ps: Thankyou so much for keeping us and them in your thoughts.